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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. This is the best explanation I have heard! Exactly! It's just like with clothes where...you"ll wear something fun because you are feeling "fun" ...but sometimes you'll put something "fun" on because you feel frumpy and want to try to capture a better mood. Sometimes it works ,sometimes it doesn't but it raises your chances of a better mood. Just like pheros sometimes they just raise your chances of a better mood or a conversation with someone else...not a guarantee...but gets us closer to the goal.
  2. Hi Pheroman! I lurk over at PT from time to time and I think I have seen you over there...look forward to reading you here!
  3. I use them mostly for my own moods as well and I have come to the conclusion that they are ALL positive mood enhancers for me just slightly different feelings. The other use is for work since it is important for me to gain rapport with clients in order to have them become loyal customers. The sexual ones are fun but have realized that HG has got a hard on for me with or without. I find the ones that seem to mellow him out come in more handy. That Treasured Hearts sure seemed to put Michael and I in a comfortable effortless mood this weekend. I wasn't even 100% sure what that one was for...I need to go read up on it and see what most people use it for... It's so fun to have all these little samples I got to experiment with.
  4. So I sat outside this morning and watched "The Burning Times" documentary that Indigo recommended. I really enjoyed it although of course it was maddening at the damage such beliefs have caused our society. Anyway...there are several cats that scout around my place but because I was sitting so still (for once...instead of dashing out the door) they were actually creeping up to me. I couldn't help but giggle...I am a single independent woman living alone with no intentions of ever marrying, I have a dresser full of magickal potions and now strange cats are being drawn to me...I would definitely be ripe for burning in the witch hunt days... edited for bad spelling
  5. YAY for the LPMP team swooping in and saving another valuable member from potential disaster!!
  6. Wow!! I love that Sea Find label TO DEATH!! But I have got no clue what that might smell like. Might be a little heavy for me I think
  7. I revisited this yesterday because of a sniffie that jumped out at me. I am having a new appreciation for all LP variants lately which I didn't have when I first came to LP. I didn't really "get it" right off the bat for some reason. But now they are all becoming my favorites. I meant to wear some sort of phero yesterday because I knew I had new clients coming in. I usually wear Rainbow Falls or something with Heart and Soul with new clients to create a friendly bonding vibe so they want to see more of me! But after I wore LP Sunfire around the house getting ready I felt so upbeat, energized and peaceful with myself I decided I didn't want to change the vibe with a phero so just went with it. A new client came in and as I was waxing her eyebrows (with Sunfire going right up her snoot) she commented that she had left her last waxer because she didn't feel good around her and she could tell the difference right off, being around me she said she could feel my good energy! I coud feel it emanating from me too. I love the Love Potion line. I must get them all now. They just pour out love and good feelings! Oh...and about the scent...I felt that I smelled like a piece of candy sunning myself on a beautiful tropical island. Sexy candy. I ordered a bottle as soon as I got home last night!!
  8. Thank you Indigo, that was good morning reading. I wish a I had a printer here I would like to share that with some of my clients. I would like to learn more about the witch hunts and will check out the movies you recommended and pass the info on. Most of my clients are strong women of character (I hope I attract them because I am that also...or maybe I attract them because I need to learn from them). If you have any other reading recommendations let us know...
  9. Geez...finally got to put a damn order in! I've been trying to be grown up about spending money but enough is enough.. I got bottles of LP Sunfire and Trianon-esque and various Bohemian Cats samples. Can't wait! Especially looking forward to trying Goddess of Blue Moon!
  10. DISCLAIMER! BECCAH IS NOT AVERAGE IN LOOKS!!! ETA: But all her other comments are right on. LFM makes me feel more confident and Lumina makes me more fun and outgoing.
  11. This phero actually mellows me OUT. In a very good way. I think it is a COOL CONFIDENT feeling that it portrays. I couldn't really figure it out the first couple of times I wore it because I'm not sure I knew what COOL and CONFIDENT really felt like. I have to wear a phero at least four times (preferably days close together) to figure out what it is doing for me. I think this one makes me feel the most confident of all of them...not so much "outgoing" like Lumina... I was going to wear Lumina to Easter brunch with HG and his family because I was thinking a fun social would be right but the way this makes me feel is way more appropriate. His family is very different. Kind of reserved and slick. They appear very cool, confident and sexy (if you can describe a family like that.) They seriously remind me of the Cullens from Twilight. All sort of strangely perfect and pale. I'm not sure if he has noticed that he is a dark haired cowboy and clearly is not from this family, but...whatever. Anyway...if I were having Easter brunch with the Cullens I would wear LFM and so I shall... eta: Oh! I'll wear my Vampire Bait with LFM for Easter! LOL!!!
  12. :yeahthat: and... to all of the above. I remember the first time I smelled Marigold and Amaranth! It made me so instantly HAPPY just from the magickal ingredients I thought there were pheremones in it! The smellies the pheros and this board all have changed my life for the HAPPY!!
  13. Welcome! Countless foody scents here for sure...get that sampler, you'll have so much fun when it arrives and you will soon be as addicted as the rest of us!
  14. I'm too scared of the white musk to try.
  15. Nope! That is exactly what I thought. I imagined it would be a news article about such an episode!
  16. No! I am not too into resiny scents..which is probably why MRF is a little much for me. I do love LAM Sandalwood and Resins though! I also like a little bit of LP Black if layered with Snowbound. And is AHE and Closer resiny? Because I do like those but that is about where my resins end. I do want to try the newest MRF just because...you never know.
  17. Welcome CANativebaby! Lumina is my new favorite mood elevator and almost everyone here swears by the Cougar Potion...just sample up on the scents I say!! Good luck, have fun and keep us posted on what happens with the dating and pheroing!!
  18. Yay Moon Bloom! So happy for you to start the LP experience that lasts a lifetime! Looking forward to your reviews!
  19. I have only worn MRF once, it was not this latest version but the one before (was that V2?) Not sure but it was a bit heavy for me (hence the "only wore it once") anyway...it was still lingering around when I went to the gym and it was so hot in there and obviously I was sweating and it was streaming out of my pores and the guy I worked out with at the time did indeed comment that he thought someone must have been smoking cloves before coming to the gym. I was new to LP's and none too thrilled with that! I know I should try this latest version though.
  20. EEEK!!!! Tempted to go right in on this one!!!!!!
  21. I wish I just had an LP crystal ball that would tell me which ones I would like. Normally I enjoy the experimentation but this month my head is spinning and I just want to order full bottles of THE ONES I LOVE!!!! WHICH ONES ARE YOU OH MYSTERIOUS BOHEMIAN CAT PERFUMES???
  22. Wow! This one is going to go fast but I am too afraid to buy without a sample first. Sometimes I like GB and sometimes I'm not sure. But I like PG and I like peach. What's a girl to do. Hm.
  23. Hmm! I will try! I love Occo Blue a bit better than Cuddle Bunny so I wonder if the Blue will take that little "bite"out of the CB that sometimes can get on my nerves...thanks for the suggestion. Can't try it today but will report back when I do..
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