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Everything posted by donsie

  1. Shhhh! We're keeping it quiet so it doesn't sell out too quickly!
  2. Ha, thanks. Glad you thought so because I can write a wall of text and looking back over it it just makes no sense! What I was saying was essentially the same as what the folks up-thread had already put across, so I guess I was just agreeing really.
  3. This is a fascinating threat. I'm enjoying reading all of the detailed and useful posts. Thanks, everyone. I think that you have a reasonable chance of longer-term effects in others where the pheros have given the desired outcome and especially where that is strong. This is because those are likely to arise in situation or with people (wearer and target) who have not only the right pheros in the right dose but also the right dynamic and personalities to make the most of pheros. For instance, I have had the most success with T.M.I. when I wear it around people with whom I am already friendly or at least pleasantly acquainted. This is, presumably, because this already lowered their reserve around me and makes it feel safer to divulge things. If I just wear it out to town I don't get anything like the same result even if I take time to really talk to someone I know less well. So, in terms of changing a person's perception of you in the longer-term I have found that pheros can help where the other elements of the interaction are also sympathetic to your purpose. SWS to work every day is a good example: combine it with diligent and good work and you'll likely give a lasting impression of capability, etc. in the office even if in the rest of your life you're totally scatty or you sometimes miss out the SWS at work. The same goes for a great date complete with congruent phero. The target will be left with the lasting impression (of, say, a feeling of sexual interest and emotional bonding) and if you keep this up in the making-an-impression phase this can become the way your date perceives you consistently: sexy, relatable, good to spend time with. Once this impression is made and backed up with your behaviour you could well rely less on pheros to keep the impression going. Early and strong impressions can carry a long way.
  4. I've never spring for the set before (despite being tempted). This month I might have to get one as an early Christmas present!
  5. Do you think you might be able to soften it with a sugared layerable if need be?
  6. Welcome! Love your avi and user name!
  7. Oh my goodness; your little guy is ADORABLE and I love his name. A really helpful video, too, and thanks for making it clear that you're not trying to victim-blame.
  8. Mr. Mxyzptlk! Anyone want to tell me how to pronounce this one?
  9. I tried this because it was a seasonal sniffy I had on hand. I would normally swerve something with pumpkin in the title because I I'm not really after a pumpkin spice latte kind of vibe. Why, oh why, do I ever doubt you, Mara Fox? I should know by now that if anyone would make a pumpkin scent that is seasonally appropriate without screaming SEASONAL SCENT at me it would be you. Oh you clever thing you! Smells like I've just showered with s beautiful slightly fruity soap but that starts to settle within five minutes and moves toward a juicy, refreshing mix with clear pineapple and something sweeter, which could be apple or a mix of apple and pumpkin. There's just a whisper of spice. As we move to the ten minute mark the apple and spice become more discernible and the pineapple makes way for the juicy and slightly fleshy pumpkin. It stays clean, bright, and juicy (but not tropical) bit with some spicy and body. Never tropical, never like a latte. Yum!
  10. Pathetically late (I took a big internet break for family stuff) but that is sorted so I looked at what had happened while I was gone and WOW! It it super cool to see so many of your faces!
  11. It does last. I tried on a cardigan to ship to my mother in the USA while I was wearing this one. Weeks later when it arrived she said it smelled like my house, 'like incense'. I thought she would hate if any got on there because she normally hates most perfume (a lot of them giver her headaches). So, it lasts and people who hate perfume like it. And it's got Dom. What more could you want?
  12. Wow, I'm inspired to wear this one again soon... just not today because I'm afraid to wear it to the office!
  13. I wore this to work yesterday to see if it could help me focus on a report I have to write. I'm not sure how it did in that regard (seemed to be fine) but I did find the damp, cool earth scent very refreshing and an antidote to the scorching sun.
  14. Lady, I feel your pain because I have had a number of pheros that I just can't get to work on me and also I'm terrible at finding me sweet spot, so even ones that have worked before don't always work consistently (because I'm a bonehead and can't figure out how much I need). Indeed, my first disappointment was SS4W in Sneaky Clean. I do tend to pair with cops -- just a smidge -- and perhaps this might make it work better for you. If not then it is a bummer but from my own hit-and-miss experience I can say that not only is it worth keeping trying different perhos (the left-field ones I don't expect much from seem to be the ones that click for me) but it's also worth trying the same pheros in different perfumes. Maybe try more, too. I think I'm a bit stingy with them to start with because I have tended to find that with some I don't get noticeable results until I reapply for scent purposes. I have also noticed that the warmer weather is making some perfumes behave differently. Luckily this isn't to their detriment for the most part, though. The exception to this is Cougar, which was lovely and bright through the cold months but now it is so *very* strong I can only dab it. What pain for you with MRF, LV. I hope it settles once the weather cools again.
  15. Welcome, and thanks for starting this thread full of helpful information and suggestions!
  16. Good luck to him for his surgery. I hope it goes well. Now, I hope it's not too rude or incongruous to go from that to perfume stories, but can I just gush some more about this stuff? It is the business, no doubt. I cannot think of a single reason why I get absolutely nothing when I wear the same phero in Sneaky Clean but things go bonkers when I wear MRF. In any event, SS4W, I'm sorry I ever doubted you! The scent is interesting, because I wouldn't say it is overly heavy but it is lasting, if that makes sense. It lingers but I feel like even in the summer heat I can get on with it and not find it too much. So, what do bonkers phero results look like in this context? They look like consistent, multiple hits each time I've worn my sample (I pair it with a touch of PheroGirl for the cops). Add a bit of liquor to relax inhibitions and my goodness! Guys I'm deffo not flirting with react as if I am and I go from being perceived as a sexless weirdo to a sexy woman. One poor guy suddenly felt the need to stop our conversation mid-flow and pointedly declare how lucky he was to have a beautiful girlfriend, then ask about my main squeeze. It was like he realised that he was being flirtatious when he shouldn't be and so screeched the chat to a halt to redirect it to safe, girlfriend-remembering ground. Lots of guys at this group outing were very conversant and friendly (tactile, too, despite girlfriends). There was at least one puppy-boy who stuck by me almost all night. The women were friendly, too. I faced one of the only attempts at being chatted up by a stranger of my life. I was given two (friendly) phone numbers by people from my group who wanted to hang out again. Adorable Choir Director could not keep his hands off of me despite not talking to me outside of choir for months. The sample is going quickly and it's looking like FB time because I don't want to be without this one.
  17. Aw, shucks! You're too kind! Sorry your meeting was painful but glad to know you got what you needed to start healing. Yes, I'd be careful with this one at work! I have found the same to be true myself, that after a few times wearing this one I am able to just be very conscious of filtering. I'm a natural gabber, too, so I just remind myself that shutting up gives the other person more room to keep spilling the delicious T.M.I beans and that limits my chances of blabbing anything I want to keep private. Welcome to the forum! What a wild night you had, Lady! What did you do with all that bread? Hope they caught the tire-stabber.
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