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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. ME TOO! I have a chunk of $$ that I am planning to spend.....which ones I buy will be based on descriptions only when they come out.....
  2. What should you wear? MORE! Sounds like you did well with that combo.....it does give a really fun vibe.....roll with it!
  3. Yes, most definitely let them know......the pheros usually float on top of the D5, so you may have a wierd ratio of the two going on......
  4. OH, you know me.....something amusing usually DOES happen.....especially when I'm wearing pheros....today was basketball games with my son......my man has his kids this weekend, so he was not present......and I was up for some funzies..... I slathered, yes slathered......myself in SS4W, covered with ShellyB's Honeyed Amber and Musk......boy, did I smell YUMMY! So, I take my son to the gym, he finds his teammates, and I go take a seat...... A friend of mine comes in with her kids and sits down near me.....I move over beside her, and we start chatting.....then I notice that her husband comes up and sits on the other side of me.....now this is normally not a very personable or friendly dude.....and he is quite close, like really in my personal space......so, I looked at him and said, I can switch places if you want to sit next to your wife.....he grins this big, GOOFY grin, and says, "No, that's ok. You are JUST FINE." I had to giggle...... They left after their son's game, but my boy was going to be taking a short break and then playing another, so I was visiting with my son's grandma......my ex, who normally regards me as "invisible", came up and sat beside his mom.....looks over at me and says....."Hey, how you doin'?" Which is VERY unusual for him to address me AT ALL in public.....he says to his mom...."Something smells REALLY good.....what is that? Smells kind of like candy, but not quite......it's something else....it smells like......" then he just stops dead in the middle of his sentence.....I look over, and he has the major DIHL.....just STARING at me.....then the goofy grin.....I HAD to laugh on that one.....I went to the restroom and laughed for a good five minutes.....too funny....all in all an interesting phero day......
  5. Yeah, I am getting ready to go watch my son play basketball, but you can bet I have this site on my blackberry, with the email notification set!
  6. Mara hasn't indicated that it is drastically different or anything. I believe that 2008 was actually a re-brew of the original.....even when they use the same recipe, there are likely to be minor differences, due to variability of ingredients from brew to brew.....
  7. Oh I agree wholeheartedly Ms Shelly......in fact, I think I am going to load up with an inappropriate amount of SS4W and your lucious HAM just for funzies at my son's basketball game today......
  8. Very nice Starlite! Sounds like you had fun!!
  9. Don't worry....we're all in that group already.....
  10. I think we're all stalking the site, waiting.....
  11. And see, I'm the other side of the coin.....I would just come out and ask him if he'd like to go out for a drink after work.....otherwise, if he is really shy, you could end up playing cat-and-mouse for a LONG time, with nothing ever happeneing. Some men prefer it when the woman makes the first move.....
  12. You're very welcome! Enjoy the PP......oh, and I WOULD suggest trying Dominance......it is great for work environments......
  13. Well, PP does not contain Androstenone, it contains Androstanone......the latter is suppsedly not as aggressive.....Nol is said to convert "in certain conditions", with bacteria present, and a host of other elements. I would NOT worry so much about conversion of the products here. You see, the unscented pheros here at LP are in a base of D5, which is supposed to not penetrate the skin, which makes your pheros last longer, and can also be helpful in people whose skin "eats" certain perfumes. I am NOT an expert, but I would think that this base also aids in preventing unwanted conversion of pheros.....
  14. That's me.....buy now, sniff later......I think it will be at least a few more days before we can buy......Mara said the Spring Equinox needs to be finished on that day.....
  15. I have HEARD that -Nol with convert to -None......BUT I have never had an experience where it has......and I have BATHED in NOL.....hell, I have BATHED in the women's Dominance formula.....as long as you are showering regularly, it shouldn't be a problem..... I am sure that Ail could give some more scientific data regarding the conversions etc, but I have never had an issue.
  16. HAHAHAHAHAAAAA.....precisely WHY I never tried the original "egg".....I have had my tubes tied, and had an endometrial ablation, AND my sweetie has had a vasectomy......SO the playground is "open for recreation only"........BUT, knowing the way things happen with me, one SNIFF of EGG, and I would be one of those "miracle" cases you hear about...... Reason for edit......I can't spell....
  17. I'm there with you always! MUAH! And the private edition you have made is the one that I almost created yesterday! I actually made notes, and decided to save it till the new releases! So now, you have done it for me.....I think you and I are on the same page! And, no Starlite, hunny.....the descriptions haven't come out YET......I meant to say I will chosse which ones of those I want WHEN the descriptions come out......didn't mean to freak you out!
  18. Yeah, the original scengted Cuddle Bunny did NOT do well with my skin chemistry.....I won't tell you what it smelled like, but it was pretty gross. The last Spring Equinox was VERY floral, and didn't work on me either, so I will probably pass on that one.... But Hotter than Hell, Cheap Girls, Butterfly with TAF, Nymph, the little Goth Girl, OMG.....based on the descriptions, I may end up with all of those!
  19. I would assume it would be after Friday, since that is the Equinox, and Mara said that the spring one won't be finished until then..... I had promised myself that after the carnage that I inflicted upon my bank account over the last month, that I wasn't going to order a bunch from March, but just from the pics, I can see that I am a lost cause!
  20. OK, I can see full unsniffed bottles being purchased again!
  21. I bought a backup bottle simply because my darlin' likes it so much......but then again, he likes ANYTHING that has BI in it......he knows I wear pheros, but I don't think he has made THAT connection just yet, that there are certain ones that set him off....BUT, I am taking notes.....heh.....
  22. It is really good......my man loved this one on me.....
  23. I had ordered a full sized bottle unsniffed and liked it so well that I ordered TWO more!
  24. Yeah, the D5 is the base for the unscented pheros as well......if you apply one of the unscented pheros first, and apply your perfume over it, it also helps......
  25. And you know me.....I LOOOOOOVE the dark ones!!
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