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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. OMG. WHAT FUN!!!! And we get to hear your reports! Can't wait...LAM Pink Amber was one of my first faves and still is! I layer it with just about everything. Occo Blue is my fave summer Occo and Red is my fave winter Occo...I just discovered that I love Purple though too. Looking forward to hearing which ones you wear most.
  3. Ooo. I wish I could retest this one because I got it so early on in my LP experience...I didn't have the sense to keep something I didn't love to try again later. I sent it to my sister because the little girl on the label looked exactly like me niece!
  4. Nice. Imagine getting one of these by mistake. I got a Stamps notice...flipped out! (Much to the chagrin of HG whom I was in bed with at the time...I was checking emails on my phone) and then realized...uh...I haven't ordered anything since I received my last order. It must have been a delayed reaction from my last order... LPMP TEASE!!!!!! eta: OMG!!! Or I'm purchasing LP's in my sleep!!!! Holy Moly!!!!!
  6. I like the label of Young Rose best but I like the notes of Jack's Rose!
  7. WOW!!! UNBELIEBVABLE!! I can't believe how exciting this is! I had heard about the re release and plan on seeing it with my mother...but you and LP being involved in the perfuming of it makes it much more intriguing. I wish they would keep your description as is too. Congratulations on being invited to bring your talents to the table here!!
  8. Yeah...I'm watching a movie on my laptop and stalking on my iPhone!!
  9. I don't think this is such bad news! You're just narrowing down what actually works for you guys and what doesn't. You can concentrate on Alpha nol and est blends and not waste money on B nol ones. Of course try it later just in case it was other circumstances but if it still doesn't give you the results you want you know to stick with the others that do.
  10. Thanks QG! I appreciate any mens reviews as I am still trying to figure out a scent for Michael. He didnt seem thrilled with the Super or Roisseau (SP?!) samples he got for Xmas. But he has worn Joop and Bvulgari Black for so long I think changing makes him not feel like "him". I am not giving up yet though. Keep the reviews coming!
  11. Ok! I'll let you know. I am also trying not to be seduced by the label... But you and I like opposite scents, so...it just may work for me!
  12. Oh my goodness. I need to breathe. If it is still available when I am ready to order I shall get it. I have a feeling it would indeed work for me. I'm trying to calm down with the Purple Cupcake. Damn you Tyvey!!! eta: and damn you too Gaby!!!
  13. I'm still trying to figure out if I should get this. I love cherry and I love marshmallow. I don't LOVE rose but seem to be able to handle it in small doses. I love Love Drawing and I can def smell the rose in there but it is beautiful and not annoying at all. I also love TO Rubies...I think there is rose in there. The reviews sound so promising and I want that label. Hmmm...
  14. YIKES!! MarkAM and his friends will be SOOOO cool!!!!!
  15. Because you kind of remind me of me when I first started with pheros!! Except that I came here strictly for perfumes and only tried Cuddle Bunny by default because I was attracted to the scent...until I got that undeniable reaction. Then I started CAUTIOUSLY analyzing every ingredient and review on everything phero but still SWORE I would never delve into the "hardcore" pheros. I was perfectly happy tripping around innocently in my CB and Lace. If you would have told me I would ever own a bottle of LEATHER in my boudoir I would have sprayed you in both eyes with my Heart and Soul beta and run screaming over to the UN Phero'd side of life again. Now look at me! I'm splashing on cops with abandon and running about HITTING IT AND HITTING IT HARD with BANG every chance I get!!!
  16. Eggers you'll be swinging the cops in public in no time at all!!!! I can already tell!!!! Lol!!
  17. Yeah...I am not concerned with giving the "wrong impression" when wearing cops because I'm never really in any situation where danger would lurk...
  18. !! STOP!!! I have to get to work!! I need to make money for NR's and I can't get off this forum if you keep writing shit like this!!!
  19. That's the story of my last relationship. HG is just the right amount of affectionate AT HOME. NEVER out in public. The first time I wore Sexology we were standing in line at Pet Smart. Busy store...busy line. He was staring at me oddly and out of the blue grabbed me and hugged me to his body like a crazy person. People in line were startled and moved back as if I had fallen. It lasted for a long time and was actually rather disturbing for a minute. Then all of a sudden he let go, saw at the strange look on my face and said "I don't know!" and then quickly started reading the box of some fish food or something that was stacked next to the line. I think that was the first time I ever wore B nol!! That's nothing to be afraid of!!! eta: I was wearing Un Sexology spray
  20. I love the way Leather makes me feel but I don't wear it very often. I rarely have to get too aggressive in my life (that's what I keep Michael around for). But when I have worn it to work (usually when a pushy type of woman is coming in) it has amazing mood elevating results to me. I have never gotten in a bad mood while wearing it. (Although I am careful as to when I do wear it). I am generally more of a Lace chic but I think it is good to mix it up a bit. My ex is coming in this week so I will probably wear it that day. Just because I am sick of him.
  21. I know! Uh...another thing I keep procrastinating on is...GETTING A FULL BOTTLE OF WOF! Stupid! I am still on my sample. It has lasted forever because I don't really slather it on as perfume. I just use it as a morning motivational tool but I would die if I missed out on a bottle of this. It is a serious staple. Next order FOR SURE!!!!
  22. Ok. I love the magick of Wheel of Fortune. If you have any sort of mental blockage...procrastination or problems getting motivated you must get a bottle. I am having a slow couple of weeks at work which means...I'm broke. I threw this on while I was still in bed this morning hoping for some money making inspiration like last time. I swear if there are ideas sniggling around in the back of your mind they will come to the surface with WOF. So...out of the blue I started getting bugged about one of my insurance bills. I was instantly inspired to take action. I did some internet research and made many phone calls but the end result is this,,,( drum roll...) I will be saving $85.00 a month with the new plan!!!!! This insurance thing is something that every once in a while will bug me but I never take action on it for some reason. This has happened several times with WOF! It doesn't pull money out of the air and throw it at you but I swear it brings inspiration that is hidden in your subconscious to the forefront which turns into opportunity. And it's as if it forces you to take action!!
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