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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I agree that I can't wait to see what Phero X turns out like.....VERY ANXIOUSLY awaiting its release.....
  2. I would suggest that anybody who likes resinous scents at all....even just a little bit, you should get this one....it is not TOO resinous....the champa and sugar sweetens it up JUST ENOUGH. Very nice.....
  3. OOOOH, this one sounds lovely too.....yeah, even if a private edition sells out, at least reviewing them lets others know what would work together good as a custom sugared mix.
  4. Dolly

    G String

    When Danna said it was disgustingly sexy and slutty.....that is pretty much accurate.....I LOVE IT!
  5. WOW. As an amber lover, I may have to get me some of this.....
  6. Djac, you almost made me spit my tea on my computer.....I think I need to buy a permanent raincoat for my laptop when I am surfing this forum! Sounds like I need some May Day for sure....will definitely be trying this one soon! Probably when my sweetie and I (along with one 10 yr old, one 11 yr old, and one 12 yr old) make our 16 hour trip to visit my mom and grandma in a couple of weeks....that is a road trip worthy of Tranquility Potion for sure, I would think!
  7. Yeah, I am always "scattered", and since I multi-task most of the time, it is easy to get off track....I am hoping this will help. I too liked TAF, but got the dreaded "crash" everybody is talking about.....for me it was almost like coming down off of a caffeine high....
  8. That is so sweet! Can't wait to try out the Tranquility Potion for those days when I feel ready to CHOKE somebody!
  9. It IS the bomb, for sure! Mara and Danna did a bang-up job, as always! Blows the "competition" (if you can even call it that), out of the water!!
  10. Road testing this one today....working against a deadline for tomorrow....tons to get done, not much time to do it in.....let's see what shakes loose with this one..... Rosebud, it is my understanding that Dr Stone developed the focus potion for a very wealthy female executive, and the contents are a closely guarded secret.....it apparently took him a long time to develop, so he doesn't want the secret to get out......I am just so thankful to him for letting us have some!
  11. Djac....we need to talk....I want this one! Sending you an email....
  12. OH yeah....morning sex is not our usual repetoire.....a very special treat!
  13. Dolly


  14. OK ladies....this is a loooooong one! I have used the LP LE, and my sweetie has always enjoyed it, and it has always yielded results where he is concerned. BUT, I noticed that the effects intensified when I layered it with additional straight BI.....so, I had one boosted with additional BI....naughty naughty girl..... SOOOOOO, yesterday, we had been working around my house and yard, drinking some beer and hanging out listening to music. We were planning on watching the Nascar race last night, so before it came on, we both came in and took a shower. I applied a good healthy dose of my further boosted LP LE. Like I said, he had enjoyed it before, and it ALWAYS affected him very well. Well, last night, he attacked my neck when he smelled it.....I mean RUBBING his face all on my neck while sniffing. Said he doesn't remember smelling it before.....says he has smelled something LIKE it, but not exactly. He says....."Is that one of Mara's? Which one?" I told him that it was "Love Potion Original" (I didn't tell him that it had pheros in it).....he said...."Well, here's a review from a man's perspective".....and here is what he said.....he even wrote it down so I would remember..... "It has a little fruity, a good bit of flirty, and a whole lot of "turn on". It is VERY INVITING. And, this is a statement that men will understand...it hits on ALL CYLINDERS." He went on further to explain that the scent put him in a certain frame of mind, that I was supposed to relay to Mara.....when he was 17, he had planned a road trip where he was going to hit Vegas and then CA with his girlfriend (the trip was actually nixxed by his mom), but he says that this scent is how he imagined CA, in his mind, when he was 17. He said, "If I went to CA, I could imagine smelling this while I am exploring and enjoying the sights and sounds....this would be the perfect scent for CA". We only made it through about half of the race, cuddling and holding turned into petting and stroking, and then hot sex for what seemed like an eternity....GAWD, it was GOOD. And, I could still smell the perfume this morning, and there was some really hot wake up sex.....OOOOOOH. He has really enjoyed a lot of the LP scents, some more than others, and has had some strong reactions to various ones......but he HAS NEVER had a reaction like this where he was actually writing down a review for me to post, and telling me what the scent evokes for him.....guess what? I bought 2 more boosted bottles......HAD TO. edited because I can't spell.....
  15. What a great write up Djac.....LAM worked my boy all into a frenzied state Friday night....and I'll tell you this.....I was wearing a LOT......he was putty in my hands.....we had a wild WILD night ourselves.... Popping over to do a detailed write up regarding his thoughts about the LP LE with BI.....I wore it last night, and WOW....he had some very detailed thoughts about it......that he asked me to share with Mara....and you other lovely ladies....
  16. Yeah, its almost like starting over....my main problem with living in the south (as you doo, too) is that I would have to apply the alcohol-based sprays 2-3 times daily....they burned off way too quick. With the oil or CPS based, I normally don't re-apply unless it is a light scent that my skin eats.....I am refreshing for scent-only purposes at that point.....
  17. Will be interested to see how the Bosom Bows works on your job! I had hit and miss results at first too. Until I got the hang of it, that is. The thing is that you are used to using the alcohol mixes, and its a different diffusion rate and pattern entirely. For instance, if I am wearing uscented Domimance or Treasured Hearts, or anything that doesn't reek of cops, I put some of it on the backs of my hands/tops of wrists, with no cover, to aid diffusion. With you being a bartender, I would think that anything one your hands that are being very busy during work, would probably help.... CC was having a similar diffusion issue, and I suggested that she apply the cover and the phero mix side-by-side. Another option is to apply the cover scent first and layer the pheros on top. Another thing to note is that Mara has mentioned that the scents that she "boosts" (where it is a scent of OUR choice), is the same strength as the unscented blends. BUT, the ones that she creates with pheros already added, are not at quite the same strength.....you may have to use a little more. BUT one thing to remember is that those are both OIL based, thus causing slower diffusion. Based on the diffusion of an oil based product, if I am using one that is already boosted, etc, I will use more. It takes longer to diffuse, but it waill also LAST LONGER on you than an alcohol based one which will diffuse rapidly and then burn off.
  18. Oh yeah, I would get either the shea or the olive and apricot. I have some unrefined cocoa butter and it does have a nice scent all it's own.....
  19. OK, I am slathered in Like a Magnet once again.....wearing more tonight (testing for OD/sweet spot range)....my sweetie and I will be all alone for the evening....let's see what shakes loose this time......hehe.... Speaking of the B & B products, how about a body cream with the Like a Magnet scent....OOOOOOH.....that would be sooooo goood.....OR with Like a Magnet including the pheros! Mara and Danna, can that be done? Use a phero blend to scent the body creams/lotions? I am actually thinking of ordering a body cream with the LP Black scent also.....
  20. Yeah, I remember that some ladies have had excellent luck covering cops with the DK Delicious scent, which is like a Granny Smith apple type scent.....apple and pear seem to complement each other nicely.... it would be a fresh crisp scent for those who don't care for honey or sugar scents.....
  21. I agree....that would be a good one too.....
  22. Great day, huh? Yeah I always put cops on with SS4W, because it has no cops of its own, from what I remember....
  23. Hey, how about these.....a light amber/musk......a brown sugar/cinnamon.....an green apple/pear..... For floral, PLEASE DON'T use Ylang Ylang....my skin amps it, and that is the main reason I couldn't wear Tantric Butterfly....for light florals, maybe lavender and lilac....do those go together? I have no clue!
  24. Yeah, I think it is a truly wonderful scent.....I have two bottles of it....so glad I do! I think Mara said it is one of the ones that is Going Going Gone.....
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