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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Sweetie, I think that you may just be hyper-sensitive to the cops....some ladies when first using cops, become overly aware of the scent. And, there are a lot of them in these blends. Just know that the cops smell will register differently with a man than it does a woman. So, while men and women may be smelling it, the men will not think it smells "bad" or "foul".....it is a mating signal. It may take some getting used to, but trust me on this one.....men are not smelling the same thing you are...... And, bear in mind that these are meant to be only lightly scented....not necessarily meant to be a stand-alone perfume (although they CAN be worn that way)..... Try the pink amber one though.....it may be more to your liking.....
  2. Well, I have tried two of the scents thus far....the original vanilla/sugar/honey, and the sandalwood/resins. They are both very lightly scented. The cops will come through until drydown....do not pay attention to that, it is normal....they will disappear after it dries down....as far as the type of scents you prefer, you might want to try the original scent.....the suagr/vanilla/honey blend....it is very nice, light, and sweet. When you say scented BI, are you talking about the LP LE with BI? It doesn't have much spice....and the original BI (Blatant Invitation) is an UNscented phero blend. I am confused as to what you are talking about that is a spicy scented BI..... The difference between anything paired with BAM vs LAM is going to be the beta-nol vs alpha-nol. Alpha-nol is more chatty and giddy, while beta-nol is more deep and bonding....hope this helps!
  3. Now, THAT would be an interesting gathering!
  4. We're gonna have a big BLAM party!!
  5. I have some that are spiked, but since I was testing the BLAM effect by itself, I used some from a straight bottle of NH with no pheros. I have used LAM with BI and BAM with BI, so now.....this weekend, I am thinking of testing the BLAM with something boosted with BI.....haven't decided which scent yet.....depends on my mood, I guess......
  6. Dolly

    'Til Death

    I am liking this even more than the first time I wore it.....I may have to look at getting a full bottle of this one.....deep, dark, and very unusual.....I love the oud....
  7. OK, last night was WILD! I decided to go with LAM and BAM in sandalwood (a healthy dose of each), layered with Nasty Habits. WOW. Just WOW. It was amazing! My sweetie came over to visit, and could not keep his hands off of me. He came over, mowed my lawn, and we sat and worked on some paperwork while watching some college baseball on tv. While I was typing on my laptop, he stopped me a few times, just saying in the middle of a sentence....."Stop. For just a minute." Followed by a big passionate kiss. There was lots of talking, snuggling, and just BEING. Yoiu know, enjoying being there and together, and communicating. That was followed my some of the most wonderful sex! He is always eager to please in the bedroom, but last night, he went the extra mile! So adamant to make sure that I was TOTALLY satisfied.....SEVERAL TIMES, if you know what I mean......
  8. It was one of my man's faves too.....he really likes the scent....didn't tell him it has cops (or that "ass musk", as he calls them).....
  9. Dolly


    OK, revisiting samples again today, in preparation of the sale....I had been previously using this in a scent locket, because one of the notes kept going very very bad on my skin.....BUT, I have been wearing it for several hours now this morning, and it seems to be doing ok....I may have to snatch a bottle of this one during the sale, if it is available..... It seems to have changed as it aged....I get soft florals but more spicy notes now than when I first tried it.....many many moons ago.....
  10. Yeah, J#, although some people (including myself) wear these solo with no other cover scent, you may just be one who needs an additional cover.....like Djac says, they layer well with EVERYTHING.....oh, and do try shaking the bottle....I found that the sandalwood scent is stronger and a bit deeper by shaking......that may help.....
  11. I seriously think the drydown on these is FASTER than with straight-up EoW.....I smell no cops after drydown....
  12. Oh WOW....I am wearing BLAM (BAM AND LAM) in sandalwood, layered with Nasty Habits.....this is absolutely luscious!
  13. NOT AS FREEBIES! Mara had stated that scents over 6 months old are the ones that will be available as free bottles (they will provide a list), based on the number of full-sized bottles that you buy....I am going to be buying LAM and BAM, as part of my full bottle purchases.....
  14. Oh, yeah! I love both of them.....I need to get some of the brown sugar ones (waiting for the sale before I do that), but I have both in the original and in the sandalwood....
  15. You will LOVE the BAM....technically, they are not scents in the true sense of the term.....they are LIGHTLY scented pheromones....very basic scents that are actually nice for when you need a light touch....they also layer well with just about everything.....
  16. Yeah, I get the cops when wet on LAM and BAM and Tail.....but like you say, after a few minutes, they fade...
  17. Well, I like the sandalwood and resins, actually....it is very light.....VERY light....almost not there....not as sweet as the vanilla honey, but I do still detect a hint of sweetness....it is NOT strong sandalwood, by any stretch of the imagination.... Haven't tried the brown sugar yet, but anxiously waiting to do so!
  18. Now I KNOW I am getting both LAM and BAM in this scent.....I likes the smelly ones....
  19. This is the scent I am getting next....a bottle of each LAM and BAM in this one....and a bottle of BAM in the vanilla honey....that way, I will have both in three of the scents (vanilla honey, sandalwood, and brown sugar)....I can't wait!! Of course, I WILL wait.....for the sale, anyway....
  20. That is precisely why I spent today testing (and in some cases, re-testing) some of my sample stash.....
  21. Yeah, I think balls too...sweaty ones....no other smell like it, actually.....
  22. Dolly


    I'm currently considering a bottle, too....
  23. Dolly


    OK, so when I first tried it, I gave this one the "it's nice", but kind of sniffed and passed..... I am trying it again, in light of the upcoming sale, and I have to say it is really growing on me.....I think that the ODE written by stkatz kind of sums it up.....quite nicely, I might add....
  24. Well, I got a sample of this in a trade....all I can say is that I wish I had tried it sooner.....it is absolutely lovely....spicy and dark, but yet it has almost a "freshness" to it at the same time....I am enjoying this one....think I need a bottle....or two....
  25. Dolly

    Remind Me Again

    No more leakage noted here either, Mara! It must have been from the filling of the bottles.....so, YES, it's all good!
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