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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. PCC is weak compared to EoW.....EoW is sometimes difficult to get the hang of....I would suggest trying LAM or BAM, because they bothe smell great, the scents layer well with others, and they have a hefty dose of cops (BAM actually has more)......try it with JUST Blatant Invitation....it has everything you need.....trust me on this one.....
  2. A hefty dose of cops can "raise the dead", so to speak.....my third husband was basically impotent....very rarely could he "complete the job", if you know what I mean.....that was when I first started using pheros.....I mixed a perfume oil 50/50 with EoW....he dragged me into the bathroom for a quickie within 1 hour of exposure.... If his problem is anything like that, the increase of your copulin dosage will help, trust me....
  3. This really cracked me up.....I have most of my scents boosted with BI....just for that added oomph.....try LAM with BI if you really want to see fireworks.....
  4. Well, as for the types of sex, it depends very much on your pensonality and the personality of your man, so it's hard to say EXACTLY what the result will be.....that said.... In a nutshell, though, with me and my man.....I use.....LAM or BAM, BI.....all of it.....lots of cops. Cops=SEX. Period. Cougar is sparkly feeling, A-nol (woozy floozy) is giddy..... Treasured Hearts is a really good "spread the love" phero.....makes men and women want to be your best friend. Also good for tempering serious discussions elicited with massive does of B-nol or True Confessions. If you are using True Confessions, and you think that a serious discussion is going to happen, and it is possible that it may get tempers flaring, use Treasured Hearts. TH has also been good for me in the bonding type of sex....you know, not just passion, but FEELING. I will never be without LAM and/or BAM. NEVER. Those two are great, they are good alone or layered with other scents, and the cops/Androstenol mixture is indispensible.....
  5. I love musks and honey.....BUT I have 4 bottles of Nasty Habits and 4 bottles of Naughty Sweet & Dirty......BTW, if anybody wants some NSD, I have a couple of them up for sale in my trading post, for a good price! I figured 2 for hoarding puposes is more than enough!
  6. Actually, I would wear these two together for no other reason than scent....sometimes you just need a lighter, pretty scent.....the pheros are a bonus....
  7. You may be right.....I could run around naked though....I don't think I make ANY anymore....thats why we have synthetic ones, though.....hehe I don't get as much of a self-effect as I used to....they turn me on a little.....mostly, they just make me feel totally feminine....but as for the effects from others....I can't live without my cops....
  8. I think you're right....the vanilla honey works very well with the sandalwood & resins.... I need more!!!
  9. I MORE THAN agree with you on that one Lor, these are always going to be in my arsenal! As long as the lovely ladies keep producing them, I will keep buying! They are some of the strongest on the market, the cops HIDE in them (but TOTALLY work), and they layer seamlessly with EVERYTHING! And, I am a self-proclaimed cops addict.....I have to use a LOT to get a reaction (due to age and hormone factors).....but, these do it, every time.
  10. Depending on the vibe that is going on, beta-nol can get very serious.....like, "don't-want-to-go-there-right-now" serious.....some of those conversations where you say...."how the hell did we get HERE?" True Confessions is a good blend....I have a bottle of it myself....sometimes I will use Treasured Hearts with it, just to keep the "feel the love" vibe going while also opening the communication channels.....
  11. DREADED? No....beloved....yes! BAM has more cops....LAM is more chatty, happy.....BAM is more intimate and bonding....both are highly sexual....
  12. It doesn't bother me much anymore......but DON'T sniff it when it's wet! BUT, Mara ya'll DO a fabulous job of masking the cops.....
  13. Yes, it does stink....and even after dry down, women (and men) can oftentimes smell it (and cops are SUPPOSED to be smelled), but women react to it far differently than men do....so, if you use it under a cover scent, and think you can still smell it (we call that bleed-through), it's OK.....women may think you smell bad, but men will react to it the way they are supposed to....I PERSONALLY have applied EoW, and gone to the local market with no cover scent whatsoever.....just for testing purposes......women were looking at me in dismay, but I had men following me, winking, and smiling....go figure.....
  14. Dolly

    Remind Me Again

    LOL....Lor you crack me up..... We have probably all had those moments when we realize that a lovely is GONE and can't be re-brewed..... Then we kick ourselves for not having acted sooner.....then Mara and Danna come up with something else that is absolutely LOVELY, and you learn the process of HOARDING..... Mara, I'll keep an eye on the bottle....it seems to be ok....it may have just been from filling.....not sure yet.... This bottle of concentrate may indeed last years....one little TINY swipe yesterday, and I can still smell the remains of it this morning.....
  15. Dolly

    Remind Me Again

    Mine was a leak, not from the buff....it was just on the part of the tissue that was at the cap, and it looked as if two large droplets had leaked from the bottle and spread.....together, they covered about 1/3 of the piece of tissue, but that's ok.....I stuck it in my stand-up pencil caddy on my desk, sticking out kind of like a hanky in a pocket, and my office smells great! Mara, I think the word "like" is an understatement! This scent has stuck with me all day, and right now it is almost all amber....just like the single-note dark amber I used to wear a lot (before I found LP).....
  16. Mara, thank you for being as conscientious as you are......and also for providing us two options, based on our needs! MUAH!
  17. Dolly

    Remind Me Again

    You outdid yourself on this one, Mara......truly LOVELY... Hey Lor, shake it, gently.....and try some of the concentrate, not the roll-on....it is STRONG.....truly..... I remember when Dirty Sexy first came out, we learned that it smelled a whole lot different after being gently shaken....some of the ingredients were heavier and settled out....now I GENTLY shake all of my scents before application....
  18. I live in South Louisiana.....about 75-80 miles Northwest of New Orleans, or 25 miles East of Baton Rouge, depending on how you look at it.....
  19. You are gonna love it....that is, if you are anything like me....I am ALWAYS multi-tasking and have a tendency to get sidetracked easily....this helps minimize that happening.....
  20. Yeah, but I find that sometimes I want the quicker diffusion of the silicone (but alcohol-based burns off WAAAAAAY too fast in Louisiana).....if I need it slowed down, I just use one of my boosted scents, or apply one of the LP oils over top of the silicone-based phero......serves the same purpose.....
  21. Dolly

    Remind Me Again

    I think that it would smell fab on a man.....the rose is kind of strong at first, but it fades into the background and the amber comes out.....if he isn't interested, I could always give it to a grandchild, if I have any....
  22. Dolly

    Remind Me Again

    OMG.....after a couple of hours, it is almost all amber with hints of musky resins in the background.....I am an amber lover, and this is heavenly....
  23. Me either.....DEFINITELY no sissy side from my man when I wear it....
  24. Yes, they are perfect for that.....I even like them straight-up by themselves.....they work magic!
  25. Dolly

    Remind Me Again

    You will love it! I cannot emphasize strongly enough how absolutely gorgeous this scent is.....those of you who didn't get in on the list.....the legacy sets are gone, but Mara still has some of the phero-enhanced bottles (I think).....you should email her while they are still available!
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