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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I agree with both of the previous reviews on this one.....it is hard for me to distinguish the different notes......it is very very nice......sweet, spicy, fruity, and floral, but not too much of any one of those.....I get a nice "warm" feeling from this one, for lack of a better term.....
  2. OK, so I just decided that I HAD to get a second bottle of this one, because it is just soooooo pretty! I love the phero effect tooooooo.......
  3. Dolly


    Oh my....this is a dirty little scent, isn't it? It is very sexy, in a very straight-forward way.....the "after the party" scent...... I can imagine coming in a little tipsy and your mom KNOWS what you've been doing.....drinking cheap wine and having a good ol' time in the back of somebody's truck......the smell of wine and musk......dirty dirty musk.....Oh my! If you are a musk lover, you have to have this one! I love it!
  4. O! M! G! I just received my box today, so I am testing about 4 different scents right now.....as soon as I smelled this one, I knew I was going to NEEEEEED another bottle! And, after it dried down, so I could make sure it didn't go wonky on me, I went right in and ordered one! So glad I bought a full one unsniffed! It is all I could have hoped for, and then some. It is deep and rich, resinous and spicy, but VERY well balanced. I think I am going to SWIM in this one......I need 5 or 6 more bottles, I think! Hey Mara and Danna, can I get this in a 25 gallon drum?
  5. Oh, it has a secret alright! A big one! I am going to be wearing this one tonight....teehee.....
  6. I'm not a fan of most florals, but this one is just so NICE. Glad I got three bottles.....I've gone through almost half of one already.....
  7. I like the oil MUCH better too.....blends better if you pre-mix, and not as long of a dry down.....Lor, BTW, you have to try straight unscented BI, if you haven't already.....it is FANTASTIC. Regarding the oil, some of the younger ladies said that they didn't like it as well because they couldn't completely cover the cops smell.....well, in my opinion, men have to smell it for it to work......cops are not like pheros.....
  8. Congrats on such a great blend, Lor! Don't you love it when Mara and Danna just NAIL exactly what you are wanting? They do that so much, it slays me.....
  9. That's the way to do it! Some men DO prefer dominant women.......and I have so much fun when they do! That reminds me....I haven't worn Dominance around my sweetie for a while.....I need to, I think..... And in comes Dom Banana......
  10. OK, so I wore this one again today.....guess what happened? One of my tax clients, who has been having me do his taxes since last year, decided now that I need to do the bookeeping for his company also.....TEEHEE......I love this stuff!
  11. This stuff is A-FREAKIN-MAZING! I put it on this morning, just to see what would happen.....well, it is tax season, so I expected some action there. Which I got, but nothing unusual. THEN, the phone rings.....it is a CPA who I did some freelance tax work for a few years ago......he has a client who has issues, and he can't take him on.....the guy is a competitor for one of this CPA's largest clients. So, he tells me that the guy has back tax problems and would I be willing to tackle it? Sure. No problem. Give him my number. Still not too impressed. Then, the potential client calls. We talk about his tax problems and how we will approach it. Then he says.....you do bookeeping also? DING! YES! I need off-season clients! This man proceeds to tell me that he is a partner in THREE companies, and they just recently fired their bookeeper! YAY!! And, he is coming to see me next Friday! HAPPY DANCE! As I was typing this, I just got a call from ANOTHER lady, who is opening a small business in my town within the next 2 months.....and, she needs help! Someone gave her my card and told her to call me.....I need to find out who that was, so I can thank them! I think I am going to be wearing this stuff DAILY.....DANG! Talk about results!
  12. Well, since Androtics has never released exactly what TAH is, I'm not sure if PP has anything similar in it. Have you tried Treasured Hearts? It is what I call the "spread the love" blend......almost everybody, women and men alike, will be nice to you....it is a friendly, bonding-type blend.
  13. I haven't heard anything about a re-brew of Me Jane....you may want to try Popularity Potion, or maybe Cuddle Bunny (which has Est in it)....
  14. Me Jane is the only blend that I know of in the store that contains TAH. Bear in mind that TAH (and TAL for that matter) are pheromones that are produced solely by Androtics. Androtics have never confirmed nor denied if these are "new" pheromones, blends of "known" pheros, or somethng different altogether, so I do not know if any of the blends that we currently have available here will give you the same vibe as TAH. The lovely ladies here have occassionally used Androtics pheros, but I have no clue if/when they will do so in the future.
  15. They probably did.....they combined all three of mine into one package.....I had spoken with Mara right after I placed the last one, so I know mine are all being shipped together....
  16. I bought a full size unsniffed too.....I think it is gonna be just FAB! And, it has dominance pheros, too.....BONUS!!
  17. Dolly


    This is one that I simply CANNOT WAIT TO TRY! It sounds like it is just so ME.....
  18. I forgot to post one of my experiences while wearing Sexology.....I mentioned in another post that my man was kissing me on the back of my neck when I was wearing this previously..... WELL......the most recent time I wore it, I was wearing my hair up in a bun AGAIN (I wear it like that a lot when I am working, because it is almost waist length and likes to fly all over the place).....anywhooooo, he came over one evening, and I had applied Sexology to my neck, cleavage, and the usual places, and I was standing in the kitchen talking to my 10 year old son while he was doing his homework. My man comes up behind me, and starts LICKING the back of my neck. I was like......WTF? My CHILD is sitting here! When we come back in the living room, I said, "What was that about?" He just says...."Sorry. I just couldn't control myself!"
  19. You're very welcome! But remember, the pheros will help, but they can't do ALL of it. You need to carry yourself and present yourself in a manner that he knows that you won't take no for an answer, and that you are willing to take things as far as need be to get what you want.
  20. I don't have a problem with BI after it dries down.....or EoW for that matter. I HAVE worn it out in public without a cover, simply for testing purposes.....it really isn't THAT bad in all actuality.....of course, that is just MY opinion, and I wear tons of the stuff....and I know what that smell does to men.....so, I have NO PROBLEMS.....
  21. Definitely Dominance.....tons of it. Give it a trial run first.....wear it with a personal power potion like Vain or Warrior Heart or the like.... Read my Dominance reviews......I have a real d*ckhead of a client, who was intending to terminate our contract, but by the time he smelled Dominance for 5 minutes, he was loving me, and gave me a diamond ring as a bonus. Now, whenever he starts becoming a jerk on the phone, I tell him that we need to have a face-to-face meeting, and within 10 min, I am on top of the situation again. It works. Everytime. Pissing contest? Oh yeah, I get in them on a regular basis.....but guess what? 99% of the time, I win.
  22. The blends that I have made, where I use the unscented phero blends, always separate, which is probably because of the D5 base that the unscented blends are mixed into.....they always require a good shake before applying.....when the lovely ladies "boost" a scent, it is different.....there is no D5....simply the phero concentrate, and they are using the perfume oil as the dilutant.....
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