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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Hmmmm, really don't know. Depends on your man and what kind of personality he has. I don't do well with jealousy either. I am a big flirt, so whomever I am with has to accept that and get over it. I have had to tell a couple of them....I am going home with YOU, so just chill and don't pull a Tarzan on me.
  2. I apologize for upsetting you. I edited my post above which may give you some more insight regarding this issue and a conversation that I had with Mara last night. The concentration of the blends should stay the same.....read my post above please. The fact that Androtics now lists the amount of mcgs per bottle is a new thing (when I was ordering there (a long time ago), it was not available)....IS/A is 7000 mcgs in a 30 ml bottle.....not much when you consider what you are getting here..... I do hope you continue to post here.....but just enjoy the mixes without worrying about the mcgs.....we only have limited info at this time....
  3. I added almost 1 full ml to mine (after I had used part of one of my bottles)......NSD covers the smell completely......be sure to let it sit overnight before you start slathering, though.....OH, wait.....you have the bottle boosted with BI already, so you already have some cops in it.....I would add maybe half a ml...... SHELLY.....I love the HAM, but I prefer the NSD (of which I have 4 bottles....that should do me for a long time).....I wouldn't let my HAM go on the trading post, but I would let YOU have it, if you want it...it is slightly used.....down about 1/16th of an inch from full......$22 if you so desire......
  4. Well, I boost most of my perfumes, but if I use the unscented ones, I prefer the CPS because of the silky application.....
  5. Yeah Shelly, do a "Contrast and Compare" paper like we used to have to do in school.....
  6. Oh, I am calm, hun. It is just that I get a little aggravated when I see someone act like they are ignoring the answers they receive and continue to ask the same question. Let me see if this will answer some of your questions in a clear manner. I have spoken with Mara, and she has said that the unscented blends from Stone will continue to be at the same concentrations that they have been previously (Stone is the creator of Essence Oil, Dominance, Treasured Hearts, True Confessions, Blatant Invitation). She says that the concentration is basically a 1 mg/1 ml concentration. We will have no further details from Dr Stone as to the ingredients, the amounts, or the number of mcgs of each of the different pheros. Now, let's talk about Woozy Floozy, as it seemed to cause you some confusion. I think that the reason Mara listed the amount of mcgs in the Woozy Floozy is because it is straight A-nol. Other blends may have A-nol in them, and may have more TOTAL phero content, but not as much A-nol as in WF.....mainly because it is a "component" in the other blends, and is not one single phero, as it is with WF. The number of mcgs in a blend will probably not be of ANY use to most of us, because the amount of each phero used will vary based on the OTHER pheros in the blend, and how they all work together. For instance, 3000 mcgs of straight A-nol is high.....10,000 mcgs would be insane. We enjoy your presence and welcome your other questions, but on THIS topic, there is no other information to provide. Hope that you enjoy the forum.
  7. Shelly, try adding some extra EoW to the bottle of BI boosted NSD....trust me on this one....it takes it to the next level....
  8. Mara has told me that she has NO IDEA what is in the new Stone Cougar. She apparently gave Dr Stone the recipe for the old one, told him what we would like for it to DO, and then he did his thing. He has not given her the full list of ingredients. We have to trust Dr Stone.....he is GOOD....
  9. Mademoiselle, with all due respect, would you please give it a rest? I don't want to sound rude, but you have asked for the same information about 5 times. You are on the verge of what I would call "badgering" Mara. Mara does not have the information. She has told you that. If she did, she would give it to you. Dr Stone has not told her how many mcgs are in each blend. As far as Ail's blends, I do not know for sure, but I would assume that the ingredients were probably expressed to him in proportions and he did the actual formulating. So, she doesn't have that info either. I will just ask you this.....What other companies have you purchased pheromones from? Androtics? Do they tell you the exact amount of mcg in each blend? I'm not talking about the straight pheros, but the actual BLENDS. They don't tell you what's in it, or the strength of it.....for IS/A, they tell you it is TAL, TAH, cops, and 4 or 5 other ingredients that they do NOT disclose. Do you know how many mcgs of pheros are in a bottle of IS/A? How about MX 135? Know what's in that one? I would bet not. The forum members over at PheroTalk have guessed, but it is just that. A guess. Do you even know what molecules TAH, TAL, TAF, TAC are? They do not tell you what those are because they are "proprietary". Oh yeah, I like to know what is in the products I use, but with pheromones and the competitiveness of the market, it is better that they DON'T list all of the ingredients. That way, the blends don't get "ripped off" by competitors. That is why very few phero retailers list their ingredients. Dr Stone does not want his ingredients released, and that is his decision. Not Mara's. Not knowing how many mcgs of which pheros are in them will not stop ME from using them. As far as the strength, how long have you been using pheros? I am going on 7 years now, and I have tried pheros from practically every company out there. And no, that is NOT an exaggeration. NONE of the pheros on the market from ANY other company comes even close in potentcy or efficiency. THESE PHEROS WORK. PERIOD. They are STRONG. At other sites, especially with alcohol based blends, you are paying for mostly alcohol and water. Don't get me wrong, I loved Androtics when I first found their site. Their products were stronger than most I had used up to that point. Then I found LP. I get off the chart reactions from LP pheros, and at a FABULOUS price. And, I use MUCH less product to get these reactions. Did you look at the strength of "Like A Magnet" compared to the competitor? Almost 16 times the strength. At half the price. That should tell you something. It is your decision, of course, whether to buy the pheros from here or not. I will, because I trust Dr. Stone and the lovely ladies. They will not rip us off, over charge us, or sell us something that is inferior. As for me, I'm not going to sit around worrying about how many mcgs are in a bottle....I am going to use them and enjoy the hell out of them.
  10. I wholeheartedly agree, Mara. As a phero user of about 7 years now, what you are selling is stronger than anything on the market today. Experienced users should realize this after just a couple of uses, for sure. And, your prices kick SERIOUS butt when you look at what you are getting!
  11. I wore this one to an eye appointment today, and I must say it is very nice. I had to get my eyes dilated, so a friend of mine drove me home, and she has allerges which normally react to strong scents. This one she said smelled nice and mild, and didn't bother her at all. The pheros had her smiling and chatting up a storm also. Also, everyone I came into contact with was very pleasant, very sweet, and accomodating....
  12. I bought mine online at vitacost.com .....the actual name of the estrogen metabolism formula is diindolylmethane (I think that is how you spell it), but it is just referred to as DIM. The progesterone cream is natural [progesterone, so it is not synthetically created. It is apparently made from soy. I am really enjoying the benefits of the two taken in conjunction. You should check out vitacost, the prices are really good there.....
  13. Thank you, Countess, it was a truly awesome weekend!
  14. Rowdy Raunchy & Rude sounds like it was made for ME! I fit the description!
  15. OK, so I had a FAB weekend....didn't want it to end....for those of you who don't want a long report, stop reading....it was not a weekend where I had any miraculous phero discoveries, but it just cemented some of the stuff that I already knew....and reminded me why I LOVE wearing pheros.... Started out wearing my SS4W/BI/cops blend with Dark Seductions......I was looking HOT, if I do say so myself....I have dropped a jean size recently, and was wearing a shirt that accentuated the double D's, but was not overly low cut or anything like that......just looked REALLY GOOD. My bright red, almost waist length hair had been turned into a big mass of spiral curls.....which is no small feat.....curls ALWAYS fall out, but I found a system.....it means sleeping on the spiral rollers, and leaving them in for about 15 hrs, but it WORKS. Anyway, I got to my sweetie's house before he did, let myself in, and waited.....he got there about 15 min later, got out of his car, and when he came in, I walked down the hall to meet him....he was stunned. As soon as I got within range, he said, "OOOOHH, you're wearing 'Instant Erection', aren't you?" (that is what he calls Dark Seductions). This man starts kissing me, and I swear, I thought he was going to rip my clothes off right there in the kitchen. And it wasn't like he hadn't seen me in a while.....it had only been like 2 days.....he was stroking my back, and playing with my curls, and kissing my neck.....we almost didn't make it to dinner! We went to dinner with a couple who are a little older (by about 10 years or so), and the man (who I have met several times before) was just making all kinds of eye contact, and flirting, and just could not keep his eyes off of me. After dinner, my honey and I ran to the grocery store for our BBQ supplies for the next day, and I was getting double takes, grins, and winks from most of the male population. My man saw this, and was quite amused. We went on home and within about 15 min of sitting down, he told me that he just HAD to have me right then and could NOT wait. The sex was soooo good.....HOT and STEAMY...... Saturday started off like a normal weekend morning....just relaxing....after breakfast, I went in the bedroom to get dressed......and I wanted to experiment, so I put on some of my BI-boosted CFM......as soon as I got within range, he said......"That is CFM, isn't it? Damn, you smell so good. OOOOH, and just look at you.....you are so HOT." BTW, at the time, I had NO makeup on, hair barely brushed, jeans and a T shirt....looking like I just rolled out of bed. We were sitting on th couch, watching the news, and he says how good I smell....picks up my arm to get a big whiff, and then starts LICKING my arm! He said that CFM tastes almost as good as it smells..... As the day progressed, we needed to engage in a conversation which was not going to be entirely pleasant, but which needed to take place.....so, when I went to the restroom, I rolled some True Confessions on the backs of my hands and arms.....I knew that the conversation could turn to a not-so-nice situation (every time we would get to that topic of discussion in the past, it would turn ugly), so I rolled on some Treasured Hearts also. After hanging out within range of my pheros for about 20 min, the communication gates opened, and we had the convo we had both been not looking forward to. BUT, it really wasn't bad. Some things that need to be said on BOTH sides were, and then it was over with. Pretty painless actually. He said what he needed to, so did I, and it's all good....we both felt MUCH better after it was all said and done..... So, that evening, after we finished dinner, I went to take a shower. I wanted to get back in the range of "red hot woman", so I put on another one of his faves.....Lady Casanova, boosted with BI.....it was ON. After we picked up the dinner mess, we were hanging out (and drinking), and just plain getting crazy. I was dancing and singing (I don't normally sing, beacuse I don't do so very well).....I thought he was inside doing a few things, but what I didn't know is that he came outside while I had my back turned and was belting out some Gretchen Wilson (everybody says that I look like her, only heavier). All of a sudden, he says...."Get it, girl!" I turned around, and he was standing there, watching me with this big smile on his face. He walks up and says...."You can SING. And you have the MOVES. I thought I was watching Gretchen." We had the best time! And, that night, in the bedroom, he found out exactly what a red-hot, plus-sized woman could do. He has gotten a "taste" of it before, but that night, it was like I was unleashed or something! Yesterday morning, all he could do was say......WOW. Every time he has called me since I came back home, he has said that he couldn't believe it.....said it was almost like a different person. He said...."You were HOT in bed before, but not like THAT. WOW." All, in all, a very fun, very productive weekend. Things that needed to be said were said, no arguments, no personality clashes. Just fun, love, pheros, and hot sex. Plus, I smelled DAMN GOOD. Hehe....
  16. Well, my mother is a breast cancer survivor of about 15 years. They determined that the cancer WAS caused by excess estrogen (she had taken birth control for YEARS, and then was put on HRT during menopause). When they removed the breast and tested the tumor, they said it was highly positive for estrogen. My Gyn explained to me that cancer is not necessarily hereditary, but the gene that causes you to be susceptible to estrogen-caused cancer supposedly are. So, when I reached a certain age, they wanted me to discontinue using even the birth control. Now that the peri-men symptoms started, they do NOT want me to start taking bio-identical hormone supplements. BUT, I needed some relief, so I started doing some research. Some doctors have found that the issue is not so much that all of your hormones are dropping but that your other hormones in relation to estrogen drop, causing a condition called "estrogen dominance". This condition causes hot flashes, weight gain (or inability to lose), water retention, sleeping problems, etc etc etc. The excess estrogen can build up to a point where it does cause cancer, most normally of the breast. In women, progesterone is normally only produced during ovulation, so estrogen dominance really becomes an issue as they get older (even though it HAS happened, you don't find very many 20-30 year olds with breast cancer). I recently started using natural progesterone cream and a supplement called DIM, which helps your body to metabolize estrogen and balance your hormones. I have been taking the two in conjunction for about a month, and it has seemed to make a difference in the symptoms I was having (I have stopped retaining water, the weight is dropping, and my hot flashes have stopped). The doctor says that these two supplements have not been known to cause any serious side effects, so I'm happy. If you decide to take bio-identicals, just make sure that the doc considers a supplement with BOTH estrogen and progesterone.....the old supplements were straight estrogen, and caused cancer in a lot of women. As far as the original question, asked by Miss Goddess, I haven't noticed the use of these supplements having any effect on my phero usage or effects.
  17. And that is so much fun......blind testing.....no pre-conceived notions.....
  18. Well, everybody, I will write up a thorough report later (I am exhausted)......but let's just say that my planning paid off......I rocked my man's world this weekend.....and then HE rocked MINE!
  19. As far as unscented pheros, I would also recommend Drop Your Guard and/or Treasured Hearts....TH encourages a "bonding" type of vibe....it is very nice.....Drop Your Guard may help you too, in being less shy.....you could have these pheros added directly to any scent of your choice.....
  20. Dolly

    I am here

    Poor Mara....hope it's not too bad, sweetie! Now that you have a man around, let him open those pesky things for you!
  21. Dolly

    I am here

    OOOOOH, thank you, Grand Wizard! I like them stinky!! Hey Liz...SG noted in another post that they now have a helper on staff.....this is him!
  22. Dolly

    I am here

    Welcome Wizard! Glad you are around to help the ladies out.....we run them ragged, I'm afraid....
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