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Everything posted by donsie

  1. Yep. I was looking at a 280-something cart, and that was before shipping and without any UN phero samples, of course. I am going to have to slash and burn, obviously. I am finally getting some of the Love Potion variants, though. I'll finally feel like a true member of the LPMP family!
  2. Interesting stuff. Someone should start a names thread where we can put more posts like this, I think!
  3. I'm so glad you've found LPMP and the forum folks, at just when you felt you needed it! I have not found Gotcha! to be disinhibiting toward me when I wear it, certainly not to the extent of letting secrets fly. Now, T.M.I. on the other hand... That being said I don't really get much in the way of selfies from pheros, except with the occasional blabbing from T.M.I.! I have not worn Gotcha when I have been drinking, so I can't speak to that but my educated guess tells me that I would not feel at all worried wearing that one on a night out. Of course this might be different for others. I would say that unlike really loosening the tongue Gotcha! gives that warm glow of being with a good friend. It creates a rapport and makes it feel like your among people who really care about hearing what you have to say... and makes folks want to listen, too. Sometimes this makes you want to talk but it also (and more so in my experience) makes others talk to you. This wasn't necessarily deep dark secrets so much as stories and personal facts, preferences, etc. that we tend to think are only interesting to share with close friends, family, and partners. I had a guy wax rhapsodical about his love of Burt Bacharach and how he likes to take his tea versus his coffee, for instance. He did NOT tell me about any embarrassing high school dates or anything, though. A girl in the group talked all about her grandmother. The conversation just flowed really easily and had a fun, friendly vibe, even from people with whom I had barely exchanged a dozen words in the past. I have not yet found my sweet spot with LFM but when I works I have been happy with the results. I'd say that it's quite different from Gotcha! not only in lacking the sexual dimension from the cops, but also because it does not give that warm glow of a rapport. It says. "it's worth it for you to try and get close to me but I don't need you to." I mean to say that it doesn't create a feeling of intimacy so much as a desire for intimacy on the part of those around you. Does that make any sense?
  4. Hi, Halo. I was just thinking of coming back to add that suggestions of things that work best in oil would be appreciated. That's the tricky thing with the socials in sample form. Gotcha! sounds better and better. Thanks for thinking of the diffusion issue.
  5. Thanks for those suggestions, Halo. I'm especially interested in Gotcha! And so many people have so much to say about Open Windows. I've tried it in scented potions but haven't seen it's magic yet, so was thinking the UN might give me an opportunity to play around with it a bit.
  6. Okay, ladies. If I were to get, say, 4 UN samples which ones should I try? I have PM and LFM UN. I'm wondering what you'd add to work toward a well-rounded collection. I like SS4W but it only seems to work for me in MRF. There is no logical reason for this, I know. I have had mixed success with LFM. I love T.M.I. but might just save up and get a big 'un. ETA: I forgot -- I also have Topper.
  7. You have a great array already! I guess the difference is that BI is a more cops-heavy than Gotcha! (and, I think, BANG! but feel free to correct me). Gotcha! isn't just sexy; it is also disinhibiting and leads to conversation. I find it also works on women and influences them to be open and conversant. In other words it works in more than just a date-type situation. A small mix group of friends is also a good place for Gotcha! if your intended target is there. It's appropriate to wear in that situation where as BI might not always feel appropriate in such a group. I'm impressed by your collection already, though! I only have two UNs (Perfect Match and LFM). I'm totally clueless as to what samples sizes to try myself. I hope you get some that really knock your socks off!
  8. I think I'll be going the invoice route, too, Rose. I am sure I'll bollocks it up otherwise.
  9. Not a slave to cin? Gratz! Oh, wow, I've got my Amazon review boost and now I'm a Thaumaturgist. I'm not sure I gets much better, really.
  10. I've said it before but this time it's the truth! I'm planning on ordering a sample set for the first time ever! Plus about 100 other things, of course.
  11. I'm beyond excited to overwhelmed. I don't know what to do/order and I've never got a sampler set before so I don't know how anything works. I'm sort of freaking out! Is it possible to ask for some of the women's/unisex scents to be swapped out for some of the men's? I don't think I want all 17, which would be the obvious solution, but I would prefer two of the men's over two of the women's/unisex, I think. I just don't want to ask for something that is a pain in the backside in terms of packing, stock levels, or any of the various bits of SME retail that are beyond my comprehension.
  12. Sorry the scent doesn't work for you two. I like it but I can give me headaches sometimes. It's also very strong, so I've wondered if it might be an idea to get some UN to boost this. I could get full-strength phero with half the strength of scent, if you see what I mean. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you two to get a chance to try a Cougar scent variation like Pizzazz soon!
  13. I hope he is suitably impressed, phergineer! Congratulations! Woohoo! Tribbles!
  14. Hmm. I like Dominance and I wonder if I'd like Leather, too, or if I'd miss the harder edge of Dom. Anybody have any insight on that score?
  15. I really want to get this one to work for me but haven't quite got there yet. I think I'm going to get a sample of the UN this month and figure out how to get results. The intention just sounds so damn good!
  16. Welcome and glad you took the plunge from lurker to full-on forum gal! It sounds like you are a practical learner. I'm glad you were okay in the end despite those early wobbles! Best wishes on your upcoming wedding. Which of your LPs is your favourite so far?
  17. Wow, that's a grand piece of news! Best wishes!
  18. Excellent visual means of contrasting the two. I don't mind seeming intimidating per se but it would be great to have a social attractant to get some folks over their inhibitions or sense of inaccessibility. Lumina certainly sounds like one to try!
  19. I love cops on their own, too, but my main squeeze is very much in his head and heart rather than... other bits. The little bit of additional complexity from the EST makes this work better can cops alone. He's not alpha but he is very much a caretaker, so it seems to work for him. Yay!
  20. Wow, this delivered the goods tonight. So, I can confirm that if a man doesn't respond as you hope to a blend like Sexpionage then CB should be next on your list to trial. Oh, and it smelled fluffy and slightly fruity. I got lots of compliments and the smell drew him in and caught him like a (cuddly) spider's web!
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