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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly

    Native Soil

    I'm sorry but you're too late.....a friend of mine (not on the forum) snatched it.....now I am down to my one bottle that I am keeping for ME.....plus, it is boosted with SS4W....no way am I letting that one go.....
  2. Shelly, yet another thing you and I have in common.....most of my friends growing up were boys....in fact, most of my friends as I got older are males, too....hmmmmm, I detect a pattern here.....
  3. And you know that I love you too Ail!! You are indeed one of my favorite people that this Earth is blessed with!
  4. Thank you Ail.....I may be experienced with the use of pheros, but have NOT the scientific knowledge that you have, so I am not much help with most of the more technical questions.....
  5. I agree with you completely Shelly....it's like when I put on a business suit. I don't mean a feminine-looking suit. I mean, a PURE business suit. I rock a business suit in a totally different way than I do a hot looking outfit. I only wear one when I am getting ready to kick ass. And, anybody who knows me well, knows that. If I'm coming after them and I have a suit on, they'd better look out (that comes from my time working for the government....I learned how to slip into that persona very well.....but that's a totally different story)! And, if I happen to be wearing a suit AND Dominance.....OMG! There may be bloodshed by the time it's over! LOL But, yeah, I know that some people see pheros as manipulating situations, but the way I see it is this.....pheros will NOT manipulate someone into doing something they would not do.....BUT they can push them over the edge if they are a "fence rider".....
  6. Dolly


    I guess we're just "dirty girls"......LOL....
  7. Yeah, nice avi, coffeemama! I want to see the description of Rowdy Raunchy & Rude....that one may be a full bottle based on name alone....
  8. OK, so I'm bored.....and tired of stalking the new release section....so I thought I would provide us all a distraction.... For any newbies (and anybody else who is interested), I thought I would post this....just for the hell of it.....this is how I tailor my phero usage to the occassion.....with some pre-planning, you CAN get the results you want. I have a very special weekend coming up this weekend....when I leave on Friday, you probably won't see me again until Sunday (unless I pop in via my blackberry).....it is a little post-tax season "celebration"....I am going to be spending the weekend at my darlin's house.....part of the weekend is planned, but we are going to be kind of winging it as far as what we are going to be doing/who we are going to be seeing. I think I have covered all of my bases in my little LP bag. I have packed: CFM (boosted with BI....this is a killer), Nasty Habits boosted with SS4W, Un-Cougar, and cops, and My "Special blend" of SS4W, BI, xtra cops, and Dark Seductions. I have also included Happy Water, just because my sweetie likes it.... And, I am taking unscented bottles of True Confessins and Treasured Hearts.... WHY oh WHY is she taking all of these for a 2 day trip? Well, what I wear is going to depend on what we are doing..... I am planning to arrive Friday night looking HOT....hair and makeup to the T (usually I am a very casual person).....and I am going to be wearing my Dark Seductions special blend....I want the SS4W to help him see me in a whole new light.....and hopefully I will get ravished in the meantime.... For Saturday morning, just hanging out, it will be Happy Water, for a very light mood.....it will be layered with TC and TH to encourage some conversations that need to happen.....later in the day, depending on how the morning goes, I will either go with my Nasty Habits blend or boosted CFM. I will explain..... My Nasty Habits blend (with SS4W, Cougar, and cops) makes him absolutely starry-eyed, and makes him notice my feminine side more.....and, the un-cougar makes me feel downright "sparkly".....will be used if we are just hanging out together, enjoying each other's company.... CFM just screams "I am HOT and you have to have me".....for those times when my man wants a take charge strong woman (which I normally am).....he has always responded well to TAL.....EXCEPT during those times when he wants a girly girl....CFM, with the edition of BI puts me in my element, on top of it....gives me the self-effects of "I am IT on a stick"......this one will be worn if we go out visiting.....because it makes me STRUT..... I think I will also throw in a bottle of BI boosted Lady Casanova, simply because it is one of my sweetie's faves.... OK, so this post was long-winded.....I guess I just wanted ya'll to see a weekend in a phero addict's life.....I am NOT saying to use them to continually MANIPULATE people, but they can be used to your advantage, in ALL situations.....
  9. Well, the Teddy Man description on here states that b-androstadienol is the alpha male at peace phero....and yes the actor's magic site makes a similar statement about androsterone. Here is what I know....I haven't worked much with b-androstadienol, but I did play around with some androsterone several years ago. What I noticed was that it did have a very calming effect on the people whom I was wearing it around, making them feel at ease with me, and making me seem approachable. It's funny though....I had one date who would party with me all night, very high-strung......but when I would wear androsterone, he would get so relaxed that if we were sitting watching a movie or whatever, he would cuddle up next to me or lay his head in my lap, and go to sleep......EVERY TIME. So, I guess in answer to part of your question, -rone pretty much equals good vibes all around.
  10. Dolly


    Try layering this one with one of the honey scents....like Sugared Honeycomb or the like....I like it by itself, but today I tried layering it with Naughty Sweet and Dirty, and it is actually quite lovely....
  11. Normally the only phero blends included in the samplers are the scents that Mara adds pheros to. Unscented phero blends are normally not included. However, check the trading post, as some members split bottles of pheros to try out.
  12. That is so great Shelly! Can't wait to hear all your new phero stories when you are back on the prowl with your Cougar/EoW.....
  13. Dolly

    Cheap Girls

  14. LP Red is lovely.....and I think it has enough body to cover the cops pretty well.....
  15. Dolly

    Cheap Girls

    I tried this one out on my sweetie last night, layered over a healthy dose of BI.....he liked the scent, and when I told him the name, he said...."Are you cheap?" I said, "No, but today, I AM half off." He liked that.....he replied that he was fine with that, as long as the "half" that was off was my clothing.....hehe.... A wild night was had by all, after my son was sleeping.....
  16. Yeah, I like the silicone base also......it imparts such a "silky" feel, and I like the diffusion rate too...... Mademoiselle, Mara will have to answer your specific math question.....since I found out how effective the LP phero blends are, I don't even worry about the numbers..... I will say this though....she did tell me that the Woozy Floozy is VERY STRONG.....
  17. Ain't it the truth? Other retailers are charging double or triple for products that are only half as potent (or less).....you have to use more of their stuff, and you get charged out the wazoo..... Danna, you and Mara ROCK!
  18. I try not to get caught up in the numbers.....these pheros are the strongest, most potent on the market, and they work for me! That's all I know! If it works, it's all good.....
  19. I believe it was Tantric Butterfly.....I was in the boat with all those who jumped the gun, and I felt bad about it.....it was on the search as $24.95, but it should have been $29.95.
  20. I would wait until they all go live ladies.....I don't know about "messing" anything up, but I do believe that the ladies have to pay a paypal transaction fee for each order you make......so, if you order 2 bottles today, and then three tonight, and so on, they pay a fee for each paypal payment..... And Mara said that there WILL be enough to go around.....no need to really worry about sell-outs too quick.... And remember, on the last round of New Releases, one of the prices was incorrect, causing the ladies to get shorted a few bucks on some orders.....
  21. Yeah, it took me 5 or 6 tries to get my response posted....my computer was giving me that same error....thought it was just me......
  22. Hey hun....the new sexology is unscented, so it should mix fine with any scent....like a magnet is going to be lightly scented, and may not mix well with everything.....I think it will be killer for layering though..... personally, I will probably be layering it with EVERYTHING....
  23. Luna is correct. It is my understanding that it is lightly scented......probably not a heavy scent like a regular LP oil would be.....good for when you are close and don't want to be heavily perfumed.....probably also good for layering.....
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