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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Ok....I was trying to hold off and let someone who didn't get a bottle jump on this but....I've been waiting.....and no one has so I will grab this if still available...
  2. OMG LOVE!! I just got this sample with my last order. Honestly I don't even remember ordering it or what was even in it. It is AMAZING. Its got a slight tartness to it that is just addicting but it smells pretty foody on me. It smells like a powdered sugar plum pie. I don't know what that powdered sense is. Not like baby powder...like powdered sugar. Must be the musk. I never can pick musk out unless it's white musk and its poking me in the eye. This is a smooth sexy musky powder thing. I can't stop huffing this wrist. I love the idea of pairing this with CB too. Nutrix? Did you try it? That is a gorgeous idea... The longer it wears the sexier it gets. FB for sure.
  3. I'm not getting any orange (sadly) or cucumber but a hell of a lot of Sneaky Clean. It is soaping up like a mo! Will put my sample away and try another time. Right now...no go.
  4. So I think I've narrowed it down to the sampler A and then I'll just seperately buy a few from the B. Waiting for notes but Blessing and Fascination sound good. And the one about calming thoughts. Whichever that one was.... Harmonious! That's the one I want.
  5. Oh my GGGGGRRRRR!!!!! Yes I'll be finding some money for at least a few of these special beauties!!!!
  6. I'd have to check my Dolly's Hot &Sticky Stash but that is one I always need more of. That and Ambrosia are my summer cop staples!!
  7. So you've already seen them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Yes! Gotcha is perfect with Red. Of course I've never met an LP that Gotcha didn't compliment. I am a Gotcha ho ya know...
  9. I've got it with Super Sexy but Red will go with anything you feel it is congruent with. I have read just about every phero being boosted with it on this forum at one time or another!
  10. Aja is first for me...it smells like honeyed peaches on me and makes every single scent I layer it with better. The mixed reviews on it are startling to me! Phero girl second...I need to get another sample and see if I am ready for a full bottle yet. Never took the plunge because I was never sure but most of the time I liked it. Occo Gold smelled horrifying on me. I've tried it several times throughout the years and it is just a no go for me. Smells like burning plastic.
  11. I hope we get another Ambrosia this summer! I have one more full bottle but it's practically daily wear in the warm weather so it won't last...It Compliments all summer scents.
  12. Ohhhhh that's soooooo sweet! I'll email you the ones I want as soon as they come out! HAR HAR!!
  13. I wear a lot too but you can always get the Noccos if you think you are overdoing it. (Not Ambrosia though). Which ones do you wear lots of? There is Nocco White, Black, Red, Blue and Gold I think.
  14. LOL. I don't have any money left anyway!!!!
  15. WUT.THE.HELL.IS.GOING.ON.HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????
  16. I've probably been wearing them together accidently too since as I just wrote on the LC thread....I'm obsessed with wearing LC by day and this one by night!!!
  17. Oh yeah it just keeps getting better and better people!!!!! Between this for day and Tyveys Chewey for night all my other LP's are getting very neglected.
  18. Welcome! Glad you decided to jump on the forum!
  19. I love Red so much I have it in oil and spray and I do layer them sometimes for the one two PUNCH!
  20. Yes this. BI (Blatant Invitation) works exactly in the way for me that DOM seems to work for you. And also on experimenting with results of Pheros beyond the descriptions...Gotcha is my favorite everyday Phero for work and the majority of my clients are women. Always consistant amazing results with it there even though I am not trying to "Gotcha" anything other than bonding and repeat business and it works!
  21. I paid for the second bottle of Tyveys Spicey Chewy that I had reserved and A 90/10 Gotcha spray (getting dangerously low on that one)!
  22. Anyone not getting the cherry in this DON'T FEAR! Mine is already coming out stronger and errrgh!!!!! This is aging already so frickin gloriously!!!' The lady at the cheese counter SWOONED. She loved it! I told her about Mara and the website and she was very excited about it all. Anyone who didn't get in on this might want to storm the Mara castle for yet another REBREW!!! I'd go for another bottle for sure.
  23. Nice Maroon!! And this is why Gotcha is my favorite phero!!!! It really does create that comfortable happy buzz that encourages people to treat you like a queen. A mood lifter for the wearer as well as the target!
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