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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Hi Pinknika! Two of my absolute faves are on their way to you ...Darling C and Velvet Kisses! Other than that I second Gabys post and recs for you!!! Tell us everything when you get your order!!
  2. I KNOW!!! THE BEST THING EVER!!!!!! I have been so happy all day bouncing around in my Shisha...I'm in mad love!!
  3. Welcome Bisou!! I think you came to the right place for pheros scents and general support in general! Where's Eggers? Read her posts!!! It sounds like you two are trying to accomplish the same things at this time in life!!
  4. It is indeed!! Or like the Phantom sucked on a cherry jolly rancher and then gave you a big sexy sloppy kiss!!
  5. Yes...DANGER ZONE...not to mention that I have three days worth of LP forum to catch up on now AND...the mystery PE reveal was postponed for an extra day. SELFISH COWBOY!!!!
  6. Not only a delicious Miss Darlyn scent but one of the SWEETEST things anyone has done for me!!! A beautiful gift from Tyvey... First I must talk about the color of the oil... It's a beautiful cherry auburn!!! IT'S THE COLOR OF MY HAIR!! I just think that is SUCH a fabulous coincidence...MIchael thought Mara did it on purpose...of course I told him no one knows what I look like here! On first sniff out of the bottle...VERY JUICY...HINT OF SMOKE...(swoon) Slathered on...VERY CHERRY!! Then the cherry mellows a bit and PHANTOMS BREATH REVEALS ITSELF!!!! My first thought was..."they have actually blended Any Color You Like (which is HG's favorite LP) with Phantoms Breath (which is one of MY favorite LP's)! As I told Tyvey...when this thing ends in SHAMBLES I will have a bottle of us mixed together!!! But at least I'll have my Anti-Shamble Shisha to get me through!! I cannot tell you how much I love my beautiful PE. Cherry and smoke being the sexiest scents ever and blended up into a cherry auburn concoction?! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! I WANT TO CRY!!!!!!!!
  7. Hi Liz I just emailed Mara for email exchange. After you smell it let me know if you still want to get rid of it... You may decide you love it!
  8. I know!! When I got it I texted him and told him it's got my NAME on it and "SHAMBLE" which is a word I believe I use more than the average person... .......AND HOW DID YOU MAKE IT THE COLOR OF MY HAIR IS WHAT I WANT TO KNOWWWWWW..... THANK YOU AGAIN MARA AND TYVEY!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Tyvey you little sneak!!!! You are like the little secret LP elf!! Sneaking LP treats into unsuspecting peoples lives!!!! Sorry for the delay but I was being held hostage at HG"s house an extra day! I told him I suspected I was the recipient of a special secret Private Edition LP and it went something like this! "Bwahahaha!!! You and twenty other girls got this "limited edition PE LP!!! They will figure out a way to charge you...BELIEVE ME!!! I cannot believe you do not understand this marketing strategy!" I tried to explain about Mara and the LP community and how this would be impossible given that we would all blab on the forum about our "limited edition PE LP's" and I think he believes that somehow everyone on here is a plant in a conspiracy to bilk ME out of the approx $100 a month I spend here... No use explaining this to someone who spends THOUSANDS of dollars a month on HAY for crying out loud. Then he says he can't WAIT to get back to the office (he owns a chain of mini storage units) because he is going to put together a special "limited edition PE storage unit and see how many he can get rid of...blah blah blah... I am going to quit wasting my LFM on this cowboy if he keeps this up!! OH!! YOU WANT TO HEAR ABOUT MY SPECIAL PE!!!! It's called DARLYN'S ANTI SHAMBLE SHISHNA AND IT'S GORGEOUS AND I'M WEARING IT RIGHT NOW!!!! FOLLOW ME TO REVIEW...
  10. I didn't know what is was either so I googled it and it said something about fan fiction....so I thought it had something to do with that!
  11. Yeah, It's light...so I got two UN Phero'd bottles in oil so I can SLATHER SLATHER SATHER without OD'ing on PP and the phero'd version in spray. The reason I am not sure if it is the PP or the scent is...I put the oil on while getting ready for work and brought the spray with me to put on later and I was "Skipping to my Lou" thinking....how fabulous PP was...and I hadn't even put it on yet. I am so glad I get the orange and the pound cake thing. I just wander by my perfumes and sniff this out of the bottle constantly. It's going fast...but I refuse to get a fourth bottle. That would be a little crazy for me I think.
  12. I am so glad you love this as much as I do! I swear I cannot decide if it's the scent or the Pop Potion (probably both) but it is IMPOSSIBLE to be in a funk with Darling C!!! eta: This outburst was in reply to Eggers tale!!
  13. I would take Jacks Rose off your hands Liz but only if I can pay you with LP gift certs. eta: and I've never done forum trade/sale so if you decide to get rid of Jack I need to email Mara first.
  14. Welcome Spartan!! Looking forward to your experiences with your new pheros!
  15. I was! And you will have no choice but to start wearing cops everywhere when you smell how beautiful they are! Also Rainbow Falls is SUCH a good warm weather scent for a pick me up. If you are going out after work or something the phero and the scent is like a refreshing shower!!! I love it. It has Treasured Hearts with the extra A-nol which works better for me than regular TH.
  16. OOO...yes! That sounds like a good combo and I think I can find my sample of this and wear these together this weekend. Thanks for the idea Molls!
  17. Maybe it will come in a scent next month!! Then you can sample with bfriend to see what happens! I hope so...
  18. Dammit! I don't have a tub where I live now. I used to have a bath every night and now I wish I could do your essential oil thing. Grrr...
  19. OMG. Perfect time to bring this up. I am finally starting to LISTEN to you people and CUT DOWN on my phero application and for a fact they are way more effective. I don't know why the habit of OVERDOING EVERYTHING is so attractive to us but in this case it just doesn't work.
  20. I wore this sprayed over Closer over to HG's. He always breathes in DEEP when I am wearing Closer I have noticed. Gave him a big hug and he held onto me much longer than necessary, getting a big hit of LFM. I headed out to the horses (knowing he had to feed before we went inside and started our night...yes I am really getting this cowgirl shit down.) Anyway...I realized I was walking alone so I turned around to see what the hold up was and there it was...definite DIHL! I said "What's up?!" He said "Can't stop looking at you!" (Confusion on the face) He was rendered helpless with La Femme Mystere! P.S...I will be applying this AFTER chores are done next time. I had to help throw hay to move things along.
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