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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I haven't really experimented with the Floozy yet, but will be very soon.... Some people are not just susceptible to self-effects from pheros (a non-responder).....I believe Ail is one who says she gets very little, if any, self-effects. I, on the other hand, respond to almost EVERYTHING. In a big way. Check to see if you get reactions from others, so that way you will KNOW if you are using enough....if you get hits, you are using enough.....if you still don't respond, you'll have your answer....
  2. Dolly


    Welcome to the forum!! Always good to see new faces! Glad you are emjoying your products! Stop in and chat with us once in a while!!
  3. I said a long time ago that I would wear gasoline if it got the effect that I wanted....thank goodness we don't have to resort to that, thanks to the lovely LP ladies..... On me, EoW is also like a bad piece of fruit, but I am so used to the smell by now that I feel almost naked without the cops..... LOR, I am loving the LAM too....I could like bathe in the stuff, personally......it is just a light pretty scent.....
  4. OH, we did have an experiment.....one night, I had him smell the side that had no EoW under the perfume, and then one side that had it.....he could tell the difference and detected the EoW, and said that he didn't particularly LIKE it, as far as scent, but that it DID turn him on.....
  5. I have come into contact with some of those too.....they just emit a heavy cloud all on their own.....
  6. Of course it depends on how susceptible you are to phero self-effects....how strong you like your perfume to be.....and which LP you are using.....I would start of with just a little bit first....
  7. I smell them when wet....so did my man, even before I told him it had pheros in it....he calls cops "that ass musk"......LOL.... If I remember correctly, Mara told me that she was using the same concentration of cops that she uses in PheroGirl......
  8. I thought the same thing, myself! I love the emoticons....hehe The A1 in Super for Men doesn't seem to have the depressive effect on my man.....which is good because I love to SLATHER him in it......I am not sure how he would react to higher amounts, though.....
  9. Well it really depends on how strong you like your pheros (or your perfume) to be....Tranquility Potion is not stinky, so you could probably get away with as little as just a couple of mls of perfume to the half bottle....for instance, I took some 10 ml bottles, added 4 ml of SS4W, 4 ml of BI, and only used about 2 mls of LP oil, and it did just fine.....
  10. Dolly

    G String

    Skin chemistry can be a killer sometimes.....mine turns some florals rancid....YUK..... But, my skin is loving this one.....it generally DOES love musks, though....
  11. Dolly

    G String

    OOOOOH, I am loving this one! I had it boosted with BI, and it is just sooooo naughty and dirty.....
  12. I agree wholeheartedly with you on this one.....they know exactly what we want! And, there is finally a phero company that caters more to women! No offense to the gentlemen here, but we have been ignored for far too long!!
  13. Probably a little whiff of the pheros....
  14. Sounds like you mission was accomplished....quite well I might add....
  15. Yes, the Super Sexy is a really good upbeat mix....sadly, when it is gone, it is gone.....in the future, Mara said that the "Pheromone X" is to be the replacement.
  16. EXACTLY! One of the main reasons I love it....Mara and Danna found the EXACT scent to "just" cover the cops.....it's fab....I want to bathe in it.....
  17. I went to regular GP....if they think you should go to a specialist they will tell you....some ins companies will make you go through a "sleep study", thank goodness mine didn't....getting the Lunesta script was the first thing my new doc ever did.....you just have to find the RIGHT doc, who knows that it isn't all in your head.... Hope it works out!
  18. Thanks for letting me know Djac....I tried the May Day the other day, and it seemed to help....we'll see how it works for a major road trip.... Oh I am definitely taking it with me....I get some effects from it, but not as much as some of the others....it does make me happy though.... I'll probably use some of it where it will "waft"....
  19. I wear them practically everyday, too.....so, you're not alone on that front! You'll like this.....scent doesn't overpower....my man describes it as "almost there", as far as scent is concerned....trust me, his body knew that it was DEFINITELY there!
  20. OK, for our 16 hour drive next week (with 3 kids in the van), I am planning to wear either Nymph with Tranquility or May Day.....I have them both at the ready! I have my May Day sample, and some Nymph that has been boosted with Tranquility potion. I am sure it will be one of those unforgettable trips......two boys (10 and 11), and one 12 year old girl.....she is in puberty, so she has mood swings from hell.....not looking forward to the drive too much at all.....
  21. Yes you do....but if your doc is good and you give them a detailed history of your problem, they will normally write you one.... And Katz, I never get the hang-over effect from Lunesta....just about 15 min or so of a hard-to-wake-up feeling because I have slept so heavy.....after that its gone and I'm good to go!
  22. I know I haven't been around much the last few days, but I have so much to do before I go to visit my family next week, and I am FOCUSed! LOL No, seriously, this stuff is DA BOMB for work.....I have been wearing it with Hathor. Hathor for me, is not so much creativity, but more PRODUCTIVITY. But, I get to a point where I am wanting to do so much and start multi-tasking, and get scattered.....so I get stuff done, but not as much as I could, because I am not honed in on one thing at a time. THIS reels me in. Focus Potion. I love this stuff. A little dab on each wrist, a dab in my cleavage, a few sniffs, and I'm on it. It ought to be called "Get 'er done" potion.....seriously.
  23. OH Lor, you are going to be totally blown away by this one....the smell is gorgeous.....understated, soft, and beautiful....and the effects..... OMG.....this stuff is POTENT.
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