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Everything posted by donsie

  1. donsie

    EBIL-ish 2014

    I'll come back and do a proper review of the perfume itself but I just wanted to pop in and say how excellent the label is for this one. I think the October 2014 releases have been the best labels I've seen.
  2. Aw, that is such a great result, VV! I'm really happy for you!
  3. It's not that it always does that or anything, just an occasional (OD? incongruity?) effect that has been noted on the boards. I think sometimes the mystery is too mysterious and some people around us can be overwhelmed by that level of queenly vibe. It has been referred to specifically by that word here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6626&p=345038 And here it's talked about in terms of "chilly" and not making the wearer as accessible as other blends: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6626&p=348384 And how it can make you seem "stern": http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6626&p=348392 And here it seems that the dose plus, perhaps, a certain type of personality can make the wearer seem unapproachable: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8973&p=326192 And Vladmyra's excellent "floating carpet swan" description: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6626&p=348397 Then again, others have a *totally* different reaction, especially in terms of selfies: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8761&p=313958
  4. Wet this is a bright citrus-berry. The black raspberry reminded me a bit of Tickle, Tickle and I was concerned that it was going to go all scary and medicinal in the same way. Luckily the lime calmed down quickly and the berry started to settle within the first couple of minutes, too. This one changed constantly through dry-down and it smelled different every time I took a sniff. I've never experienced a perfume changing so much in the first 15 minutes. Next I could really smell the pink sugar and the vanilla was indeed cakey. In the first 30-60 minutes it reminded me of a lime/lemon drizzle cake with raspberry curd. It wasn't too sweet -- the fruit kept things bright. I next smelled this one about four hours after application and it had changed again! I have been left with a beautiful soft, slightly dry amber layered with faint vanilla (less cakey now) and the lightest touch of patchouli. There is only the occasional whiff of pink sugar coming through. I received a compliment on this stage from my main squeeze, too. As I'm not a bonafidy member of the Cupcake Club and I'm a bit leery of strong citrus I wouldn't call this a love, at least not until it has been worn for hours, but I am interested to see how future experimentation will play out. Sadly no news on the phero, but I'm certainly going to keep trying!
  5. If I were doing this I'd use Topper over the LFM+OCCO combo to try and stave off that slight sense of aloofness that folks sometimes get from LFM. Of course maybe you don't have that issue with it. Bacon helps makes friends.
  6. Rose, Sorry, I didn't mean to sound insulting. I know people on here are really nice about their collections and not rubbing it in. I meant more along the lines of being pleased with yourselves for knowing you'd been smart enough to get in there early! The cat that got the Beautiful Dreamer, really. Sorry to hear that it isn't quite what you were looking for in terms of effects. I hope it works better on subsequent attempts you make. If not then I hope you find your perfect sleep potion soon!
  7. FBs of Beautiful Dreamer are sold out. Begin mourning (or feel smug that you bought a stash). ETA - I mean self-satisfied, really, not smug. You LPers who spot the trends and know what you like deserve your rewards!
  8. I also don't get consistent results from Cougar. Have you tried Lumina? I had this suggested elsewhere on these boards for people not quite getting consistent Cougar hits. If I were in your position I think I'd go with BLAM! (Like a Magnet + BAM!). It's a lot of fun with a clear sexy signature and no Est to worry about scaring off any young guys. Or, for appearing younger, Levitation (or OW + Topper) and some cops. UK style? The hors d'oeuvres might be pork pies. Even so, have fun!
  9. Oh, thanks for the tip-off, Mara. I got a vial because I love T.M.I. so much but now I have another way to try it.
  10. I already loved this in the bottle and could hardly wait to give it a trial run. Wet it is sweet, sensual, and a touch spicy with the resins at the back of the scene. The smell is almost boozy, which I get a bit sometimes from some of Mara's sugary, dark vanilla concoctions. As time goes on the vanilla and sugars share the stage more with the honey, which leads into a more prominent amber and patchouli base. Even with more prominent resins, though the whole remains sweet and sexy with just a touch of lift from the musk, which is the least noticeable note to my nose. I would characterise the scent as a mix between what I love about Rocket Fuel, Sexology, and OCCO Black with none of the intensity about the latter that I find a bit unpleasant. There's even a reminder of the resins I loved in Sex & Violins, though maybe that's also down to the scent of the Dominance pheros. The cops are completely covered as far as I can tell. Ah, yes, the pheros. Holy hell is this sexy. I may even have noticed some selfies, which is basically unheard of for me from sexy blends. It also hit it's mark with the target, unlike cops alone ever have and better than almost any other blend I've tried on him. It is a most excellent combination (I already had good things to say about Dom) and I adore the scent. I need a bottle of this one.
  11. Welcome, Mai! Glad you found your way over from Amazon. It's a shopfront with a lot of exposure but this is where the real fun is! Wow, it will be great to read reviews from someone who also make their own scents, and to hear about how you make them.
  12. It looks like Elfin Plum features an elf dude on the label, so maybe that. But really, I would have thought you were made to sport Snowman Poop. Poor wallet. Can't LP just have a month of terrible scents no one wants? Sounds perfect for the new year. It'd be like a wallet diet for January.
  13. Awesome review, QG! And I think that as well as the longed-for Bitch Be Gone phero blend Mara might consider making some Drama Dampener, too!
  14. Memorare, I'm sorry to hear about your dad's illness. I think you'd already had some excellent advice upthread from people who have actually tried pheros around people with dementia. I never have, so this is based on logical inference from my use of pheros and my personal and professional experience with people with dementia. I will state the obvious and suggest avoiding pheros like 'enone that might cause you dad to feel he is facing aggression, which might compound his agitation. Beyond that it's probably a case of trial an error to find the best fit. I think what is strongly in favour of wearing uplifting, bonding, and calming pheros around someone with the communication and cognition difficulties that arise in patients with dementia is that they can perceive those signatures on a non-verbal level. The don't have to read body language, remember perfect details of your past together, or have a full grasp of the words you are speaking. The pheros can help them feel safe and happy without those other means of reassurance. That can only be a good thing.
  15. Caveat: my nose is still wonky from having a cold so I can smell (I think) but everything is really faint, like someone turned down the volume... in my nose... erm, just go with it. I get lots of smooth, soft vanilla over everything but I can also detect warm, sweet and slightly spicy amber. At the very start up to about 10 minutes after application there is also gentle lavender of which a tiniest hint might remain; it is so subtle that I might just be inferring it because I know it is supposed to be there. It just adds the slightest refreshing lift to keep the soft sweetness of the vanilla and amber from being too much or so gentle as to be boring. Everything blends perfectly to leave something as smooth as that model's hair. This really reminds me of a candle my aunt used to have in her company bathroom. Scent memory is weird! I can remember so many details of the candle and the room but not what kind it was. Anyway, I'm sure this is better. No sense of things on the phero yet but I'm looking forward to experiencing Balm Bomb. ETA: I think it did help me relax and get a better night's sleep. The jerk neighbours were having a loud party and while we managed to get to sleep around 12:30 they woke up up again at 2:30. I had to go round and tell them off. Despite being agitated about the continuing problems with them and having had to get up and deal with that I was able to fall back to sleep almost immediately. I also didn't wake in a panic around dawn. These are both fairly out of character for me, as was sleeping until 9!
  16. I think Bang! would be better than LAM but only if you're not feeling like Gotcha! so moving things along as you'd like. If you feel it makes a positive difference bit just isn't fast enough you might stick to it and be patient. Or up the cops a bit -- I think you were already wearing this with some but, as I'm not sure how old you are or your personal chemistry (obviously) it might be that you could increase the cops a smidge to make sure he really gets the message that you are a sexual being who is interested in him in this way. Now if you really do want to try something different -- do you have Sexology? I love that one and it is obviously sexy but I don't find it to be intimidating or aggressive in how it is perceived. It's not scary-level , masculine "do me now". The description itself explains that it was "designed to encourage a deep lasting emotional bond with a decidedly lustful edge" which sounds right. It has the magic of both EST and b-nol, so you'll come across a feminine and emotionally close/available/safe. I happen to think the scented potion is particularly delightful, too. And I've had great date results with it. There was touching and kissing and whatnot but also a stream of compliments and conversation. Mind and body both get some play. Good luck!
  17. I never fell for this one but I wanted to pop back and say that I did get a number of compliments on it as I finished off the vial recently. I think, as others report, the aging smoothed things out a bit with this one. Also, regardless of the scent I came to really like this one for the Gotcha!, though as some others have observed it seems to be at least as much of a hit with women as with men! I absolutely held court among a bunch of younger strangers at a recent party. Like, they would not let me stop talking and explaining for HOURS and I hadn't met a single one before. So, I not only got lots of very friendly female attention but one particularly remarkable bit of male attention. He played it cool for most of the night but then as we were saying our goodbyes he stared long and intensely into my eyes - no blinking or anything. It was almost uncomfortably long but certainly not aggressive -- there was no mistaking what was behind it! Totally unexpected and a pretty clear hit, I think.
  18. Well, PM has no cops so not to worry there. Gotcha! has a touch of cops but I wear them together and don't have problems. As for which one to choose, I think either could be good depending on how you two have related so far. I'm a fan of both but I'd probably just let PM edge out Gotcha! if I had to choose. Plus, if he's not into commitment then PM might spook him a bit and help weed him out early! If that's NOT what you want then maybe try Gotcha! Do you have a clean, empty trial vial sitting around you could use to mix a tester of phero'd Tropique. You could do one with PM and one with Gotcha!, even.
  19. Yeah, gotta respect a person who goes with two festive poop names for perfumes. Delightfully silly! Also, this Ashes to Dust business sounds intriguing as something seemingly in the tradition of remixes of past LP greatest hits. I have to do some research. ETA: Oh, wow, not sure how I'm paying for it yet (details, details) but I will need some Ashes to Dust.
  20. I am really curious to try this once my cold goes away. I'm not wasting any by applying until then but I had to sniff in the bottle when it arrived and I get loads of sort of...juicy (must be the fruit) coconut. Somehow it doesn't seem beachy-Hawaii-tropical though. Intrigued to see if I get the florals Tyvey mentioned once it's actually on my skin.
  21. Yes, CB is certainly sexual. Don't let the innocent name fool you! Also, it works a freakin' treat on the softer blend responders. I would imagine that if your fiance if also concerned about his dad or just dealing with holiday family stress the edge in Sexpionage in particular might not feel so much exciting as over-the-top. So, Sexology and CB would be the ones I'd pack for that purpose. I hope his dad gets well soon.
  22. Well, I hope you love it! And it certainly isn't autumnal to my nose, so at least one thing in your arsenal will offer you some variation.
  23. This smells awesome in the bottle. I can't wait to see what it turns into once it has warmed up to room temperature, settled after shipping, and isn't being sniffed through a blocked nose.
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