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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. OMG, this thread is simply cracking me up.....I may have to get a bottle of the peachy ass too....just for the hell of it.....
  2. Good to see you Esme! You will absolutely LOVE the LAM.....not only does it smell great on it's own, it layers beautifully with other scents! AAAAAAAAND......it is approx 16 times the strength of it's closest "competitor"....
  3. Well, then LAM and BAM should be perfect for you, because the scents aren't that heavy....
  4. Dolly

    Remind Me Again

    Remind Me Again An instant classic, this timeless romantic potion was created as an expression of the power of love eternal, (and a powerful spell for finding your true soulmate): a bounty of rare aged resins (frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood and numerous types of amber and patchouli), musks (civit and Indian black musk), cinnamon, two types of dragon's blood, deep rose attar and a touch of almond. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: ROSE ~ Self-confidence, strong aphrodisiac properties, attracts affection & love, fertility, divination/clairvoyance. FRANKINCENSE ~ Purification, Consecration, Protection, Exorcism. MYRRH ~ Stimulating, soothing. Powerful guard against evil. SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism. ALMOND ~ Fertility, stamina, masculine energy, business success, money, prosperity, wisdom, intuition, insight. DRAGON'S BLOOD ~ Entices errant lovers to return, increases power of other ingredients. Love, protection, exorcism, potency. MUSK ~ Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. CIVET ~ Musk derived from civet cats, now illegal except in synthetic form. Considered a strong aphrodisiac, has an intense, animal, 'sexual' aroma. AMBER ~ Fertility, love, luck, riches. PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts; sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers. LEMON BLOSSOM ~ Energizing, uplifting. Longevity, faithfulness, fidelity, friendship. Used to attract spirits. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I received my Legacy Edition set of this fabulous potion today! I have to say that this is one of the most gorgeous full-bodied scents I have ever smelled.....and ladies, it does take just ONE DROP from the Moon bottle to scent the whole room! My Moon bottle had leaked a little in transit, making a splotch on the tissue paper in the box, and now I am using that piece of tissue as a room scent! This scent is heavenly.....it is deep, but not overly so.....feminine, but not overly so.....I could definitely see a man wearing this.....I WILL save the small bottle for my 10-year old son, for sure! The rose came out first on me, but not cloying.....just a beautiful, strong rose...immediately followed by the sandalwood....then the resins and muskiness.....sorry I am not better at describing this, but it is simply taking my breath away.....
  5. BOTH! I guess I am a BLAM girl! LOL.....I have more LAM because I bought a couple bottles before BAM was released (and I have one coming on trade), but I tried the BAM and like it just as well.....I do really well with both A-nol and B-nol.....I only have one bottle of BAM at this point, but plan on buying more.....this is some good stuff.... I like the LAM for those times when I just want my man and I to have a happy fun time, and the BAM for the times when we are just going to be hanging out and chilling together.... I'm with you though Lor....I will probably be collecting most of the scents of each....except maybe the pink sugar and the florals (I have to be very careful, because some florals go terribly awry on me).....I still need the original honey scent BAM and the brown sugar in both.....
  6. Try gently shaking the bottle......sometimes that changes the scent a little....or you may have a bottle from a different batch....these perfumes are made with no chemical stabilizers, and several natural ingredients....the recipes stay the same, but sometimes the ingredients may smell a little different from batch to batch. And yes, some of them do change a bit as they age..... Some of the ladies here also notice a change in the scent of the perfumes based on where they are in their cycle, so that could be part of it also.....
  7. Oh, that is a cute one.....Ail gave us some really cute new emoticons..... Can you tell that I am happy I got a full bottle of Money Honey?
  8. It is usually anywhere from the middle to the end of the month.....so the way I figure, we still have a little ways to go....
  9. Yes, it would.....it puts me "in the zone" to get down to business....
  10. I will say it again....these ladies are masters when it comes to covering the pheros! They are not just "thrown in" after the perfumes are blended....they are used as a note in the scent, so they are undetectable.....love it!
  11. Dolly


    Welcome ISA! We are all addicts here.....so, you have found a home!
  12. Must just be you.....it lasted a good long time on me.....and I couldn't smell the EoW even when the scent faded.....
  13. Frankly, I have never tried Merlin on my man....maybe somebody will jump in here with a comment....do a search in the review thread.... WELL.....Bad Boy is smoother with a dark vanilla and leather, while Down and Dirty has leather, but also spices and more resinous notes..... SS4Men drives me wild.......Add it to the men's scent UN and you have the twin to the original Super for Men....which I bought my man 3 bottles of before it sold out....I slather him with it on a regular basis....
  14. This blend affects me MUCH more than IS/A EVER DID. It makes me strong, in control, and seriously DOMINANT. Just like the name says. Love this blend for work. It is great in Sorceress too....
  15. I think they should just give us a big vat to dip ourselves in....LOL.... I am wearing Dolly's Dark Side today, and as it has aged, it has become even more lovely....smoother, I think....absolutely heavenly.....
  16. I have a full one, with a backup on the way.....no way was I going to end up like I did with Mermaids....only one bottle and a few samples snaged through trades (and begging)....
  17. O! M! G! Are you KIDDING me? You are doing a re-brew of DARK SEDUCTIONS? If it smells anything like the original, I want a GALLON! SERIOUSLY!
  18. You sure have! So have I......I feel sure that LAM and BAM are going to be two of those that I will never be without....always in the arsenal type of blends......and the scents are so light, you can either wear them alone or layered with a stronger perfume....I think they are just FAB....
  19. They are both very sexual, but I got more of the giggling and laughing with the LAM.....I guess due to the A-nol.....last night was more bonding, talking, and just "BEING" together.....if you know what I mean?
  20. I'd have to second the Dark Seductions and NOX.....love love love both of them....NOX is one of my favorite bedtime scents.....all snuggly and warm.....
  21. My man has too.....on numerous occassions....he hasn't seemed to suffer anything bad from it....
  22. He knows that I wear pheros, but never knows WHEN....unless I wear one that he already knows has pheros in it.... The woods and resins scent is very nice.....on me, it was more woody than resinous....more of the sandalwood.....but then again, my skin seems to amp woods....so it may be different on others.....I love it though.....all in all, a HIT with me! I think it would even be fine for a scent-sensitive environment..... When my latest pkg gets here, I will have LAM in the original honey vanilla, LAM in the sandalwood, and BAM in the sandalwood....
  23. Well, Super (or UN amped w/Super 4 Men) will always be my fave.....BUT I also love Sorcerer, Down and Dirty, and Bad Boy on my sweetie. HIS fave to wear is either Men's Dominance or Bad Boy....Bad Boy is his #1 pick....he has 3 bottles of it.....
  24. Thank you ladies!! You know I love you all!
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