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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. We are never to old to cry, and absolutely never to old to FEEL.....if you stop feeling, it's time to give up, because you're not human......hope it all works out exactly as you want it sweetie!
  2. OK, now that is thought-provoking! LIZ hunny, I think Danna is right.....it was probably not the pheros alone, but a combo of everything.....and yes, make sure that there are no lurking "unresolved issues" before slathering......sometimes pheros plus the dropping of inhibitions from the wine and other things can be a little much for the brain to process.....
  3. Not sure about that.....Ail or Mara will have to answer that one!
  4. OOOOOH, I would go with the Treasured Hearts for the "spread the love" vibe, definitely. Then I would add BI covered with a scent of your choice (could use the LP LE) or Scandalous with Cougar.....Cougar will give you the "sparkly" type of vibe.....but BI will give you the "damn she's hot and I want her" vibe.....so it depends on what persona you're shooting for..... TH and BI is one of my favorite combos, actually......
  5. How much of a roll equals a spray is a nearly impossible conversion to make, I think.....I believe that Mara made the comparison as she did, because everyone who was a phero user from Androtics was familiar with the mcg/spray as an indicator of the potency.....and per ml, LP has the competitors beat! Since the pheros are in a different medium, with a different diffusion rate however, it is going to be necessary to just test with the LP blends, and see what works for you and what doesn't in terms of amounts, rather than focusing on how many mcgs of pheros you are wearing. As you use them, you will be able to see when you get reactions and when you don't, and will instinctively learn when you need to wear more, or maybe wear less...... But yes, these are some of the most potent pheros on the market, so I would just say.....enjoy, and do some testing of your own to find your dosage......everybody's sweet spot is different.....
  6. I'm so excited! I loved the Honeyed Amber and Musk so much that I ordered two bottles of this one, unsniffed.....
  7. I find it to be quite different scent-wise than Super for Men.....but yet VERY sexy. The phero effects on ME as he is wearing it are quite similar to Super..... I think that it could be worn by older or younger guys....it is rich and deep and resinous......
  8. I agree.....it was always been one of my faves....deep, rich, and decadent......lately I have been wearing it more, now that my sweetie has decided that he likes it......
  9. Yes, if you are concerned about absorption, just order you some D5.......and you can apply it to the skin prior to applying the Bosom Bows, just to make sure that it doesn't absorb. I love the sound of Bosom Bows, too.....I got me a bottle!
  10. I give them to some of my female clients at tax-time.....now they love coming to see me.....
  11. That is my understanding also.....that is mostly a female social-type mix.....
  12. Lor, I'm not so sure what those exact pheros do, but I will say this....the unscented pheros are in a base of D5, and one of the reasons the ladies chose that base it because it does not soak into the skin. Apparently, the molecules are too large for it to be absorbed.....so, it lays on top. That is why our lovely perfumers also sell the D5 plain. For those of us who have scent-eating skin, or skin that corrupts certain notes, sometimes the D5 can help when applied prior to the scent.....
  13. I love this one on my sweetie.....Super for Men is STILL my fave, and makes me want to rip my clothes off within seconds of sniffing it, but this runs a VERY close second.......that's why I currently have a bottle en route for him.....
  14. I'm in the same boat right along with both of you ladies.....
  15. I agree with Djac on this one.....stay strong, and don't contact him, because he doesn't deserve you! There are some good ones out there....I FINALLY found one.....you have to sort through a lot of them before you find one worth keeping.....BUT, the "tryouts" are half the fun!
  16. Yeah, I had to have a funeral for one of mine......trying to find my backup!
  17. Well, I made a new discovery this weekend, for all of the EoW addicts (like ME)! If you like Happy Water, add some Essence Oil directly to the bottle.....it gives it a boost, and since it already a has a lot of different notes, the Essence Oil blends seamlessly into it....I get a hint of it here and there, just like a piece of over-ripe fruit, and I know what it is, but I bet nobody else would.....my sweetie just tells me I smell "yummy".....
  18. That's exactly what I am wondering too.....I also had to place an order for Bosom Bows after it went live....ok, now where's my credit card?
  19. My sweetie had stars in his eyes all night.....he was totally captivated by me.....and I was thoroughly ravished! Today, I am wearing LP LE with BI over a swipe of SS4W.....he loves the smell of this one....and he always wants to do things for me when I wear this....he is currently re-caulking my bathtub.....
  20. OK, I did it....ordered full bottles of Cheap Girls, Tantric Butterfly, and Hotter than Hell, as well as samples of Nymph and The Little Goth Girl......my credit card needs a breather.....
  21. The dark red hair is the clue....we ARE related.....mine is intense dark red now.....hahahahaha......I am rubbing off on you! Having fun thus far.....my hot man is in the shower.....he is loving me tonight.....I am hot and irresistible......will post details tomorrow!! Smooches everybody!
  22. OK, so if you hear in the news about a little cajun guy EXPLODING from lust tonight, you'll know it was my fault.....I decided to apply one of his faves......Lady Casanova.....the only thing is, after I applied it, I remembered......it is the one that I amped with BI and cops.....so, I am now slathered in SS4W, Cougar, BI, and Essence Oil.....OMG...... :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:
  23. Yeah, I had a round of appts this morning and I am going to be working this weekend, so right now I am just enjoying the fact that I can take a few hours to chill! Being a one-woman show is rough during tax time!
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