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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. A gift PE I made for my god daughter Alexi when she was having a meltdown a couple months ago. It's just simple and comforting. She loves it. I had to work on it so fast I even reused an old label image. https://luvpotionperfume.com/listing/711510472/alexi-relaxi-pheromone-enhanced
  2. As long as they are stored in a cool dry place, they will last indefinitely. No leaving on windowsills or on bathroom surfaces, and heaven forbid, never leave in a car - storing in a dark drawer is perfect.
  3. Sorry about that Ivy, when the sites and message boards changed over we lost all of our old links to pictures. Tell me what you are looking for and I can post new pix of what we currently have. Thanks!
  4. Allumette comes back every few years in one form or another, it's very popular!
  5. Wow, it sounds like it worked exactly as intended! Woohooo! Sexpionage is perfect for men with low T, and Wanted Man for him might do a little good as well. I would also try using Sexology or Cuddle Bunny if you want to skip the wrestling portion of the evening sometimes. lol
  6. I tried to make the Lemon and Lavender ones as close to the B&B versions as I could. Creamy Almond is a whole new recipe not exactly like anything else, but yes, several will be familiar. When you add copulins to fragrance, it changes the character of the final scent so there are little tweakings throughout, even if I went similar to an older recipe...it's always gonna be a tad different. But if you liked the other, you should like the cop'd version too! I went conservative on the sweetness with the Mocha because people ran the whole gamut from bitter to very sweet in their answers, so it's in the middle. Even the Butterscotch did not turn out as syrupy as expected after the cops were added. Orange Droolious is medium sweet as well, by my standards. I don't think anything is actually ultra sweet. My personal faves are the Mocha, Raspberry, and Resinate, btw.
  7. Yes, we are still working out the kinks unfortunately. The world wide hack a few weeks ago knocked a lot of our work out and we are doing it over.
  8. If you'd like to see the notes, they are now posted here: https://luvpotionperfume.com/shop/21642631/new-releases They will be up on the new site within a day or two. A portion of all sales from this set will be donated to the following charities: ACLU NAACP Feeding America The Trevor Project Planned Parenthood The Human Rights Campaign Native American Rights Fund The Southern Poverty Law Center Natural Resources Defense Council The National Immigrant Justice Center A total of 10 charities for each of the 10 OCCO varieties. As such, we are giving you the option to join us and add $1 to the price of your bottle if you wish. When you see this option, "***+ Donate" it means you are opting to add a dollar per bottle (or bottle's worth of perfume) for charity. Additionally there will be a separate Auction running concurrent with the sale to benefit the charity, RAICES. Thank you for joining us in donating!
  9. If you want sale credit for them you have to wait a couple of days and ask for an invoice as part of your sale order. I am putting them in the cart tonight in prep for that so they will be orderable by morning, but pre-sales will not count towards THE SALE. By the way, I am adding them to the TEMP site first, and Etsy, and then Jennifer is adding them a day later to the new site.
  10. Can you click this link? Please report what happens, thank you! https://lovepotionperfume.com/
  11. It's likely the Honey then, not the apricot. Honey kinda smells like dirty undies...it's musky, smells like sex. That's why it goes well with copulins. On some people, they say honey turns to powder, on my chemistry it smells like pure sex. And yeah, MOST guys love that kind of thing, unless they are the type that only like a freshly showered smell.
  12. As stated above they are all 1/6 oz bottles. (5ml) We want people to be able to get an array for their scent wardrobes without breaking the bank, so we do these in half sizes.
  13. I'm sorry. Not true. We had a malfunction on the website a couple weeks ago with that world wide hack. We lost the drop down entirely and it had to be added back from scratch. The programmer didn't know which ones shouldn't be on the list. I didn't even know they had gotten to that job until I saw your email @StrawberryKitten Thank you for that. I messaged them to update the list. Sorry kids!
  14. Also, due to popular demand, I did rebrews of these three from last year but they will not be sold as part of this new set. They will have last year's labels on them and for sale individually - I will just re-add them to the listing from last year.
  15. We can thank Luna for Resinate and Raspberry Rhapsody and jamming with me until we came up with Orange Droolious.
  16. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/topic/13633-new-releases-for-august-2019-occos/ I have to run to the shop now, more info later!
  17. A portion of all sales from this set will be donated to the following charities: ACLU NAACP Feeding America The Trevor Project Planned Parenthood Native American Rights Fund The Human Rights Campaign The Southern Poverty Law Center Natural Resources Defense Council The National Immigrant Justice Center A total of ten charities for each of the ten OCCO varieties. In addition, we are giving you the option to join in the donation. You will see the option when you buy your bottles "1/6 oz Bottle + 1.00", this means you would like to add an extra dollar for charity. Thank you for joining us in donating! Additionally there will be a separate Auction running concurrent with the sale to benefit the charity, RAICES. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to include these in with your Sale purchases, you have to wait until it starts! No pre-orders will be counted. I'm going to do what I did last year - Trial sizes will be available in SETS ONLY. Bottles individually or in sets, and give you the option to add a $1 to each item if you wish to donate to charity. Bottles are 5 ml, trials are 1 ml, just like last year. Follow the thread down and you will see that I also did 3 rebrews of last years offerings. OCCO: Creamy Almond OCCO: Butterscotch OCCO: Cherry OCCO: Lavender Buttercream OCCO: Buttercream Lemon OCCO: Mocha OCCO: Orange Droolious OCCO: Raspberry Rhapsody OCCO: Resinate OCCO: Sandalwood, Sage & Myrrh
  18. Did you guys see that I posted the Sale Rules today? Is it visible? I had to make it un-invisible and I'm not sure if I did it right - all these new settings!!!
  19. How much sweetness do we want in this coffee?
  20. I'd prefer a coffee incense one, but straight creamy coffee without the chocolate seems to be getting the most requests on my end. ??
  21. Just to discuss the OCCO idea list real quick - in putting this set together, it is overrun with dairy notes. Creamy creamy creamy - 7 of them. I usually try to plan a well rounded set so all kinds of tastes and situations are covered. Does everyone really want a set with most of them being creamy/dairy based?
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