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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Hi there Cherry Rose! Welcome! Blatant Invitation is great, and is very sexual.....so is PheroGirl. I have never personally used the unscented Cuddle Bunny, but my great friend Ail says it is also VERY sexual...... For Bonding, I like Treasured Hearts and Drop you Guard......both are very good....Drop your Guard makes me relaxed and mellow.....TH makes everybody love me..... True Confessions is like Paul Harvey....you know when he used to do the story on the news and he'd always say, "And now you know the rest of the story".....well, you will hear definitely hear the rest of the story, and sometimes you won't WANT to......sometimes, it will be YOU telling the story.....which can, in itself, be dangerous! I love using this one when I have a feeling that someone is "holding back" and I need info.....but make sure to apply it away from your face so it doesn't affect you too! I own most of the PheroBlends, in one form or another (some scented, some unscented), and I AM a self-proclaimed Pheroholic! As luna says, Dr Stone suggests that you not mix the phero blends, but many of us do, and get great effects! It is really a personal thing.....see which combos work for you.....but if you find some good combos, please post them, because we want to try them too! The pheros here are the best, and some of the most potent on the market today.....I'm sure you will enjoy them!
  2. I do get self-effects from this one.....it puts me in my element, so to speak.....makes my alpha vibe even more pronounced.....makes me want to kick ass and take names!
  3. Hugs to you Ail......I know what you mean.....in a few months, we will be coming up on the 5th anniversary of my Dad's passing......it is still very difficult, but I feel sure that you will be ok. Just know that a part of your papa is still with you, and always will be.....
  4. The money aspect of this one REALLY works! Tax season has been crazy the last couple of weeks, but has slowed down a bit now....decided to apply some PCMP to maybe get it cranked back up. I went in my bedroom, charged the bottle, applied, and as soon as I walked back through the house and into my office, there was a lady knocking on my door. She wants me to do not only her return, but her son's and daughter's as well......how perfect is that timing?
  5. I forgot to update! My sweetie sniffed this one on me, and liked it....said it was sensual....I agree!
  6. Mara, have you tried the Women's Down and Dirty with him? It has a Naughty Minx vibe to it....at least, it does on my skin......
  7. This one was a big hit.....my sweetie loved it.....he said he thought it was soft and very pretty......and the pheros added a nice sexual undercurrent......he kept burying his face in my neck, saying.....MMMMMMM, you smell so gooooooooood......
  8. Hun, I know what you are going throgh......and I would never tell you what to do. Only you can know what is right for you. That being said..... I was married to one alcoholic and then was engaged to another. Addiction is a terrible thing, whether it is drugs or alcohol.....it is difficult, but you need to realize that in the end, you cannot change them.....they will only change if the desire is within themselves. Putting them each out of my house was what I had to do in the end. It hurt like hell, but I have the realization of knowing that now, they have both cleaned up their acts, and are doing ok. If I had not shown some tough love (and self-preservation instincts), they probably never would have done so......and would have probably ended up dead. OK, enough of my soap box......as far as pheros, I would go with Treasured Hearts for a loving vibe......Drop Your Guard and True Confessions for communication.... And, big hugs to you.....I hope you find the strength to do what you know needs to be done.....FOR YOU.
  9. Katz, you and I are in the same boat with this one.....there was just something in the scented CB that didn't work with my chemistry..... So glad those of you who love it so much are getting it back!
  10. Dolly


    SO EXCITED!! You know me......the dirtier the musk, the better.....I'm a naughty girl.....
  11. That was exactly what I was wondering......I know where you're going with this one Ail, my dear......I'll leave it to you......
  12. BI does have EST in it.....that is most likely where the nurturing type aspect came in..... OK ladies.....since I received this, every time I used it, whether from the sample or bottle, I got screaming apricot, but it's all good because I like that note. I tested the bottle once and put it on my shelves, and have used the sample a couple more times. Today, my sweetie is off from work (for Mardi Gras) and he is hanging around, taking care of a honey-do list. So, after my shower, I put this one on, so he could sniff it. This time, I got pretty strong apricot in the first 30 min or so.....then, it mellowed down to more like the original LP I remember. So, it seems that aging for a couple of weeks helps the apricot soften. If you haven't tried it in the last couple of weeks, I'd recomend that you try it again! Still more apricot-y than the original that I tried, but much CLOSER to the original....give it a shot.....remember to shake gently first!! ETA.....I forgot to talk about the phero efects.....my man can't keep his hands off me....every time he comes in the house, if there are no clients here, he is all over me......
  13. Check out ebay......try scent lockets, perfume lockets, vinaigrettes, filigree lockets, and open-work lockets.....they have a bunch of sterling ones there for cheap.
  14. Dolly


    OOOOOOH, I CAN'T WAIT!!! Dirty, fruity, and musky.....sounds right up my alley!!!
  15. Haven't used the unscented Cuddle Bunny, but have heard that it is very sexual. Sexology is sexual also, as is BI. SS4W is SEXY, without being SEXUAL, if that makes sense. Treasured Hearts is very good for bonding, both with men and women.....it is what I call the "spread the love" blend. Hope I answered your question!
  16. OOOOOOH, I don't know if I would be able to be THAT good of a friend.....I would probably be slathered in all of them when said friend woke up...... edited because I can't spell......
  17. Try it in a scent locket.....I find mine indispensible.....
  18. I simply CAN'T WAIT to get my package!! Full bottles of Bacchanalia and Sorceress, plus a few samples of various ones also! AND, 2 bottles of Unscented Super Sexy.....I am stockpiling......
  19. It's a race to the finish! Now ladies, play nice and don't break out the light sabers.....
  20. Oh you can put EoW in numerous scents that a man "doesn't like", and I can almost guarantee that you'll change his mind! Copulins do that to men.....don't ya love it?
  21. I just can't wait to see what my dear friend Ail has cooking..... I have to say though that she is as bad as Mara and Danna at wetting our appetites just enough to get us salivating in anticipation and doing this while waiting to hear what is up their sleeves......just kidding......you know I love you ladies!!
  22. I will be testing this one on my darlin's sniffer tonight......will keep you all posted......I personally LOVE it......
  23. Good report, Luna! Sexology is a very nice one, I agree.....and I agree with your sweetie that it smells like toast.....the old-fashioned cinnamon toast that my mom used to make......cinnamon toast and sex.....wow, what a combo!
  24. I KNOW.....I can't wait! As soon as the full bottles hit the shopping cart, I am ready to go.....my credit card is at the ready......
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