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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. It was a particular musk from a supplier who is no longer in existence. If your source bought it prior to March 08, that is the original......after that is the re-brew.....
  2. UHOH....why oh why did I read this review? Luna and I have very similar taste.....now I have to have a bottle.....DAMN.....you ladies are killin' me! ....and I just DID order a bottle......it's all Luna's fault! <pointing finger>
  3. Try the unscented, and you'll be hooked.....seriously.....
  4. They did a re-brew on this one (which may be the version you have). The only problem is that when they did re-brew it, it wasn't the same as the original.....one ingredient cannot be obtained anymore.....alas.....so, I hoard what I have! One that I would like to see come back is Mermaids of Atlantis......any chance, ladies? This one covers cops perfectly BTW.....just enough to get a hint of them here and there......
  5. UNE has the other ingredients like PheroGirl (bee pollen, I think orange blossom, etc), while sugared honeycomb is just that.....sticky rich honey......
  6. AWWW CC! Hope you feel better! I understand about needing to be single every now and then.....been at that place myself a few times! Get a bottle of Sorcerer for when that time passes.....TRUST ME on this one!
  7. Oh yes, I'd say that was a VERY successful expedition, INDEED......
  8. I feel quite sure that you have figured out who I am by now.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA OK, that's my comic relief for the day......it's corporate tax deadline day......have to amuse myself however I can......
  9. Welcome to the forum! Jump right in, and you'll soon get to know us all.....we are defintely a fun group!
  10. You haven't seen some of MY orders.....its scary....I'm an LP junkie......
  11. One way to keep from "messing up" is to pick up some of the little small roll ons and mix in that.....I have some bottles that are 3/4 pheros and the rest LP oils......as long as you shake before applying, you should be good to go.
  12. EXACTLY. It is better to cover them to the point where they aren't reeking, but can still be detected by those targets. But, a few younger ladies think the cops need to be totally hidden.......I like for mine to be there, but be incognito..... oh, and I know what you mean.....kind of wierd not to smell the EoW wafts.... As far as the BI enhanced LP, why don't you try the unscented. That way, you can load it on without wearing half a bottle of perfume.....the LP is light enough that you can do that, but it would be better if you could find your sweet spot with the unscented......then you could switch up your scents........
  13. Will be expecting a full report! With ALL of the juicy details!!
  14. Glad you enjoy! Like I told my darlin'......I aim to please, and I rarely miss!
  15. I don't like the OLD country, but I like some of the newer stuff.....
  16. It was totally awesome! He has already left so I can get some tax returns finished, but I am having a difficult time concentrating!
  17. And I just went and did it.....my next experiment is going to be Sorceress on me and Sorcerer on him......that will be in another 10 days or so, when we are together again......
  18. Have you ever heard of the song "Firecracker" by Josh Turner? That is the song that my man has on his cellphone as the ringtone when I call.....he describes me to everbody as his "little firecracker"......
  19. Want to know what happens when you light a firecracker at both ends? I found out! Yesterday, I wore one of my man's favorites, CFM, which I had the ladies boost with BI (to which I added extra EoW). I also had a little swipe of SS4W under that. My man decided that he wanted to try Sorcerer, which has the "wanted man" pheros in it (he has never tried that blend before). Well, Sorcerer turned one of my friends into a giggling schoolgirl at my son's basketball game..... Then we came home, and were taking care of some chores around the house. Body heat rising, pheros diffusing......you get the picture. So, when we were done with our chores, I went to the living room and was sitting on the couch, minding my own business, while my man goes to the kitchen to get a snack. When he comes back, he does something he has never done.....the boy STRADDLES me on the couch and says......"If you don't go to the bedroom with me NOW, I am going to rip your clothes off and do you right here!" Let me tell you what....the sex.....MIND-BLOWING. Absolutely fabulous! I think we woke the neighbors......and there is an empty lot in between my house and theirs! Guess what I am buying next? A full bottle of Sorcerer. DEFINITELY.
  20. I slathered this one on my man before we went to watch my son's basketball game today......it is incredible sexy and resinous.... I have a friend who came in and sat down, and started talking (with my man sitting there) about how wonderful he is, and how she could really appreciate a man like him.....and she is married! For 16 years! And has expressly stated that she would never cheat.....HOWEVER, I made sure to sit between the two of them, because she was mega-flirtatious.....she was batting those eyelashes and giggling like a school-girl....it was crazy!
  21. Everybody has a different skin chemistry....some may work for you, while others won't.....that is part of the fun of this type of artisan perfumery....
  22. My man LOVED it last night! And it covers the Essence Oil VERY WELL.....I am glad I have another bottle coming.....
  23. This scent is truly intoxicating.....I could not stop sniffing it all day! I am trying it out on my darlin' tonight! Layered with Essence Oil, in fact.....heh..... It is a BIT reminscent of LP Black, at certain times during the drydown, but not completely....VERY NICE!
  24. Sorry, I totally missed this post.....I don't normally re-use the bottles, UNLESS I am using the same scent or phero....For instance, on one of my blends, I used an empty BI bottle, since the blend I made has BI in it anyway.....I wouldn't feel comfortable washing a bottle to try to get all the scent out of it......
  25. I do really like this one.....and, I just got a bottle in trade for my beach vacation in Sept....
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