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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Katz, I personally use Lunesta when my sleeping problems get bad....LIKE TAX SEASON! During not-so-bad times I can sometimes get by with high dosages of melatonin (like 3X what they normally say to take.....my doc said their dosages are "off") in a combo with valerian..... I have had sleeping issues since I was a teen....bouts with full-out insomnia, night waking, all of it....lunesta is GOOD. Works much better than ambien, IMO.
  2. Dolly


    Don't you just LOOOVE LP Black? I have it boosted with BI and Xtra cops....hehe....
  3. OH yeah, I found out a few years ago, that there are SOME men that will just not step up and make that first move....that is when we need to do it FOR them.....
  4. You will LOVE it! Trust me....it's a WINNER!!
  5. If you get UN with an add-in of SS4M, you will come pretty darn close to Super for Men....Super is my FAVE on my sweetie.....I have 3 bottles of it, in fact.....Sorcerer comes in a close second.... As far as just pure scents, if you want to get one and do an add-in, my sweetie's fave is Bad Boy.....I like Down and Dirty for men also....
  6. The cops are only apparent when wet.....I smelled none when dry....but they are there! My man was TOTALLY affected....
  7. Dolly

    Classic Seduction

    Hey CC....I have a full bottle up on my trading post if you're interested.....just email me.....
  8. It is hard to describe the difference....LAM was designed for SEX. Period. And that is what it seems to do best. It has a light scent, but if you wanted to use a stronger perfume, it would be easy to layer and/or cover. Blatant Invitation is a bit more difficult to work with because it is unscented and does have the cops stink. Like Cc said, I would ge it MIXED into a perfume, definitely. With me, BI puts off the vibe of, "yes you want me, and you KNOW you do".....it does seem to make me a teensy bit more approachable with some people...... I'd go with the LAM....you are just starting out, and it is a more basic mix, it will help you to find out what pheros can do, and what they can't.....
  9. If you are at all scatter-brained like I am (please don't take offense at that stmt), you NEED this one....
  10. OH, I feel sure it will be a trip I'll never forget! I have been having a hellish day, so I am testing May Day today.....it is fresh and light......the scent reminds me of a fabric softener that I used to use, but can't remember the name of.....I loved that scent..... The pheros seem to have calmed my nerves a little.....so, that is a big plus! Will be testing further, for sure!
  11. If you have never used cops before, I would STRONGLY SUGGEST either getting PheroGirl, or having it mixed into one of the other perfumes. Copulins are one of the trickiest pheros to master..... As far as wearing them in public....NO it is NOT a popularity response.....cops are NOT a social pheromone. It is a purely sexual thing. Whether or not you do wear them in public is a personal choice. There is a thread linked by Rosebud where Ail covers copulins IN DETAIL. Some ladies never wear them in public unless they are with their man, but there are some (like myself), who do it all the time. BUT, if you do, you must be fully prepared for the reactions you may get. You will get full-on sexual responses, sometimes from men whom you have never met. Some women will get catty around you if you wear large doses. You just never know what kind of reaction you will get, so you must be ready for anything. That said, if you want a phero to boost YOUR libido, get one for your hubby, like Sorcerer.....to boost HIS libido, get yourself either straight cops or something like the new Like A Magnet blend....that is a great sexual blend.....lightly scented and turns up the heat nicely....
  12. YEP, that's exactly what they said....
  13. Better hurry......there are only a few bottles left, I think.....
  14. I agree with Luna....Woodland Man amplifies for me, but to get me cranking, Sorcerer does the trick.....you may also do well to pick up some of the Unscented Super Sexy 4 men.....it is almost sold out and when its gone, there will be no more.....its a little bit of a different vibe....hard for me to describe the difference, but still VERY NICE.....
  15. I just ordered me a bottle of Focus boosted Hathor.....I am going crazy with these new pheros!!!
  16. My sweetie and I have so much fun laughing with each other.....no matter what we are doing.....
  17. OK, I need gallons of this one! Tried it today, and I have gotten more done than I have in a long time, even though the available distractions were endless. My sweetie was here, fixing my business sign, my son came home at 2:00, bearing Mother's Day gifts that he had bought and made for me, clients were calling and driving me nuts, and my computers are going crazy. There is a "House" marathon on tv (my favorite show), it is a beautiful day out (even though it is hotter than the hubs of hell), and I would love to be tending to my little vegetable garden..... BUT, I remained calm and collected, and got SO much done.....I am really enjoying this phero blend!
  18. I'd go ahead and try it....CC says she loves it and she is a young-un.....
  19. I am just thinking of what Mara said about the original Cougar.....she used the grapefruit because it is supposed to make the wearer appear more youthful.....so, the scent AND the phero were congruent.....now, Une, to me, is just like Phero Girl......ABSOLUTELY drop dead gorgeous scent, but it is very sexual to some noses (even without the cops from PG)......if you are just trying to get the sparkle and flirtation a lot of the ladies get from Cougar, you might want a more "fun", youthful scent....ya know? And, I'm also thinking that maybe the Cougar in oil is slowing the diffusion factor..... DO NOT give up!
  20. WELCOME! Just be aware that the forum can be as addictive as the perfumes themselves!
  21. Hey Lor, based on the previous Cougar, I wold pick a lighter scent....maybe something fruity and fresh.....the previous one was a musky type grapefruit and totally juicy smelling.... Also, you might want to try some unscented, and put your scent on UNDER the Cougar so the oil doesn't smother the pheros.....that works for me when I really want it to get out there.....
  22. OK, Focus Potion layered with Hathor.....very motivated feeling....a "let's get with it, and get the job done" attitude.....so far, no side-tracking, no procrastinating....most of my work for the day is already done....been wearing it for 4 hours, and no crash yet......with TAF I would start to crash in about 3.5, so this is good thus far.....will update later in the day....
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