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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I tried some of putatives, but as a general rule, they gave me a buzz followed by a great BIG headache! I kind of stopped playing with them after I got that result more than a few times..... Yeah, I am still just bouncing around here, enjoying being ME! Screw tax season!! HA! I mean, I always get self-effects from the pheros, but not this much! I think it is the combo of the two, AND that I applied so much (and INHALED deeply).....
  2. OK, so I decided that I am going to play phero-queen tonight, but I haven't decided which scent I am going to wear.....there are several that my sweetie just LOVES, so I am still thinking on that.......BUT, I said to myself.....WELL, I'll go ahead and put the pheros on.....after all I do get self-effects, so I thought that a mood-lifter would be cool. I went in and slathered my arms with unscented SS4W AND unscented COUGAR......I am going to apply Essence Oil to the neck and cleavage, but later. Well, guess what? I applied so much SS4W and Cougar, that I not only picked up my mood (which is what I was aiming for)......I actually caught a buzz! A big one!! I am giggling as I type this.....I mean, I am higher than a Georgia Pine (as my darling grandmother would say)! GEEZ! Tonight is going to be fun! I'll let ya'll know what happens!!
  3. Brat_gurl......first of all, welcome to the forum! Are you trying to wear the EoW by itself? This is not recommended (although I have done it on occassion, just for testing purposes). It is made to be either mixed with a perfume before applying, or applying and then covering with a fragrance. There are some very good posts on here by Ail, regarding the use of EoW......do a search and it will provide you with some useful tips and hints. I haven't seen that show, but here is what I recall learning "way back when" (when I started using pheros)..... Most normal pheromones are not "smelled" per se, but do affect people through inhaling them. HOWEVER, copulins are not a pheromone in the true sense of the word, and the SCENT is what has the effect on men. I wrote a post where my man sniffed me on one side with EoW under my perfume, and one side where it was perfume only. He could tell the difference, and said that while that particular note he was smelling wasn't entirely pleasant, it turned him on immensely. Which is exactly what copulins are supposed to do. I can smell the difference myself....a perfume with or without cops.....you can mask them with certain scents to where it smells ok......BUT, I would caution against trying to completely hide them, because they are SUPPOSED to smell.....NOW, I am not saying that you should go out reeking of cops, BUT they work best for me when they "peek" through from under the scent. OH, and brat_gurl, you will get different reactions from women than men. Some women will get catty, or will be completely repelled by the smell.....it is not made for women after all, it is made to attract men.....
  4. Coeur has Treasured Hearts, and that is a really good blend.....it makes everybody "share the love" so to speak.....
  5. Rosebud, what a story! Yes, I would lay off the cops at work.....between the cops in CB and in PG, you were probably wearing about a quarter of a bottle of EoW! No wonder your TG was dropping and breaking things.....his testosterone was so high that he probably couldn't think! I agree you should go with maybe an SS4W/TH combo covered with some Une.....that would be a nice work mix.....
  6. I don't get LP Red from this.....this one reminds me a LITTLE of LP Black because of the resins.....
  7. That's EXACTLY why I go straight for the big bottles now.....
  8. A hair twin! I love it! Yeah, my hair looks deep red when I am inside, but when I am outisde, it almost glows! Have a great time on your little outing.....knock 'em DEAD!
  9. Some people are very sensitive to phero and copulin smells, and if you were wearing too much, it could have affected them like that.....read this thread where Mara discusses a similar reaction that one of our members had while wearing Sexology......
  10. You could always try a temp color that washes out in 7 shampoos or so......no real commitment.....try some different colors....see what you like! My first color was a semi-permanent that lasted about a month....
  11. Yeah, I had to ease into mine because I was working for the govt at the time I started coloring my hair.....I went from rosewood, to auburn, to bright auburn, to intense auburn.....then when I quit my job, I went to flaming red.....now I am at intense deep red.....
  12. My hair is naturally really dark brown......and gray.....lol......and BORING! I always wanted red hair......it is even more eye-catching now because it is has grown to about waist-length and is intense red!
  13. BIG HUGS to you CC! I know you have gone through some really rough times.....chin up! It will get better!!
  14. Well, it sure did work for me! I also did something I hae been wanting to do for years.....dyed my hair intense red.....it kind of fits the persona.....
  15. Well, a lot of my problem was that I was worrying too much about what other people thought.....and at the beginning, it was a lot of role-playing.....trust me, it sounds stupid, but if you PRETEND a couple of times that you are just the hottest ticket coming or going (and act accordingly), you will see a difference in the way people react to you, and attitudes (including your own) will start to change..... Do some little things that may be out of character.....buy a push-up or padded bra, if you need that......new makeup, new hairstyle, whatever makes you feel super HOT. Give yourself a new persona.....trust me, it CAN be done.....I am living proof......
  16. I'd go with Cougar (I am assuming it is unscented) and something with SS4W (either Rocket Fuel or Super)......also, I would skip the heavy PG cops......if your man is not with you, you may be putting out the wrong signals..... Now, about being invisible......take it from a plus-sized VIXEN....I used to be invisible until I decided that I would MAKE them see me......I carry myself like I am the hottest woman in the room.....if you exude self-confidence and self-assurance, they can't help but notice you..... You know, it's funny......my man had never been with a plus-sized woman before.....said he didn't think he would be interested in a larger woman......then he met me and found out that us bigger girls could ROCK HIS WORLD!
  17. Don't worry Shelly.....I embrace my evil-ness too.....fun, isn't it? But Luna was correct, the bathroom story was about my third husband, who I haven't seen since I divorced his sorry ass in 2004. My second husband is my son's Dad, and I have to see him regularly. My first one is somewhere in Texas, and I really don't know or care where. I know, I have too many husbands to keep track of.....thankfully, they are all "EX" husbands.....
  18. HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA.....yes, Shelly, I think we are twins......or kindred spirits, at the very least! We DO seem to have a lot in common......pretty scary, huh?
  19. OH, I can get laid without pheros......I want to get ravished.......I think this one will do it......I can't wait.....was going to make one exactly like that for myself but you beat me to it.....
  20. Dolly


    I am wearing this one today myself......drydown is really nice on me.....dirty but nice.....I do love the dirty ones!
  21. Yep, it looks like most of the new customs are up......I snatched up two bottles of Shelly's Naughty Sweet and Dirty.....just because I know I will love it!
  22. No, when I was married to him, I had no ideas that pheros even existed.....and, I didn't wear perfume hardly at all.......imagine that......
  23. OH yeah, I think that would be GREAT......I would take some of that action, for sure!
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