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Everything posted by Eggers

  1. I once lost a bottle of Shen Tao in my car for a whole hot summer. When I found it under the passenger's seat in the fall, it still smelled exactly like my other bottle. Edit: DERP! I just realized you were asking about pheros, not scents. Still, it was great to find out how durable these scents can be.
  2. Hello! Welcome to the forum! 😃 Have fun with your experiments! Some of my favorite pheros are the social ones. They're good fun!
  3. Dude's noses are so frigging bizarre! 😅 This is exactly why we don't trust them with scents. Omg. 🙄
  4. @halo0073 Yeah, the scent thing is a non-starter. If I went by his nose I'd have to eliminate tons of my favorite notes from my daily wear. Coconut and cherry are 2 that come to mind. I try not to wear cherry scents when I know I'll be around and in close proximity to him, because he really loathes cherries (WTF? Who hates cherries?). But as far as coconut goes, he just has to eat it. It's in too many of my faves. He doesn't often comment anymore anyway, unless I ask him to, or unless he strongly objects. On the other hand, he's smelled some at different phases, from straight outta the bottle right up till dry down and occasionally his impressions change. When it comes down to it, I've realized that it's more important that I like what I'm wearing.
  5. Omg! Wow! I think I've tried this combination before, but it certainly didn't end like this!!! 😮😮😮 I honestly couldn't say if that's normal. Maybe you should try it again! I haven't noticed that my pheros work less when I have my period... 🤔 I have noticed that they're more likely to backfire on me in some way just before and during the first couple of days.
  6. Yeah, Cappies are pretty funny peeps, on the whole. My old Manager Dude was a "late degree" Capricorn, and LOOKED very stuffy. (Okay, who's kidding whom? He's a pretty stuffy dude). But his extraordinarily reserved delivery of funny comments was particularly entertaining. Sometimes it was shocking, like hearing a priest tell the raunchiest joke you've ever heard as part of his Sunday service! I think it's pretty neat how signs can present themselves so differently (on the outside) depending on which house they land in in the natal chart. BF's are all in his 3rd House, so his Gem traits are all being played through an amp that goes to 11, if you know what I mean. We have giggles and secret jokes too. I love those moments!
  7. I just meant that sometimes you've gotta do stuff for yourself, regardless of the opinions of others. If I left every perfume that BF didn't like on the shelf, I'd NOT have quite a few of my favorite scents to wear and enjoy for myself. There are so many notes he's not fond of, and a few of them are my favorite notes - coconutty things and cherry things in particular. It's just too much work to navigate his likes on top of my own. Yeah, it's nice when he enjoys the scent I happen to be wearing, but since I have to spend the day with me, I'd rather I like it. Besides, most men's noses are weird and unsophisticated discerners of notes. Half of them say that everything smells like baby powder or "flowers". Those aren't noses I'd want guiding my scent choices.
  8. @anchoredinopulenceYour Moon is either in my 8th House or conjunct the cusp of it! I love Leo Suns & Moons. I also have a strong preference for Gemini people, men or women. You might be onto something with your theory. Wearing what feels like too much beta-nol makes me feel vulnerable, almost like I'm see-through and that others don't like my unintentionally exposed bits. My Cappy Moon might have something to do with that. It's in my First House, in a tidy little stellium with my Sun and Jupiter, (Jupiter also happens to be my chart ruler), which tends to make my moods quite big and visible, whether good or bad. That high visibility - especially when I'm in a bad mood - definitely contributes to my feeling vulnerable around my emotions being "seen" by others. Maybe too much beta-nol accentuates that sense of vulnerability and the feeling of unwanted transparency? Interesting theory....
  9. We totally need a "GOING OT" thread, where we can just copy/paste, and continue on our merry way! This. All of this. Every last thing you said up there. No Lycra, reinforced waistbands, paths of least resistance, and thighs sucking shorts upwards. Horrible business, all of it. I work with 3 girls who wear these pants all the time, and I feel SO physically uncomfortable whenever I look at them, it's like I'M wearing the horrible jeans. As far as shorts go, I've taken my own path of least resistance, and started cutting my jeans from my chubbier days. Yeah, they're baggy and loose and look like sh*t, but man, they're comfy. And given that I'm in the middle of my "f*ck it forties", I'm okay with that.
  10. LOL! I'm a Capricorn too! Cap Sun, Moon, Mercury & Jupiter! LOL! Sagittarius Ascendant, Venus & Mars though, so it evens out all my Cappy "no fun" bits. I wondered what your sign/rising sign were a few days ago, @Eastwood22, when you mentioned that your BF is Gemini. Mine too. Gemini Sun, Moon & Mars, all conjunct, two of them in his 3rd/Gemini House. He's an uber Gemini.
  11. @Eastwood22 You know what's funny? The two pheros that have BF sticking to me like glue when we're out together anywhere are Cuddle Bunny and LFN. I can wear any other phero out with him and he'll wander off and start talking to people he knows. Not when I'm wearing either of those. He gets skeeved-out by all the DIHLs they help "induce" in other dudes, and tends to walk behind me through crowds (at shows, especially), with his chest almost right up against my back. He's not possessive in the least, but I think it freaks him out so much that other guys (and sometimes pretty unsavoury characters) show such blatant interest that he doesn't want to leave me to fend for myself. He gets worried. I shouldn't laugh, but it's such uncharacteristic behavior for my Mr. Social Butterfly. PS WTF is with all the young'uns wearing MOM JEANS? I don't get it! They're SO uncomfortable!!! Either they fit in the waist and they're baggy as all get-out in the ass, or they're too tight in the butt and too loose in the waist. And don't even get me started on the likelihood that these pants will show off a great camel toe!!! Nobody needs to see that! I just don't get the appeal. I'm never giving up the kind of pants that have a slightly wider waistband and are meant to sit just above the hip, thank you. I had my fill of Mom jeans in the 80s.
  12. Gush away! I love wearing anything with Cuddle Bunny to shows. I go to a lot of punk shows, and the reaction from people when I'm wearing CB is hilarious. The first time I was ever in a mosh pit I was wearing CB, in fact. Once I'd had enough of all the (FUN!) pushing and shoving, I'd kinda backed up to the perimeter of the pit, so was still being shoved a little bit by the crowd. These two dudes on either side of me kept throwing out the "mom-arm" whenever the mosh crowd surged a little too close to me. It was freakin' adorable. The last show I went to where I was wearing Cuddle Bunny, I'd gone out to smoke - all the ushers at the door were smiley-smiley, even the women. And when I came back in I stuck my arm out to show them my stamp, but one guy piped up and said, "nah, we remember YOU!". BF was right behind me, having his stamp checked. LOL! It's a fun phero to wear out when you're with your partner. And clearly it's a great phero to wear in a happy, mixed-sex crowd!
  13. DERP! Maybe I'm more original than I thought! LOL! Nah... just spacy.
  14. If I'm feeling grouchy due to a lack of sleep, I usually reach for Balm Bomb or Open Windows. Balm Bomb works 'cause it really does make people behave nicely to me, (which keeps me from getting more pissed off). Open Windows tends to really buoy my mood in general. But even if I'm wearing these because I haven't slept, I have to make sure that I have some food in my belly, or I can wind up feeling like crap.
  15. I totally missed this message! Sweet! I've been cutting back on wearing my Virgin Bad Girl, but I guess I can douse myself in it now? Lol! In honor of this news, I think I'll be wearing it for work tonight! Edited to add that imma idiot. 😅 I thought I'd clicked into the Bad Girl thread! 😂😂😂
  16. Haha! That's really funny @StacyK!!! I used to wear Indecent Exposure everywhere too! LOL! Think it had something to do with the name? Honestly though, it's just such a beautiful scent, it feels like a "wear anywhere" kind of scent. I recently got Wild Cherry, and have been dying to wear it, but haven't yet. Maybe I'll give it another shot this week sometime.
  17. Great review! I find H&S makes people want to talk a lot too. And not just chitchat but they tend to want to get to know me. I had to stop wearing it to work on busy days because my customers get so deeply talkative, and I was always standing there trying to be polite but thinking, "I can't stand around talking all day, I've got stuff to do!". 😬😅 Ahh... the sweetheart phero. It does what it says on the tin!
  18. We totally should! 😂 Seriously though, it makes me a little sad that I can't figure out how to wear either of those 2 "straight up". I love the idea of what they're supposed to do, but it's so rare that I can get them to do it. 😕 And honestly, wearing plain BAM around BF turns him into a talk factory. I guess talking, for him, is the Gemini version of cuddling. 😂 I've not had bad reactions to LFM per se, just weird ones like I've noted in the LFM thread. While I LOVE LFN, I have to be careful about when I wear it, and how much I apply. It can turn me into a psycho hose beast easily if I goof it up. (It's early. Forgive the Wayne's World reference. Brain isn't braining yet). If it winds up making me crazy/nasty/bitchy, THEN I wind up feeling sad because of whatever stupid thing I freaked out on BF for. But that's all due to the-enone. I don't believe I've ever noticed bad reactions to beta-nol in any other blend. Heart and Soul maybe? I definitely need either a very light hand when applying beta-nol heavy stuff, or to buffer it with an extra molecule. Sometimes my reaction to different blends really makes me wonder how much my own pheromones/signature is playing a part. Like, do I react weirdly to beta-nol because I have too much or too little in my own sig? And with -enone, I often wonder if my psycho reactions are due to my already having a dominant signature or to my not having a dominant one. 🤔 I don't perceive myself as being dominant in the least. But as quiet and introverted as I am, I also, quite strangely, have the kind of jovial, animated personality that can fill a room at times. It just makes me wonder...
  19. Sometimes you've just gotta treat yourself, even if other people are all "meh" about it, or even dislike it. Sometimes you gotta just do stuff for YOU. 😉
  20. Right? I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I thought I was a weirdo... now there are TWO of us! LOL! I spy a trend... haha! Honestly though, I've had issues with wearing BAM solo, and also with Sexology. They both tend to do this to me, and I haven't been able to determine whether I need another molecule added as a buffer for it, or if I'm wearing too much, too little...
  21. I prefer LAM in general, as well. It's rare that I wear BAM alone. I usually use it to give a boost to PM or I do the "BLAM" thing, (mixing LAM and BAM). I'm pretty much in the LAM Camp though. Too much beta androstenol can make me feel awkward, like I'm too exposed. It can also make me emotional.
  22. @HipGrrrl Aw, thank you! I'm not much of a morning eater, either. Breakfast tends to make me feel nauseated. I started having homemade smoothies a couple of hours after I get up, just so that I have something in my gut, and to ward off the shakes. I seem to be able to tolerate smoothies in the morning/early afternoon better than food I have to chew. I've had a few not-so-great drinking experiences while wearing pheros. That one where my BF locked me in the back of the car was a doozie. I wish I could remember where I posted about it. It was both hilarious and humiliating. The humor of it outweighs my embarrassment, however, so I continue to use it as a cautionary tale here on the forum! Bottom line: if I'm going to be wearing pheros, or if I'm going to be drinking, I make sure to have a little food in my belly. Better safe than hungover and embarrassed. LOL! True story! I think I must be a heavy responder too. I get selfies out the wazoo, usually. I feel lucky in this regard most of the time. And then there are those times when I've not eaten, had too much coffee and had a beer or two, and I really regret it. Oh! The stupid things I can say/do sometimes!
  23. Pheros can make me feel really "off" if I'm wearing them when I don't have any food in my belly, and especially if I've not eaten AND have had a ton of coffee. I'm one of those people who occasionally forgets to eat, so I've had more experience in with this kind of situation than I'd like to have had. I get the "super-jitters", and occasionally it has made me feel a little nauseated. I definitely recommend not drinking on an empty stomach while you're wearing pheros! OMG. It's a short-cut to embarrassing situations and almost instant hangover. There was one instance in which I was locked in the back seat of a car because I was drinking on an empty stomach while wearing a pretty heavy load of Audacious. Funny. But really. Not. Good. And the hangover was the worst! I've never been a good sleeper, either. I don't think it's entirely out of the realm of possibility that all 3 things could play a part in how you experience the pheros you're wearing. If you're feeling run down from a lack of sleep, have no food in your belly, have had a lot of coffee, AND start drinking while wearing pheros, you might explode. Kidding. Anyway, welcome to the forum! And also: I like the way you write.
  24. Right? I enjoy BAM with PM more than BAM on its own. It just adds that little extra... 😊
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