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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. And I DID test the BAM this weekend.....WOW is all I can say! The full report.... Yesterday, my sweetie and I were moving some file cabinets into my home office, working in my little garden, and piddling around. Last night, after my shower, I applied a good healthy dose of BAM. After it dried down, I asked for his opinion on the scent (didn't tell him that it had pheros in it until today, when we were talking about the WILD time we had last night). He said that, as far as the scent was concerned, it wasn't his favorite. He said it wasn't offensive, and that it was OK, but he wouldn't pick it out as an overly attractive scent. But, I didn't apply any other scent, because I wanted to test just the pheros. OK, so Friday night, we had a FUN, playfully sexual evening, and we were both tired from working all day yesterday. So, last night would normally not have been a wild night, unless I really WORKED for it.....know what I mean? My man is nearing 50, and so his drive is not really up there where mine is. Cops help with that (I don't have to work so hard). So, we were watching a movie, and talking and just enjoying each other's company. We got ready for bed, and he looked at me and said...."why are you wearing a nightgown?" To which I replied...."you know I don't sleep in the nude"....he says...."who's talking about sleeping?" Let me tell you what....it was WILD CRAZY sex....I mean WILD....one of those where you almost fall out of the bed type nights....this one is loaded with cops....and even though my man wasn't huffing the scent, the pheros DEFINITELY worked! We were talking this morning, when I put on some TAIL for him to give me his opinion on the scent, and I told him that the BAM from last night had pheros in it....he said...."You phero-ed me?" Then he said, "OK.....you can KEEP that one. I may not prefer the scent over others that you have, but it WORKS!" I had to giggle about that.
  2. Well, this one got the BIG thumbs up from my sweetie this morning. He is glad I have a second backup bottle on the way..... He notices the differences between this one and Mermaids.....he wasn't overly fond of Mermaids...my skin chemistry amped the seaweedy note, which I liked, but it would waft in and out and he didn't care for the scent when it did that. He said it was "ok".....this one was sniffed by him all morning this morning, and he said....."OOOOH, I like that one".....the cops worked their magic, too.....got me "some" (or some MORE, actually) before he left to return to his house....hehe....I am surprised he had the energy after last night and the BAM.....OMG.....
  3. He takes it EVERY DAY, like a good boy! And, with the cops in this, the testosterone will be high, I'm sure!
  4. No, tonight we are staying in ALONE together.....bet I won't be wearing panties when he gets here, though! The wardrobe.....a whole bunch of LPLE and a great big smile!
  5. This tickled me....got a good giggle.... Good luck on the job search, Lor!!
  6. I think I'm gonna have another one tonight! Yeah, CoffeeMama, my Mom and Grandma are a rip!
  7. OH, and it was FUUUUUN, too......my Mom was sitting there laughing when I walked in....she said...."UH.....are those your panties in your hand?" I just said...."Absolutely"....she just started giggling.....I'm glad my grandma wasn't awake....I never would have heard the end of that one!
  8. Exactly what I meant there......BUUUUUUT.....I ALSO had Mara take a couple of the bottles of LPLE that already contained BI and added another booster to it.....add that to LAM, and I walked in my Mom's house, carrying my panties.....
  9. Well, I find both versions of Cougar to be more of a "sparkly" vibe.....Dominance is a take charge, "don't f*** with me" vibe.....
  10. I would say it would work great for a summertime afternoon or early evening.....it is smooth and rich....not overpowering.....I am taking it for my Sept trip to the beach in Destin....
  11. Hey, I am ready.....PCMP (Phero Charged Money Potion--sold out) works, of that I am SURE....have seen it myself!
  12. You will LOVE it....trust me on this one.....it is lovely....
  13. Rocky Horror, right? I'm hoping it will help me pay for it, too.....
  14. Dolly

    Ego Boostier

    OK, this one is very nice....I get a lot of different scents when wet, but when it dries down, it mellows....I get a lot of honey and frankincense, with some sandalwood and a little bit of amber....the florals are light and sweet, but remain in the background on me.....very nice mix of notes! Great job ladies!!
  15. OH, it is great Countess, you will absolutely LOVE it.....not tangy like mermaids could get at times, but sweet and soft and watery....and you know I am a fan of anything that has cops in it....I added cops to part of my one hoarded bottle of Mermaids, as a matter of fact.....
  16. OK, so I had originally ordered a sample of this one (which I received today), but I decided before my order got here to order a full one unsniffed.....GOOD IDEA! When I first applied it, the grapefruit was so pungent that I thought that I wouldn't be able to handle it....screaming grapefruit.....if it does this on you, do NOT wash it off....ride it out! You will be pleased! After about 45 min or so, I went back to my app spot and sniffed again.....after it has time to mellow, it is absolutely FAB.....light grapefruit in the background of the honey....I also smell a little teensy bit of patchouli, but it fades in and out on me....very nice! Lets hope it works! Do I need to do a money dance with this one?
  17. I wasn't expecting it today, but there it was! Good surprise with the hellish week I have had!!
  18. Thank you TG.....it needed to be said....
  19. Bewitch, Attract, Mesmerize! BAM! Beta-Androstenol and a whopping dose of EoW Copulins, with a light cover scent. An ideal blend for sexual attraction, deep communication, comfort and bonding. Our BAM! varieties are full strength pheromone blends but only lightly scented...just enough fragrance to cover the scent of the pheromones. Also, being light, they are ideal for blending with complementary fragrances of your choice. Contains 1,000 mcgs of pheromones per bottle. SCENT CHOICES: * SUGARED VANILLA & HONEY (Original Blend) ~ Ultra seductive - creamy vanilla and sensual honey. * PINK AMBER ~ Pinky sugars with a swirl of amber in the base. * SPICY BROWN SUGAR ~ Brown sugar with hints of cinnamon and amber. * SANDALWOOD & RESIN ~ Warm sultry sandalwood, amber, and a drop of aged patchouli ___________________________________________________________ OK, I am reviewing this one mainly for scent right now as there is no man around for me to test it on at the moment.....BUT you can bet I will this weekend! The Sandalwood & Resins scent is VERY light and a little sweet. At first, I thought I detectd honey, but I think that was just my nose and the pheros playing a trick on me. After dry down, I get a very faint sandalwood scent.....it doesn't bloom as much as the original LAM scented.....it is very mellow and an "almost-not-there" type of scent.....very nice though....glad I have a LAM coming in this scent variety.....I like!
  20. I smell them when it's wet, but not after it dries down....
  21. OK, you Mermaids of Atlantis lovers, you MUST get this one.....I bought a full bottle unsniffed, and now I have decided that I must have more! It is so much like Mermaids that I am in loooooove! It is watery and fruity, with a light floral undertone....I don't detect the strong seaweed-y tang that I got from Mermaids, but it is very similar....on me, at least..... Thank you, ladies!!
  22. You and I are on the "same page", I guess.....LOL....
  23. I have one of those too....I love my little scent ring.....especially since I talk with my hands a lot and people get little whiffs.....I had one woman phsically grab my hand while I was in mid-sentence and stick it to her nose, saying....I thought that was your ring that I was smelling!
  24. I usually apply mine all at the same time, and then let them dry down together.....then, I apply my cover, if I am wearing pheros that are unscented....the main one that you need to allow to dry down thoroughly before you cover is EoW or anything containing cops.....
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