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Everything posted by starlitegirl

  1. Thankfully, I'm very happy and relaxed from the lace otherwise I'd be like 'What are you lookin' at?!' which is probably more of a Leather response. I was using Lace mostly at home because of the self-effects. Now? Loving it even more because it's got a nice social aspect to it.
  2. Wore this to the gym today. Very interesting. Guys keep looking at me. I had a few spritzes of Cougar scented on, but I don't think they noticed that. I think it was the Lace. Definitely a man magnet. I was mostly ignoring them except for two men I'm friendly with that I chatted with for a few minutes. Yet every time I looked up or turned around there was some guy watching me, hovering near me or repositioning himself to watch me. Of course, I'm thinking 'really guys? Now that I don't care? Now you show interest?' Even looking like hell... no makeup, hair up, showing some of the weight I gained this past winter. Did they care? Apparently not. I use the mirrors to check my posture and form and without fail, some dude was always facing toward me, looking right at me (hard to ignore when you're looking into mirrors - corners of my eyes always catches this - a paranoid vigilant behavior developed after being attacked many, many years ago). The extra plus side here is that the Lace also makes me all 'la la la la, don't care, two, three, four' as I'm doing my sets. Kind of a win-win. Made my workout actually FUN where Leather makes them intense. Funny thing is that I put Lace on because I felt like grrr this morning, and on those days, Leather on me is definitely not good for my mood. Makes me bitchy and cranky and like I want to give lots of dirty looks to pretty much anyone that crosses my path with a questionable look (which is anything but a smile). And I have to say that Lace is PERFECT for these kind of days. It's like magickal fairy dust that makes me feel peaceful and relaxed and all joy to the world. Sometimes it even makes me want to take a happy nap (particularly after a kicka$ workout).
  3. With some leather and EOW I'm certain he will... in a good way.
  4. I have a trial of this one coming. The reviews have me very curious.
  5. I suspect they'll be running late with Taxes this month plus isn't SG still with her family? If it's Mara alone and having to deal with taxes I'd suspect the last week of April. Anytime before that would be miraculous.
  6. The generosity is really us just trying to lure you into the addiction. Basically, we're nothing more than a bunch of crack dealers.
  7. We need to start a begging for our favorite PEs thread!
  8. I'm hoping Mara recreates it when they do the best of PEs in August. I have a few bottles of it and don't wear it much at all because I am afraid to use it up. It's absolutely delicious.
  9. PINK!!! It's light and sweet and, for me, because I wear scents that blend well with pink while not changing the scent I'm wearing, it is my 'go to' for the summer.
  10. I liked White when I tried it at first, but I wore it recently and it was more EOW than vanilla. So I think I need to get another bottle or the trial set to test it again. The sources were from trades, and there is some difference.
  11. RED RED RED RED RED RED RED I have pink and gold but I always seem to grab red probably because it's such a yummy scent. Now that the summer is coming I'll probably use Pink a lot more due to a few favorite summer scents and even gold.
  12. Maybe your Alpha signature is just too strong? I'll have to try this tomorrow when I get together with my BFF.
  13. I like your new avatar. I miss the red hair though.
  14. PMS and Leather are a scary combo. I kinda scare myself with this. Best stick to the lace on such days.
  15. That's what I said, Luna. Fuck that shit indeed. It's not everyone, just this primary group led by an overly fake tanned petite woman who looks 50+ and has big fake boobs that she stuffs in bra tops. I just ignore her. Her devotees follow her around like puppies. She might actually be nice but given that when I first started there I said hi to her as I walked by her and she just looked right through me I'm gonna have to say not likely. Since I'm not there more than an hour and always focused on my workouts, it's easy enough to ignore. Her entourage is small and they all seem like jerks.
  16. So today I learned an interesting lesson regarding leather... if you're already leaning toward cranky or bitchy leather is definitely NOT the phero to wear (at least for me). Something was bugging me and then I put on my usual sprays of Leather and on the way to the gym I could just feel my inner bitch getting ready to throttle someone. I had my Xena glare going pretty strong during my workout. Couldn't even try to minimize it. And yes, I did scare some people right out of my path and off the equipment near me. No, I'm not kidding. Xena glare amped up on Leather is someone you do not want to F*ck with. Even the tarty little queen of the gym was cautious in how she looked at me and crossed my path, and she's one who loves to give non-clique people looks like they're beneath her. - On second thought, Leather when you're already bitchy may work better than when you're not. Hmmm?
  17. Black Treacle Trollop Passion & Desire OCCO Red (does this count as a scent or a phero or both?) Garland & Lace V2 ETA Phero top five... Lace Leather OCCO Red Open Windows I don't even have a 5th right now. Lace and Leather pretty much own me.
  18. Damn, u waz fast diz month! Whatz U secret? Quadruple espressos? Special top secret super energy phero? Must have some of dat for my workouts! Okay, seriously, promise me you will take some ME time for yourself, or I iz gonna get ze memberz to gang up on ya and make ya take an afternoon or even a WHOLE DAY off (but after taxes). Now 'bout that money fairy... she's kind of a b*tch sometimes. And yes, liz, I got the package the very next day! Living next door (or next state) to each other has its advantages. ETA: Thank you for sending it. It's one of my new favorite smellies!
  19. Don't trust her! She lies! You owe her nothing!!!
  20. Because there are no buy buttons or because your money fairy has forced you divert funds elsewhere?
  21. And now the masses anxiously awaits descriptions and buy buttons.
  22. I need to wear this one out. I never do. I'm a hope doser. LOL
  23. This one is yummy. So yummy that my skin eats it right up. Drats!!!!
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