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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. OH YEAH! My mom was laughing her head off....I am glad my grandma was asleep.....now my mom and fiancee can't stop giggling about my "pocket panties"....
  2. I used Tranquility with Nymph, and it did work, for sure! I posted in the Tranquility thread just a bit ago....
  3. I used Tranquility Potion layered with Nymph on the 16 hour car drive....we had a 10 yr old, 11 yr old, 12 yr old, and a 19 yr old in a van.....3 are siblings who fight considerably, so I was ready for an uptight, aggravating trip to say the least. The tension was there at the beginning of the trip.....we got in the van, started the journey, and I turned the air on with it directed across me, wafting the pheros and scent toward the back. After about 20 min, the tension eased, the children were all amicable toward each other.....even the 11 & 12 yr olds who are ALWAYS fighting were being nice to each other. I was amazed and impressed..... For the entire 16 hrs, they were polite, calm, and peaceful....I will be re-ordering more of this.....I feel sure it will become a staple in my arsenal!
  4. OH YEAH, I wore the two together Sat night and a good time was had by ALL....how good?...Well, I walked into my Mom's house at 2:00am, carrying my panties......
  5. What a story, Cheesy! Well, Love Potion Original IS permanent.....you would just have to boost it, I guess, in order to get the BI charge....I have 4 bottles of this one.....my man loves it....here's a tip.....layer it with LAM.....hehehehehehe.....
  6. OK ladies, I am still on vacation visiting family, but I have a few free minutes, so now is time for MY weekend phero report....I was loaded with LAM under LPLE/BI. My sweetie and I left the kids, ages 10, 11, 12, & 19 with my mom and grandma and decided to pop over to one of the local bars Sat night. My man was wearing Super.....YUM. Little sideline re Super.....he hugged my Mom and grandma before we left, and my mom asked my grandma if she smelled him. When my grandma said "No", he went back over and leaned in....She, at almost 91, grabbed him around the neck and said....."OH YEEEEEEAAAAAAH".....I cracked up. Super for Men affects me that way, too...hehe.... There weren't too many people in the little backwoods bar, but I kept getting sheep eyes from this one guy that was sitting at the bar next to us. Every time I would look over at him, he would give me this big silly grin. My man, putty in my hands. Since it was kind of slow in there, he decided that he wanted me to get nasty with him on the dance floor (and those were his exact words)....so, we did....boy, did we put on a show! Afterwards, we went parking like a couple of teenagers, back in a dark alley, clothes flying....talk about a HOT evening.....WOW. I walked in about half dressed, carrying my panties in my hand, and my mom was awake, sitting there grinning at me....she says, "I take it that you had a good time?" I won't ever be without LAM in some form or fashion, that's for SURE.
  7. LAM is the BOMB, for sure! It is quickly becoming one of my faves! And now, after this month's new releases, I am gonna get a couple more scent varieties!
  8. Yeah, I think we need to see that! Fawn, the ones that don't come in trial sizes are the LAM, BAM, and the private editions....all of the other new releases come in samples.... If you order the monthly sampler, you can get the other New Releases for this month in a set, and save some money over buying them individually
  9. OMG Mara and Danna, you ladies are killing me! I am gonna have to have at least a couple of the new versions of LAM.....or maybe one LAM and one BAM.....
  10. WOW CC, what a night, huh? That LAM is some really REALLY good stuff! I am totally in love with it, myself.....
  11. You're very welcome Shelly! That's the only way to know what works....try it and see!! ENJOY!
  12. Heart and Soul is really great, so is Treasured Hearts.....I haven't personally tried Soul Mate, but have heard that it is really good.... I would take one of the loving pheros, and pair it with one of the Love Potion varieties....there are different ones, depending on what your scent preferences are.....
  13. Oh, I am still here visiting.....we won't be going back home until next weekend.... Tranquility potion is fabulous.....will update soon.....
  14. Yeah, I have a drawer that has a box with all of my dupes in it.....my man told me we are gonna have to rent an off-site storage facility JUST for my perfumes....
  15. OOOOH, Lor, I think I am going to try that too.......LOVE the Bosom Bows! And love the LAM!
  16. Dolly


    I personally love everything boosted with Blatant Invitation....I got G String boosted, which is like a loaded weapon.....LOL....
  17. Welcome to the forum, Fawn! I would say for the reunion, go with Open Windows, maybe some Woozy Floozy, add a little Treasured Hearts, even.... For sexual vibes, there are soooooo many....Like a Magnet is to die for.....and it layers so well with so many others....
  18. Yeah the salt rocks are another of those times when they are trying to fake people out just by saying it's natural.....I did try one before I found out the real deal, but it didn't work anyway..... I don't use Tom's because they have propylene glycol.....and I decided that I don't want that around my lymph node area.... I use these http://www.terranaturals.com/ ....really good product, actually....they have all kinds of scents and the prices are really pretty good too.... When I first switched, I sweated a LOT, but now, not so much. But, just in case of emergency, I usually carry an extra stick in my purse. Heck, I even made some of my own deodorant.....it's not that difficult, but pretty time consuming (that is why I stopped).....
  19. I did have an adjustment period.....there is apparently a "detox" period which is worse if you are a heavy anti-perspirant user (which I was). Since I have transitioned, even if I don't use my natural deodorant, my pits sweat very little....and I don't use anti-perspirants any longer.....
  20. Dolly

    G String

    It IS dangerous......I bought it boosted with Blatant Invitation.....all I can say is WOW....
  21. Dolly


    You could have the ladies add any phero you would like......it all depends on your intended use and purpose....
  22. Commercial deodorants are bad for your body in so many ways. They are made of aluminum and other toxins that seep into your body. There are natural alternatives, however. Coconut oil is a good one, and there are also natural deodorants on the market also. The ones by Terra Naturals are my favorite. I switched over from chemical-laden deodorants and anti-persprirants about 6 months or so ago, and I couldn't be happier....
  23. Sorceress is a lovely scent.....the pheros are a bonus! I have 3 bottles of it, personally.....it is definitely a great perfume!
  24. Dolly

    Lady Casanova

    I don't find the clove very prominent on its own, but there is a very distinct spiciness.....for me the spiciness stays in the background....it is a lovely scents and one of my faves.....and one of my sweetie's faves too....
  25. Well, slather away, hun! And huff it to your heart's content! LOL!
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