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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly


    Thanks hun! Yor pkg is on its way to you as well......
  2. I'm not sure about the EXACT math, but I think I do remember that it works out to 1mg/1 ml....it is the same concentration as the unscented, for sure. There is a post somewhere on the board where Mara worked out the math for us....this soon after tax season, I am too brain dead to manage.....
  3. Dolly


    I cracked up at that description when I first read it myself.....
  4. Right, you get a 10 ml bottle of perfume with the pheros already mixed into the perfume. Here is the way I understand it.....first, we have to clear up what we are talking about. At LP, you can get the unscented pheros, you can get a scented phero blend (the ones released with the monthly releases, such as Tantric Butterly, Wildflower, etc), or you can get any scent you want, boosted with one of the unscented pheros. When you buy one of the pre-designed phero blends, it is my understanding that those are not as strong as the unscented (do not contain as much of the pheros).....BUT, if you buy a bottle of perfume, and have it "boosted" with one of the pheros, such as PP (your fave, if I remember correctly), it is the EXACT same strength as the unscented phero blends.
  5. I had made a post a while back about sexology.....my honey is always affectionate, but normally very G rated around the kids (I have a 10 yr old and he has an 11 and 12).....Well, one evening he came to visit, and I was standing in the kitchen talking to my son while he was doing his homework. I had my hair up in a bun to keep it out of my way, and just happened to be bathed in sexology......my man walks up behind me, puts his arms around my waist, and then starts LICKING the back of my neck! I have decided to reserve Sexology for the times when the kids are not around!
  6. It is a really great scent, and great pheros too! I'm sure you'll like it! Oh, and WELCOME! Always nice to see new faces around here!
  7. It did the same thing on me Rosebud.....my skin amped the sticky sweet part.....I sold mine to CC, who I know will give it a good home!
  8. Woozy Floozy is straight A-nol, but is WAY stronger than what we have been buying....it is super high-powered....and will probably be quite a bit more expensive than the regular unscented blends.....but, I am sure it will be SO worth it!
  9. We are twins Shelly! We do tend to gravitate towards the same types of scents.....probably because we do have similar skin chemistries.....
  10. I KNEW we'd convert you!! They are just too much FUN! 95% of the time, I am wearing some sort of pheros.....very rare that I am NOT. I'm really looking forward to the new ones, too.....I love road testing new mixes....
  11. Most of my scents are boosted with the stinky ones that can be smelled lingering in the air after application......although, I did order Nymph boosted with Alpha Nol, simply because there is no way you could cop that one up without running everybody off.....LOL All of my sexy scents I have boosted with either SS4W (I added cops), or BI (with Xtra cops)......some of these I also have un-phero-ed just in case I need a "pure" scent..... The pheros with little to no scent......like Treasured Hearts or True Confessions.....I just layer those, because my sweetie won't smell them in the room.....he won't know I am wearing them unless he walks in during application....I am also buying a bottle of unscented Woozy Floozy just for layering purposes......
  12. That's what I'm talking 'bout! And, Djac.....BI is pretty darn sexual......BUT Mara and I have also experienced "popularity type" reactions when using this mix.....it is just really good....it DOES contain your beloved EST! I'd say try it! Some ladies say they absolutely CANNOT wear cops to work.....BUT I do know that some of us (such as the Countess, Rosebud, and MOI) wear cops a LOT to work (and I did this when I was working in an office setting).....you just have to be prepared for any reaction you may get......but you, Djac......I think you would rock the cops in any setting!
  13. Yeah, because they not only have all of the new scents to load pages for, but also all of the new pheros! Let's all try to be patient!
  14. It is definitely in a class by itself.....
  15. Just a post to occupy us while we're all obsessing over the new releases and when we can order.... How many of you are having the ladies "boost" your scents? I have started getting the scents that I know I love, and will continue to wear, boosted with pheros. It only makes sense! When you have a bottle boosted, it is at the same strength as the unscented blend, but you don't have to layer! And for those who either have a partner who is clueless that they wear pheros....or as in my case, he knows I wear them, but doesn't know WHEN (I prefer blind tests)......it is easier....I CANNOT apply BI unscented anytime within a 30 min window of his arrival, because it lingers in the air of my bedroom.....and then he KNOWS what I am up to.....and BI is my absolute FAVE..... If you buy them separately, you pay roughly $65 for the scent and the unscented phero.....$24.95 for the scent and $39.95 for the phero.....if you buy it boosted, you get the same potency, but it is only $44.95....what a bargain! See how well the lovely Mara and Danna take care of us? So, who else is doing this?
  16. See, I never got maple from Me Jane.....on me, I got banana....lots and lots of banana.....with a little hint of coconut.....
  17. Raven Moon 2009 is very nice, but a little too maple-y for my tastes....I have a full bottle on my trading post for sale or swap.....
  18. The good news is that this one is one of the "permanent" LP line.....the lovely ladies keep rebrewing it, just like LP Original and LP Red.....I STILL have three bottles of it, though.....
  19. No prob, hun! I knew I was a risk, but I was willing! I was going to give it my Mom, but it found a very good home with Ail, so it will be well-loved! BTW, if anybody has any of the original, I will pay DOUBLE!
  20. And I just noticed something by looking at these labels....and by going back and looking at my bottles for the last couple of months....the lovely ladies are putting month and year on them.....that way, if they do a re-brew, we'll know which edition we have! YAY!!
  21. OMG! Why do you ladies keep doing this to me?
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