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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Yeah me toooooooo......we all KNOW how I feel about Dirty Sexy.....I have 7 bottles......
  2. OH YES, absolutely.....it is really good to wear when you are with someone who you think is "holding back".....they will be singing like a canary before it is over!
  3. Thanks for the info Lor.....sounds good for those who missed Nakai Nectar.....I missed the full bottles but managed to snag some samples.....
  4. Yeah, I ordered 2 unsniffed.....got another one coming in trade.....hehe
  5. What a great report, hun! What a fab day, huh? I'd say definitely jump at the chance of that road trip.....you and he.....in a car ALONE....hehehehehe.....
  6. Well, I would start with maybe.....say, 5-6 drops? One to each wrist, one on each side of the neck, one-two in the cleavage.....then let it dry down thoroughly and apply your cover.....the reason I say to use a cover that he likes is because that way, he will WANT to smell you.... If your regular EoW is that mild before it dries down, you probably got one from the batch that was supposedly weaker than normal......the "normal" strength of EoW has the same pungency as Essence Oil, but in a different base.....
  7. Luna has some good points.....BUT, if her scenario doesn't apply to you and your man, here is an answer to your question about copulins..... I wouldn't suggest wearing the EoW with no cover....he WILL tell you that you smell bad. You can absolutely wear too much in the way of cops.....some of the younger ladies have gotten what I call an OD reaction, because they are still producing lots of natural cops.....and you are still young, too.....try smaller doses of EoW with a cover scent that you know that HE likes.....see what happens.....
  8. I understand that Dr Stone is stocking Mara with some new "popularity-type" social mixes, but Pharmacom, who produced the original PP for us no longer exists.
  9. I like this one more and more each time I wear it......rich, spicy, and resinous.....it is just sooooooo incredibly yummy! And I love the Dominance pheros!
  10. Great report! If you like it, you'd better stock up, because that is one of the ones from Pharmacom, and when it sells out, it's gone.....
  11. It may be the TYPE of amber that is used.....some people have skin that powders certain ambers, while doing ok with others.....
  12. OK, first of all....how old are you? The older you are, the more EoW you will need......Also, if you have been on birth control for an extended time period (like I was), that will usually decrease your natural production, meaning you will need to use more. For your next experiment, load up on the straight EoW.....I mean, on the verge of an OD......then let it dry down and apply your cover.... Secondly, does he KNOW that you are using pheros? Some men, if they know, will close off and it will make matters worse. It is best to use them on the sly.....my man knows I wear them, but he is not always aware of WHEN I wear them....heh.... It is normally best for men to smell the cops, as that is how it affects them......BUT, if he already knows you wear them, he will be looking for the EoW tang....you will need to be really slick at covering them.....he should be able to smell "something", but not know exactly what it is, and then.....WHAMMO! Do you have PheroGirl? It is loaded with EoW.....other effective covers from LP are Une (the non-phero version of Phero Girl), any of the richer fruity scents or LPs.....don't go with something light.....Shelly's Honeyed Amber and Musk (if you got it before it sold out), or Naughty Sweet and Dirty (I used this one last night......OH MY)....if you want to use your own perfumes, some really good notes that will cover well are amber, musk, vanilla, cinnamon, or fruity scents...... My 3rd husband was a very non-sexual type (intermittent impotence problems), and EoW affected him.....wear a large enough dose, and it will raise the dead! On the flip side of the coin.....if you are young, you may be OD'ing already, and need to use less....give us some more info so maybe we can pinpoint the issue.....
  13. My man wore this one to work today......he doesn't know it has pheros in it......but he loves the smell......and it smells incredibly sexy on him.....
  14. My darlin' really liked this one last night.....I layered it with BI.....heheh......my man didn't stand a chance.....
  15. OK, even though I am thoroughly annointed with Naughty Sweet and Dirty, I did find one unperfumed spot to try this one.....glad I got a bottle based on Luna's description.....it doesn't disappoint! I love the dark ones, and this one is dark but sweet at the same time.....the Nag Champa amps on me, and it reminds me of incense, but frosted with sugar......if you can imagine that......
  16. My skin amps ALL of the notes in this one! Even though I just put on a little bit, I am sitting here in a CLOUD of this scent, TRYING to work! LOVING IT!
  17. Hey Rosebud.....I am sending you an email......
  18. OK, this came today, in my hoarding package......this is EXACTLY what I envisioned! I had told Shelly that the day that this came up as a new private edition, I had written down those exact notes and was getting ready to request it myself when I ordered the new releases (we are TWINS after all).....I am ECSTATIC that I got 2 bottles.....it is soooooo dirty, but sweet at the same time.....it reminds me of a cross between Sugared Honeycomb and Sexology......precisely what I wanted......I am going to try it out on my sweetiw tonight.....along with a big load of pheros....... I need more of this! Still waiting on my other new releases.....will review as soon as I get them!
  19. Dolly

    Cheap Girls

    I ordered a bottle......couldn't resist.....and I haven't even sniffed it yet!
  20. Glad you're enjoying your LPs, Revivia.....yes, Socerer is some kind of sexy, FOR SURE! I love it on my man!!
  21. My orders of the new releases and PE's have not been shipped yet.....I received the confirmation on some other orders I had placed though (my hoarding orders).....the new ones should be coming soon.....
  22. Got one unsniffed and it's on the way......GLAD I DID after I read this review.....
  23. That is precisely why my sweetie doesn't normally sniff new scents on me when wet.....he usually waits until they dry down to form his opinion.....
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