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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Wasn't it MarkAM that had the Wolf Pack PE made for him and his frat pack?
  2. Luckily these LP boxes are small, they are quite deceiving as to how much they hold!!! Can't wait to hear which Occos and LAMs you love!!! I am so jealous I want to make an order RIGHT NOW!!! But I have to WAIT until next weekend!!!!!!
  3. YAY!! Watcha got coming? Garlands and Lace I bet! And...Cuddle Bunny? I usually do a couple bottles and the sampler...if want a full bottle of Unphero I have to skip the sampler, but get a couple samples from the New Releases...it's stressful but I have to try to keep my orders around $100 a month. Eeeek! It's SO hard to budget it right!!! Takes ALOT of planning and scheming!!!
  4. POTION MASTER TO THE RESCUE!!! As usual...mixing up potions and putting out fires at the same time!!!
  5. As soon as New Releases are unveiled I will be ordering POSTE HASTE and adding a sample of the Strumpet!!!
  6. No we're still waiting for the BIG 20!!!!!! eta: any day now!!!
  7. DARLING CLEMENTINE EMERGENCY!!!!!!! So Mara insinuated that this one is rebrewable...but she is super busy right now...maybe we can hint around next month? Also...in another thread Calii said Tea-less Strumpet has a similar cake feel to it but with lemon? I am going to order a sample of this with my next order and I will let you know ASAP!!!!!!!!
  8. Darling C's SISTAH?! I do like this rumor!!
  9. I do remember something about a Paris Hilton perfume "supposedly" containing pheros being discussed here...maybe you got that convo and Katz thread all befuddled in your CRAZY HEAD!!!!??? ETA: Or maybe it WAS the same convo...? Now I'm CRAZY!
  10. SOOOO.... I guess the answer to the initial query is...YES EGGERS, YOU ARE INDEED CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
  11. Hi Moon Bloom!! Uh...DO YOU MEAN TO SAY DARLING CLEMENTINE IS SOLD OUT?! I had no idea...and even though I managed to hoard 3 bottles my life is a little darker knowing it is gone.... Other than THAT I also enjoyed your post...I think I was addicted before actually getting my first order also...so much fun stuff to read and savor. Let us know immediately when you get your package...even if you have to ditch school to do it!!!
  12. So if you've tried both the oil and spray LFM do you notice a diff? I do LOVE my La Femme Mystere!!!! @Elisabeth...I concur...you're going to end up needing a FULL BOTTLE anyway! Might as well git 'er done!!!!!
  13. Lol! No problemo...I think I'll have enough choices this month to keep my mind off of it!!
  14. Bang is my new fave social too! Men and women=google eyes. Try it Eggers, because I want to read your report!
  15. Interesting review! I can't wait to try this one again now!
  16. I think only my skin turns white musk into the "dreaded white musk". But it certainly helps to narrow my orders down that's for sure. I am also still trying to decide which is my favorite Treasure!
  17. Something was "off" with this one for me too. Not sure what especially since I love Vampire Bait. Maybe it has the dreaded white musk in it?
  18. Your welcome Eliz! I was just reminded myself today how much I miss it!
  19. Hi Teallaid! Not too long to wait for New Releases!! More choices! More stress! Always worth it!!
  20. So I was feeling a tad sluggish after work and had to get to my nail appointment...I always have a sample of RF in my purse for after work so I spritzed and went. So glad I put some on back of neck because the lady behind me was bedazzled by me and kept trying to start convo...also this blend def makes me friendlier even when i don't feel like it. Anyway, she ended up making an appointment with me for next week! Always grateful to get a new client out of nowhere! Rainbow Falls has always been good for me for popularity and good client relations! I need to start wearing it more.
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