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Everything posted by donsie

  1. I also find it sweet and *very* fruity/juicy. Those two combine to be too much like fruit candies for my liking. I am looking forward to testing out the phero, though.
  2. How about tea, lettuce, all sorts of astringent and clean scents after a December that is a butter, cream, chocolate, and sugar-fest for many of us? Also sparkly fireworks and champagne somewhere. I hope you love Bridezilla, cutie.pie!
  3. donsie

    Gothic Xmas

    Wow, SO much spice and lots of lovely fir! Also something that reads as just perfumey to my nose that I can't place otherwise. Maybe that's down to the fig. It smells like being in the centre of the Christmas section of a scented candle shop: a mix of all the proper Christmas smells. No cream, no nuts, but that's not a bad thing at all. Such foody Christmas notes are lovely (hello, Garland & Lace) but it's also nice to wear something seasonal that doesn't make me smell like a plate of sweets.
  4. I don't always add them... but I'm almost always tempted!
  5. donsie

    Lost Luggage

    Love, love, love this story! Mr Katz's reaction makes me think of my dear step-dad. My brother calls him "Sid", short for Siddharta, because he's so chill about most things.
  6. Ha! It was quite something, NuTrix. I've never known anything like it! And most importantly my coat survived unscathed.
  7. I can't speak for phergineer but I am surely going to keep trying. I'll also try more LFM next time I use it! My surprise hit happened earlier this week. I applied six sprays just before leaving the house and was soon trotting for the tram just behind a middle-aged, middle-class man. The tram was set for pulling away without us so the man gestured to the driver to hang on as we approached. The driver gestured back to hurry us on and we sped up. My hot drink sploshed out of my travel mug just as we stepped onto the tram, which this guy saw. He came over to whinge about the driver for hurrying us and thing and I politely chatted back that it was frustrating to have run and spilled drink on my coat but then took my seat. He followed and sat in the next berth but kept going on about how we had been wronged and all sorts. He then complained to the conductor and tried to rope me in to supporting his complaint. I was about ready to laugh or sit elsewhere. Luckily another passenger finally sat with me and the man stopped checking in with me. What he did do, though was get the conductor's attention *again*, this time to try and play my knight in shining armour by complaining on my behalf, whispering to the conductor about how I had been forced to run and spill my drink, and that he wasn't saying this for himself but because he was concerned about me. He just wouldn't let it drop, this idea that I needed an apology. I was thankful that by this time it was nearly my stop so I was able to move to the back of the tram and away from my white knight. I also passed the conductor and managed to explain that I was sure the fellow meant well but that I was perfectly fine, etc. The conductor and nearby passengers all thought it was very amusing and odd but I knew the guy wasn't bonkers: it was the Mega Watt!
  8. Excellent questions and suggestions, NuTrix! You've really got me thinking. Well, I'd say I may have been a bit more self-assured about taking responsibility in my role. I didn't necessarily feel as subordinate as I can, like I need to check in on doing things that really do not require that. It was a hectic day but I did handle it competently and took on some challenging situations and people. I only felt frazzled when I was rushing to escape the office on time at the end of the day! So very possibly I was feeling effects but they were so smooth and congruent I wasn't aware they were even there. Talk about set and forget! As someone who doesn't tend (with certain notable exceptions) to get/notice selfies it is an unusual thing to be trying a new blend that is mainly about self-effects. I did have a very amusing instance with a fellow commuter whom I think got knocked a bit sideways by Mega Watt. I'll have to pop back and write it up soon!
  9. I have a visual imagination but I can't draw (pathetic, isn't it?), so I think in movie clips. As soon as I read your plans for work my mind's eye jump cut to a little film of an office full of sex-crazed, truth-telling, pre-holiday co-workers. Like, two are sitting behind a potted plant confessing their love and snogging each other's faces off, a few others are edging ever closer to fisticuffs because of someone's perpetually stolen lunches, management are disclosing company secrets like Wikileaks, a few folks are finally hinting to the cleaner about who keeps stealing toilet paper and filling up the bins last thing on a Friday, and everyone else is finally telling Matt from Finance that he looks a prat in those shiny shoes. I really hope it isn't like that for you but I also kind of don't want you to tell me the true results and ruin my imagined mayhem!
  10. I hadn't, cutie.pie. I've never used the wax melts so I'm not sure what the benefit of one would be over a spray. Off to do some reading on them...
  11. I also skipped lunch yesterday because I was so busy, so I'm not sure which it was that made me tired! I'm going to keep experimenting with MW based on this, though. Fingers crossed I'll be conscious of the benefits and not just their lack!
  12. I'm thinking of trying this one but I'm a bit wary of spending on an FB of something I've never tried and thus which may not work for me. So yes, please do post reviews/experiences!
  13. You may just not respond to this blend. I've tried 6 sprays and nada... I don't think. I did notice that after about four hours I started to feel *exhausted* and I am slightly suspicious about whether I got a boost from the pheros after all but only noticed feeling different when they wore off. Very curious. 7 sprays next time!
  14. I'm with NuTrix: cop everything! I just like the way they smell. Weird this may be but I don't care!
  15. LMF combined with the right vibe might make you see too awesome to approach. SWS maybe, too, as you'll seem just so damn professional. Maybe Dom?
  16. It starts out with clear woods and vetiver on me taking things to the masculine end of unisex but my skin has the strange ability to break almost any scent's will and make it into a feminine incarnation of itself. Thus Mean Business ends up drying to a very slightly foody and creamy softness from the vanilla (probably also clove and tonka) with a touch of sweet balsam.
  17. AH! Same here, LoveStruck! WTF? It MUST be hormones -- everything smells different at the moment. My reaction wasn't quite as intense as yours but I did have a couple of hours wondering if a full bottle really was necessary. It calmed down after those few hours, though. Thus I'm still thinking yes, but what a freaky thing to happen.
  18. It's just so... pretty is the best word. Everything melds wonderfully and just leaves a beautiful, slightly sweet feminine floral.
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