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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Hey Djac, I emailed Ivy twice, and she never responded.....so, if you want that other bottle of PCMP, it's yours! I'll shoot you an email!
  2. I think I would've preferred carpet-fresh.....
  3. OH, never EVER let them smell a phero blend when it is wet! My man did, and his statement was that it smelled like ass......and one time he said it was "skunky".....not a good thing!
  4. Dolly

    Top Five

    Lately, I have been wearing a lot of (in no particular order): 1) Shelly's Naughty Sweet and Dirty (laced with EoW.....YOWZA) 2) Sorceress 3) Happy Water 4) LP Black (boosted with BI) 5) Dirty Sexy (laced with all kinds of "stuff") Do we notice a theme here? Pheros, pheros, and more pheros! Actually the bulk of my scents are either phero blends, or have been boosted......it just makes things so much easier.....
  5. Dolly


    I ended up ordering two bottles.....one amped with A-nol and one not.....
  6. Can't bring myself to do that. There is something in the Tantric Butterfly which goes utterly rancid on me.....
  7. Okeydokey....she hasn't responded to my email, but when she does, I'll let ya know!
  8. OK, I made the command decision to get a backup of this one......I LIKE VERY MUCH! It is deep and rich, but not overpowering.....feminine but not prissy......right up my alley! And it has pheros.....big bonus for me!
  9. Hey Djac! I have one extra bottle (I am keeping one and a backup).....If Ivy doesn't want the extra one, it's yours! Do you still have my email? If not, just get an exchange!
  10. Dolly


    OK, so last night, after I took my shower, I applied Nymph, and my sweetie went crazy for it. He insisted that I purchase a full bottle, which I did already do yesterday afternoon (amped with A-nol, for a happy vibe).....he described it as "fresh, light, and feminine".....he said that it is a "just hanging around the house and not wanting to be all perfumey, but just wanting to smell clean and fresh" type of scent...... Glad I went ahead and got a full bottle.....
  11. Ivy, I have a brand new unused bottle that I would be willing to sell you (I have 3 or 4 bottles, I think.....I'm a big hoarder).....request my email and shoot me a msg if you're interested...... ETA....I just emailed the ladies, so you will be hearing from me soon.....
  12. I am thinking about getting Nymph amped with straight A-nol or Treasured Hearts.....
  13. Sometimes I HATE my skin chemistry.....it is doing something very bad and ugly to this scent.....loud, cloying, and not at all what I think the intention was....I am afraid this will be a trading post item.....
  14. Well, you will like this one if you like woodsy scents....it's very nice....will test the pheros when I am dealing with some of my female clients.....or maybe in a social setting.....hmmmmm..... I'm almost there LIZ.....just a couple more.....I want to see my new title too.....
  15. OK, this is a part phero-hit, part scent story.... Yesterday, I had appts up until 5:30 or so, and I needed to go grocery shopping.....my darlin' suggested that we go grab something to eat first.....well, before we left, I had applied a little treasured hearts and a little straight BI, and was going to cover with a plain scent, but then I grabbed this one.....and slathered away......I was so yummy smelling! My sweetie decided that he wanted to wear Bad Boy (I may actually have to get him another bottle of that one before it sells out, because he likes it so much). OK, so we go to a local restaurant, and we are standing in one spot waiting for our table....we are in a cloud of apricot and vanilla......as we walk over to our tabel, I pause (a couple of feet from the table) while the waitress lays our menus down, and then I walk over and sit..... A few minutes later, these young waiters and waitresses are standing about 4 feet from our table, saying...."I smell something really sweet....smells almost like pancakes that you get at IHop or Waffle House.....where is that smell coming from.....look, it is strongest right HERE".....just happened to be right where I had been standing.....I was trying not to giggle.....then when the air came on, just above our table, here they come again....."There is that smell again. Damn, it's making me hungry. Gosh, that smells so good." I was cracking up.....this stuff has serious throw..... When we went to WalMart came the phero part of the story....walking through there doing our shopping......men giving me BIG goofy grins.......one young guy in the produce section almost got whiplash from his head snapping around.....when I turned around and looked him in the eye, he gets the big cheshire cat smile.....I was laughing my head off......I was dressed in jeans and a little polo shirt....nothing provocative.....too funny! My sweetie was VERY affected also.....later in the evening, things heated up VERY nicely......glad my son wasn't home....I think we woke the neighbors......and there is an empty lot between my house and theirs.....
  16. I agree with ya on this one.....the scent is fab on me.....the perfect mix of woods and sweetness.....on me, it is like I took soulfood and carpe noctum, mixed them together, and then lightened them up.....sandalwood and vanilla with a subtle spice....I really like it!
  17. Yeah, I knew I was risking it, but I do like the TAF, and I knew this one would probably go quickly.....better to be safe than sorry! I'm sure that if it doesn't work, someone will give it a good home!
  18. OK, this one surprised me the most.....I ALMOST didn't get a full bottle unsniffed, but caved at the last minute....it is VERY nice.....I like VERY much.... I don't get marshmallow.....I get woods and spices and musk....and after it dries down for a while, mostly woods and vanilla.....I may need a backup bottle......
  19. OK, not sure about this one and my skin.....either the ylang ylang or the jasmine or both are amping to an ALMOST unpleasant level (I think they are having a contest).....I am going to give it a couple more tries though, because I do like TAF, and it is a different type of scent than I would normally choose.....got a full bottle.....if it doesn't work after a couple days, it will be up for grabs on my trading post ladies!
  20. Dolly

    Cheap Girls

    I received my package today, and I am so glad I got a full bottle of this one.....it is absolutely fab! Just the right blend of spices, resins, honey, and florals.....love it! This may be the one that I try on my sweetie's sniffer later!
  21. Dolly


    I think this one is going to be my next full bottle purchase....fresh and clean and light.....I usually tend toward the darker side as far as scents, but this would be kind of like Happy Water for me....a nice change of pace once in a while.....
  22. This one is really nice....I am testing about 5 of the new releases right now....this one reminds me (KIND OF) of the LP LE with BI, but with a little deeper background....I know it's peach and not apricot, but it's pretty close. Very nicely done! Glad I got a full bottle unsniffed!!
  23. Yeah Countess.....come on share those stories....I post most of mine.....and that's me....DANGEROUS.....heh
  24. Some people will build up a sort of "tolerance" to them, but you can avoid this for the most part by switching up which mix you use around these people.
  25. Sexology has quite a bit of cops already.......I would suggest that if you use plain EoW, cover it with a non-phero scent.....with your own natural production, you could be walking the OD line....
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