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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Well, I have worn LAM in the honey/vanilla with BAM in the sandalwood, and that is a very nice combo.....but they are all LIGHTLY scented, so I think most of them would layer well with each other....
  2. I think it should be boosted just a TAD.....not much though, or it might not layer as easily with some scents.....
  3. Dolly

    Top Five

    My ever changing Top 5.... This week, it is.... 1) LP LE with BI 2) LAM/BAM original 3) LAM/BAM sandalwood 4) Sorceress 5) LP Black
  4. I LOOOOOOVE the sandalwood....in both LAM and BAM.....so versatile! I haven't tried all the scents yet, but I think this one is my personal fave.....
  5. If he is OK with the scent, I would think it would work just fine....it is boosted with Tranquility, which is supposed to be a unisex phero blend....
  6. Having fun with Woozy Floozy today.....it gave me a big buzz! Looked kinda like this ----->
  7. Ail, you are so BAD! And this emoticon is killing me.....I almost died laughing when I saw this one---->
  8. OK, you ladies are KILLING me here.....I can see me being VERY broke after these are released.....
  9. I haven't used the Swimming with Sharks unscented, but have it in Money Honey and PCMP. It is good, but I don't find it quite as alpha as the Dominance......remember that if you put on Dom unscented and then cover it with an oil based scent, it will slow the diffusion even more.....try this experiment......try using Dom unscented with no cover on yourself at home.....put on a BIG dose, especially on your chest, where it will get up in your face.....that way, you can see if there is any self effect at all, or if the slower diffusion is the culprit....
  10. OH, this one is one of my faves for work.....it absolutely affects me! I am very alpha as it is, and this just takes the best parts of that aura and boosts it....LOVE IT! Some people are just not reponsive to some (or all) pheros as far as self-effects are concerned....it's one of those things that you just have to work with and tweak until you get the desired results.
  11. Thanks, KK....been using pheros for a long time....it just takes some time to get to know the pheros, yourself, and your targets.....I have been with my man for 2.5 years now, and have exposed him to just about every phero known to man.....nothing is 100%.....every now and then I get a totally unexpected reaction from him....BUT, most of the time, I can read his mood and know which pheros will give the right complement to my personality and the situation.....it works!
  12. Yes, even when classified as a "reporting user" over there, you are still paying an exorbitant amount.....the pheros here, whether in spray form, in D5, or in oil, are some of the most concentrated that you will find anywhere on the market, and at a MUCH more reasonable price.....
  13. PHEROS, PHEROS, and more PHEROS for me.....and then yummy scents as my freebies....of course, I am sure there will be some new releases that I decide that I can't live without, also.....
  14. They are both FABULOUS blends....I am sure you will enjoy them both!!
  15. OK, so my sweetie was moving into his "old" house this weekend (the one he finally got his ex to move her ass out of.....THAT is a whole other story). I know that being physical all weekend would aid in the phero diffusion, and that various people (mostly men) would be in my presence, moving stuff and hanging around....so, I was "ready to play"...... I showed up late Thurs afternoon, at my sweetie's house, ready to work, and he was painting when I got there, but not for long, after he sniffed me....I was wearing BLAM in sandalwood, covered by LP Black, which is boosted with BI...teehee.....he took one sniff, and says....."OOOOOH, I LIKE that....you smell so GOOD"....he takes spells with LP Black....sometimes he loves it, somtimes not so much.....I find that if he smells it when I first apply it, he doesn't like it as much, even after it dries down (he just says it's ok)......BUT, if I apply it and let it dry down for about an hour or so before I approach him, he LOVES it.....he couldn't control himself....the work ended shortly thereafter..... So, we had a discussion that evening....after all of his male friends who had said they would help "weenied out", I was telling him that I have moved 25 times, and I can "carry my weight" so to speak.....he was saying that he doesn't want me to work like a man....well, I was wearing est in the BI.....he was wanting to take care of me....that is nice, but in this situation, the job needed to get done, so I needed for him to see me as a strong woman. So, on Friday, I applied unscented Dominance.....over it I applied Sorceress (which contains even more Dom).....I was working....working HARD.....men were popping in and out, would help with a few things....we also had prospective renters pop in at my sweetie's old residence, wanting to look at the place.....every man was in awe of me.....that I was in control......"working like a man" as they were saying.....one of my honey's friends says...."Now THAT is a good woman. Doesn't expect you to do it all. Gets right in there." He's the one who picked up one end of a sofa and was amazed to see me carrying the other end. A couple of the guys said I smelled REALLY NICE, too.....hehe.....I love Sorceress..... Last night, I kinda wanted to be taken care of.....so, after I took my shower, it was BAM in sandalwood, and LPLE with BI.....my sweetie ended up spending the evening telling me how grateful he was to have me, how wonderful I am to help him like I did, and wanting to rub my shoulders and feet for me.....this morning, he was out of bed at 5:30, but came in and gave me a kiss and told me to sleep as long as I wanted.....he would be working at his old residence, and he told me to call him if I needed him (which is only about 5 min away)..... Anyway, I slept in until about 7:00, had some coffee, and then went to meet him....another day wearing unscented DOM.....but this time it was under un-boosted Dirty Sexy........one of my sweetie's friends stops, kind of sniffs the "trail" behind me, and says....you always smell so GOOD! My darlin' spent the couple of hours that I was there, telling his buddy how wonderful I am, how much I helped him, how lucky he is, etc etc etc..... Overall a GREAT phero weekend!
  16. You KNOW you rock them ALL, girl!!!!!! Try the BLAM.....seriously.....
  17. Oh yeah, I am going to be playing with the LAM/BAM this weekend....will be leaving tomorrow evening and won't be back until Sunday, but I am going with a bag of pheros, so I am sure I will have stories to tell when I return! We will be doing physical-type chores most of the weekend, so there will be a lot of body heat and phero diffusion....I'm sure it will be an interesting weekend!
  18. HEHE.....I bet that did get some strange reactions.....
  19. Welcome! You are with a whole group of addicts here! Looking forward to seeing you around the boards!
  20. LP Black will probably be wonderful with it.....try letting the LAM dry down completely (about 10 min or so) before applying the cover....that should help lessen the cop smell....
  21. Nice to meet you Sugar, and welcome to the forum! I don't know if you know this, but the samples are very reasonably priced....$5 for a very generous sample....enough for SEVERAL uses....and, since you are now an active forum member, if you order $20 worth, and post within 2 weeks of your order, you get two free trial vials! How cool is that? Looking forward to seeing and hearing from you often!
  22. No problem sweetie....ask all the problems you need to!
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