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Everything posted by donsie

  1. I can't believe I forgot to post my review, including one of my favourite hits EVER. A few weeks ago I decided to try wearing this to choir practice, just to give it a whirl, really, and since I don't see many people in the week choir is my main place to test pheros on a group of people with whom I am familiar. The smell was pretty and although it is sweet it is not OTT, so great to wear in any situation including those where you might be needing T.M.I. to work its magic. The sweet muskiness sort of reminded me of Cuddle Bunny (along with the risk of make me more prone to headaches), so if you are headache/migraine-prone you might want to be careful to avoid triggers when you wear this one. The star, though, was the phero. I noticed was the centre of more friendly chatting than usual and that was great! The stand-out magic of this one, though, was when a friend from choir invited me to join her on her walk so we could continue our conversation. She dished some very juicy gossip basically unsolicited. She also went on to elaborate and give details, plus her opinion and insights. Again, this was basically unsolicited and out of character for her considering our previous interaction. In summary, T.M.I. is a winner and I would like to have the UN on hand to pair with any scent as and when needed. It's an excellent tool.
  2. I've now lived through second time I've ODd (I think) on this. It seems to be this one mainly that gets me, and Lace once. I know I should be careful, but I love the scented potion and can't help slathering. I swear I'll remember for next time...
  3. I've tried with this one but I don't think we'll ever get along completely. The musty earth persists for hours and hours and what it leaves behind isn't much to my taste. Sadness. I still love you, though, ickle bat! It's certainly unisex when it dries down and I wonder how this might wear on a man.
  4. Same problem for me with Tickle, Tickle. I would like to try Gotcha! and so am saving up to get the UN... but maybe it will end up in a new perfume soon.
  5. This sounds like stuff I need in my life. I never got round to trying B2 but I'm really looking forward to this reboot.
  6. Hmm, I wouldn't say so beyond them both having a fresh, breezy vibe... but if you like one you might well like the other. That's been the case for me.
  7. Welp, this month's NR reveal totally blindsided me. Whee! August sale, you say? I need to start saving my pennies!
  8. What a lovely surprise! I've not actually tried LP original yet (I know, still), so this would be a great time for me to actually get a sampler. The Terra Mater label is calling to me in particular. Echo's style is bold!
  9. Thanks! It's certainly worth a trial vial! I'm going to keep playing with it and see what happens. I get the feeling this one might be particularly susceptible to hormones/where someone is in their cycle.
  10. Uh, okay, I can confirm that LFN in Unbridled+Topper proved a more successful pairing.
  11. I don't find that I have consistent results with LFM as I'm still trying to get application amounts just right, but I think I've had a pretty darn great hit with LFM UN. So, if LFN works for you then there's a good chance you'll also get a kick out of LFM in La Sylphide. I like Unbridled for the scent but I'm still getting to grips with LFN. I really have high hopes for it, though, because when I finally did manage to get a hit with it's daytime sister (LFM) I was over the moon with the result!
  12. That's an excellent description and not far off of how it would have put it myself, though decidedly more poetic. It reminded me of posh spa hand soap or lotion.
  13. I ended up trying Topper over the LFN in Bat instead. I didn't notice any hits. I'm totally going to try again, though, and the next time I'll go for LFN in Unbridled. I want minions!
  14. I've worn this two or three times, both over other pheros and on its own (3-5 sprays). I've not yet seen any results either on myself or others (that I can see, of course, and that's the trick) but will keep trying. Unfortunately after I placed the order for Topper I started suspecting that a-nol may not work for me as the sole or main phero, which would be a blow to the effectiveness of Topper for me. Hopefully I'll find my sweet spot soon. If I keep running into a brick wall then I've had the rather bonkers idea to try and OD on it to see how much that takes, then scale it back from there.
  15. Yes! It reminds me of my grandmother's cellar. It was very damp and musty and earthy. It was also where she kept her washer and dryer, so it smelled of damp earth *and* detergent and softener. That's exactly what Bat smells like to me when wet. I can't say I love it (I didn't mind the scent growing up but I don't want to smell like a cellar to other folks) but after a good, long, solid dry-down I can't smell any musty earth or anything anymore.
  16. That is sad, but it's nice to know it found a good home in the end. At least you get to sniff her.
  17. Totally lulzy. Excellent stuff, LovesTruck!
  18. I agree about Gotcha! making people want to talk freely. I guess the b-nol has a lot to do with that. I found that it wasn't the chatterbox thing I've got from a-nol-only (or heavy) blends like Lace, but a more considered and comfortable "we're good friends sharing stories (and maybe secrets)" vibe.
  19. Well, I think you'll be Loves Truck in my head from now on!
  20. I thought that was all, too. It was only when I went back and checked the description yesterday that I saw the Aja. I think it was for a forgotten secret ingredient as it hasn't been mentioned much in the RRC reviews (that I've seen). I guess in this instance Mara blended it like such a champ that it didn't have that distinctive and amp-y quality it seems to on its own (and covered). So, it is possible to make Aja sit and behave but I think maybe you need to have magical powers.
  21. I'm really pleased with this one giving me selfies. I don't tend to get them but that's exactly why I wanted this potion, so it would have been a bummer but not a surprise if it hadn't affected me. It's a much-appreciated outcome that it does after all.
  22. My main squeeze said he wanted to eat me up with this on. It's out of character to the extent that he apologised once he said it. (Mara's) Rocket Fuel is scrummy and that's being said by someone who is a bit iffy on foody scents. As you say, it's got foody elements but doesn't come across to me as an out-there gourmand scent, just delicious and alluring. This is gorgeous, huff-able, and plays very nicely with Phero Girl. I might also have found a way to make SS4W work for me (yay). Only time will tell on that one.
  23. Aja is listed in the description along with BANG! I was a bit confused by that myself. Is that correct or is it just BANG! in there? Thank you all for your great range of replies about Aja vs. cops. Very interesting stuff and I'm going to keep my eye out for the next perfume boosted with Aja just to give it a try.
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