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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Our man magnet combo of Alpha-Androstenol and a whopping dose of EoW Copulins! Mood elevating, popularity enhancing, sexually attracting! ________________________________________________________ Ok, ladies, I got my package today, so I am slathered in several scents. This one is going to be great for those intimate moments when you want an "almost there" sweet sexy scent that will kill them with the pheros...the scent is mild and light and feminine....but it covers the pheros PERFECTLY. Will be ordering this one by the gallon, I think..... Will review the phero effects after I test drive it with my sweetie this weekend.....this is gonna be FUN.....
  2. A girl after my own heart.....and, it is in public, so you should be safe....just be careful, you.....
  3. Yeah, I am with you on that one....a little bit of torture and a lot of anticipation are a good thing.... I love torturing my man when the kids are all around during the day and he can do nothing about it....hehe....
  4. I have an email folder specifically for receipts for stuff I purchase online......ESPECIALLY with LP, because I order so much that I forget what I have bought and what else I need....
  5. Yeah, but it's just so much more fun WITH pheros! Thank Goodness BI is sticking around.....
  6. As my man says about me...."naughty" doesn't even BEGIN to cover it.....
  7. I still have a little over a full bottle of the unscented, plus I have some scents that the ladies boosted for me......AND I have a few bottles where I have blended the perfumes and unscented SS4W myself....
  8. Yeah, and you can wear the pheros and torture him with the anticipation until the time comes.....
  9. And I usually add extra into mine anyway....hehe....
  10. Yeah, this really is a great sexy scent....the unscented version is coming out this month too....you may want to try it....
  11. I hope you stocked up....both the scented Super for Women and the Unscented version are sold out. To my knowledge, will not be re-brewed....
  12. I think I am going to be testing Like a Magnet (LAM) on my sweetie as soon as it gets here.....hehe....I am up to no good if my pkg gets here before this weekend! I also have a deadline for Monday, and will be working most of the day on Sunday, so I will have an opportunity to test out the focus potion this weekend!
  13. Dolly

    Cheap Girls

    You can have it.....there is plenty of it to go around.....hehe.....
  14. OH, that would be a HOOT......and, it would probably be pretty scary!
  15. Great story Countess! I agree though, TH paired with TC is a great combo....you really should try it. Especially if you intend to get into a deep discussion and you don't want the other person to get angry or heated at what you have to say.....
  16. Dolly


    Don't you just love skin chemistry? Mine can take a perfectly lovely scent and turn it into something very very ugly.... But, thankfully, my skin loves Nymph.....
  17. They are both long-lasting (and totally YUMMY) on me.....but I just prefer the brown sugar note of the NSD......SWEET!
  18. AH, Shelly.....we are SO MUCH alike! I normally do the same thing.....I like putting them out there.....I leave a trail when I pass through a room....
  19. I have most of them on the way (except Woozy Floozy.....that one is next on my list).....but they haven't gotten here yet! Will review as soon as they do......... Oh, and Shelly....I am sending you an email re HAM......
  20. Oh yeah, they sure can! Nothing like the smell of sugared vagina.....ok, I probably shouldn't have said that.....
  21. Welcome Tee! Well, there are two 10-sample packs for women. The monthly sample pack is the current month's new releases....you can see those on the home page of the website.....if you got the LP trial size collection, that should include the staples like LP Original, LP Black, LP Red, and some of the others....I'm sure the ladies will make it fun for you......a sampler is a great way to get to know the LP's!
  22. That tickled me.....less Ew with your EoW.... I have had most of my faves boosted with BI also....I always add extra cops though....just can't help myself.....hehe..... By the time I am finished boosting and buying pre-mixed phero scents, I will probably have NO un-phero-ed ones....
  23. Dang, Lor.....your SO sounds like my second ex-husband! When I was with him, I did not flirt, I did not so much as LOOK in another man's direction, but he accused me anyway.....in the end, I found out that HE was the one who was cheating.....
  24. I wore this one to bed last night, and can still smell it this morning....very very nice.....soft and pretty yet dark at the same time....is that even possible? YES, it is!
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