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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Well, Danna, what I can say is that I love the fragrance that it has now, so KEEP THAT one as an option. Secondly, as far as suggesting specific scents for you, I'll think on it..... but I do know from working with EoW for YEARS, that there are certain scents that will blend and cover it well....you have two of them, vanilla and honey, in the original. Others would be amber, musk, cinnamon, and fruity smells in general. I have also noticed that dewey, fresh smelling florals would also work (I added cops to my Happy Water and it is THA BOMB).
  2. I need to put a bottle of this in my next order....I think it's the only one I didn't get in yesterday's pkg.....
  3. I almost spit my tea on my computer when I read this....LAME it is, the LAM from "they that shall not be named".....
  4. Oh, I will NEVER be without a bottle in my arsenal....of that I am sure....
  5. The scent in this is lovely, and I will add that even though it is light, it has staying power.....I can still smell it on myself this morning....
  6. LOR! You just hit 200 posts! You get to start getting the $5 coupons now.....$5 for every hundered posts!
  7. PCC never did anything for me. I could have used tap water and got the same effect. It didn't have enough cops in it for me. I think PCC was just cops plus fragrance.....this has the Anol boost too......it is FAB!
  8. Dolly

    Backstage Pass

    Anybody who doesn't want theirs.....I'll take it.....I don't get cake with this one....it is thick and rich on me, not as dark as I usually wear, but still very nice....like it.....want a full bottle.....BIG TIME.
  9. Dolly

    G String

    DANG! Now that I have tried Backstage Pass, I want a bottle of it too! WAAAAAHHHHH!
  10. I think that it would be great to have several scent options, as long as the scents are kept light enough to be a layering option. You know, not quite as strong as one of the regular LP oils.....but strong enough to add just a hint of scent and cover the cops smell on drydown....there are times when a truly light scent is appropriate..... OK, my full LAM report.....OH MY GOODNESS.... My sweetie arrived, and I was still sweaty from my workout, so I told him I was gonna go take a shower. Afterwards, I applied some LAM. Application points were all of the usual suspects (neck, wrists, cleavage), and a little roll on the belly and the inner thighs (for later). I really didn't apply that much, because I wanted a good comparison.....I used about the amount that I would use for a normal LP oil application. He was standing outside drinking a beer, and when I walked out and stood beside him making small talk, he looks over and says....."You're wearing something, but I don't recognize it." I told him that it was "Like A Magnet", and let him sniff my neck. He smelled the cops (but I didn't tell him it was pheros), as it was still wet....he said...."It has some of that "ass musk" in it...but I think I like it." I told him to just let it dry down and smell it when it dried. When it dried down, he was all over my neck, sniffing almost like a little puppy.....sniff sniff sniff....."Hmmmm....I LIKE THAT ONE." He said that he likes the light scent.....he describes it as "almost not there". Phero effects....well, I counted at least three separate times when there were DIHL responses from him during the night.....we were sitting and watching tv, and I would turn to look at him, and he would be sitting there, just STARING at me. He couldn't wait until my son went to sleep.....thankfully my boy is a heavy sleeper.....it was a chase me into the bedroom and throw me down evening....LITERALLY. He had fun finding ALL of my application spots.....and I ended the evening being fully satisfied....both with my man and the LAM. My overall opinion.....this is a WINNER ladies.....when you are going to have that special evening with your sweetie and you want to LIGHT HIM UP, this will do the job. TRUST ME. Also, those of you who are with men who are "scent-sensitive", try this product....it is light and unobtrusive.....smells almost like a good soap or scented lotion....not like you are wearing a heavy perfume.....if you want to go with a heavier scent, I think you could layer this with just about any LP or commercial perfume of your choice..... Now, if you want a comparison to the "other" LAM, there truly is none. Think of night and day. First, the competitor's product smells BAD. I bought some of the ylang ylang once and it made me have sneezing fits, so I returned it. I tried some of a friend's chocolatini version, and no matter how hard I tried, I could not get rid of the stench. And, the chocolatini clashed with EVERYTHING I tried to cover it with. Plus, you would have to use about half of a bottle of theirs to get the same effect. Plus, theirs is like double the price.....hmmmm...... GET THIS PRODUCT! YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!
  11. Dolly

    G String

    Yeah, I didn't quite get PEAR exactly, just the fruity essence....
  12. Here is what she said regarding the potency...... our Magnet blend is 15.625 times stronger than it's nearest competitor.
  13. Oh Countess, you are gonna love it.....Mara said it is like 16 times the strength of the competitor.....and the smell is divine.... I need a vat of it to swim in.....
  14. OK, my sweetie has just informed me that he is intending to come spend the night this evening....so, after my afternoon workout, I will be washed and scrubbed, and will promptly apply a GENEROUS dose of the LAM....we shall see what the phero effects are.....will have a full report tomorrow.....
  15. Dolly

    G String

    Yeah, we do seem to have similar skin chemistries..... BTW, I DID order this, boosted with BI....I am going to be sooooo dangerous!
  16. Dolly


    Groupie Another one of Danna’s Rock-and-Roll trio! Crank up the volume! A loud and lascivious, self-confident, playful and HOT musky floral with just a touch of sweetness. Contains Vanilla, Musks, Frangipani, Karo Karounde, Oak and a bit of Leather. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, insatiability. MUSK ~ Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. FRANGIPANI ~ Trust, confidence. OAK ~ Masculine/projective energy, endurance, triumph, strength, power, prosperity, heroism. LEATHER ~ Protection, dark, secrets, safety, surviving what comes at you, sex. KARO KAROUNDE ~ Self-confidence, anxiety reduction, prosperity, powerful love attractant, spiritual love. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, wet this one smells kind of like Bosom Bows, but differs as it dries down....I guess that initial sniff comparison is because they do have a few ingredients in common....it is a very nice scent.....sexy, woodsy, a little sweet and dirty.....may need a bottle....if I can find my hiding credit card....
  17. I would think that it would layer excellently with sugared honeycomb....I think that would be way cool......
  18. Dolly

    Eve's Temptation

    OK, this scent starts out very JUICY.....fruit fruit fruit.....as it dries, I get the attars and the oud....deep rich, sensual.....then, they back off and the fruit comes back into play and the fruity notes strike a nice balance with the darker notes....this is very nice, very interesting, and very nicely balanced.....thumbs up ladies!
  19. Dolly

    G String

    OMG....now the honey is coming through......imagine sugared Honeycomb mixed with fruit, musk, and leather.....a lot of you ladies will swoon over this one..... And have ya'll read the individual page description on this one.....I had to giggle....too funny!
  20. Dirty Pretty Thing Doesn't she look like she's up to no good? (I bet she smells like it too!) Yeah, that kinda girl can get away with anything. Subtle notes of fruit and incensey musks sneak up on you, surprising you with their stealthy sensuality. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: FRUITS and FLORALS ~ Love and attraction, beauty enhancement, acquisition of wealth, creativity, femininity. MUSKS and RESINS ~ Sexuality, creating hypnotic atmosphere, protection and stealthy invisibility. HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive, use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover, happiness, fulfillment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, the description of this one is spot on. It is fruity and bright at first, then deepens and almost sneaks into a darker mode....one moment I'm sniffing it, and it is bright and loud....I go on to sniffing others, and when I come back to this one, after it dries, it is more and more mellow each time, rounding out to a fruity (almost floral), musky scent....hmmmm......this is really nice on dry down.... Glad this is another one I got an unsniffed bottle of......
  21. Keeping my fingers crossed that you get it soon Shelly....you're gonna like this one!
  22. Rowdy, Raunchy & Rude This is for wrapping yourself in the aura of that sexy, wild Southern gal that no one can take their eyes off of - the one who rides the bull, rules the billiard table, and can drink the boys under the table - and oh, can she dance! Rich florals combined with feminine woods, a bit of hay, and ultra sexy deep musks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: VIOLET ~ Love, faithfulness, modesty, calming, balancing, healing, protection, draws luck and fortune, lust. ORRIS ROOT ~ Love, protection, divination. DESERT ROSE ~ Self-confidence, strong aphrodisiac properties, attracts affection and love, fertility, divination/clairvoyance. ROSEWOOD ~ Love, exotic, mystery, darkness, psychic powers, healing, divination, luck, protection. HAY ~ Friendliness, fruitfulness, fertility, money. JASMINE ~ Self-confidence, anxiety reduction, prosperity, love attractant, spiritual love. MUSKS ~ Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. SPICE ~ Protection, fidelity, dispels envy and evil, sexual stimulant, vitality. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, this is different....woodsy at first....very much so....wet, I get lots of woods and a dried grassiness....I guess that's the hay? As it dries down, it gets more feminine, with the florals starting to come out....it mellows down as it dries. The musks start to peek through also, along with some little spicy notes.....I like this! Glad I got a full bottle!!
  23. I can see layering this and wearing it with SO many things (including nothing but a great big smile)!!
  24. Dolly

    G String

    Mine came priority because I had like 10,000 orders piling up!
  25. Dolly

    G String

    G-String Another one of Danna’s special Rock-and-Roll trio. The most disgustingly sexy, slutty combination of musky honey and sweaty, smokey leather…..growl! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: MUSK ~ Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive, use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover, happiness, fulfillment. SMOKEY LEATHER ~ Sensuality, seduction, relaxation, protection, protection, dark, secrets, safety, surviving what comes at you, sex. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, I LIKE this one....musk musk and more musk....hint of fruit, hint of leather....WOW.....going in to buy a bottle as soon as I write this review....and I may boost it with something....probably BI....OMG this would KILL somebody....
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