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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I would say go with some Unscented Dominance, covered with one of the personal power potions. That way, he will know that you are not a pushover and that he needs to do this. He will then know in no uncertain terms that you are going to protect yourself, no matter what.
  2. Well, since I'm not in my twenties, I can't answer that specific part of your question. I am 42, and for me, the two are drastically different. Cougar gives me an almost "sparkly" vibe....it is uplifting and happy......while BI is incredibly sexual. Like "rip your clothes off and throw them on the floor" sexual..... Hope this helps......
  3. OH yeah, Darbla......if you aren't getting any effects with BI, use more, DEFINITELY. It NEVER fails me......I am such an addict...... HEHEHE.....Shelly.....I just noticed the similarity in our "locations"......you are "swimming in a cloud of EoW", and I am "floating in a bottle of Blatant Invitation".....do we think alike, or what?
  4. Thanks! It is definitely going to be worn more often!
  5. UPDATE......I got the new account! I was meeting with 2 men in their 40s.....within 10 minutes, I had them both eating out of the palm of my hand and agreeing that they would do whatever I suggested them to do in order to get their new business operating at maximum profitability..... This one seems to do its job!! Money and respect, all at one time......
  6. These pheros are very VERY potent.....and that is one of the reasons I have started purchasing pheros only from here.......the post that Ail pointed you to is an excellent one that describes it quite well......
  7. Well, I wear a lot....since it does have a very strong sexual element, I would suggest starting out small and working your way up....it contains Essence Oil, which is pure copulins.....it takes a little bit of work to figure out what your proper dosage is...... Regarding cops, the older you are the more you will need to get those reactions.....a woman in her twenties will normally need a lot less than a woman in her forties.....I am 42, and was on birth control for years, so my natural copulin production is pretty much non-existant.....so, I use a LOT. And, I have not OD'ed. That being said, let it dry down COMPLETELY before you cover it....otherwise you will get bleed-through of the cops.....
  8. OK everybody.....I will be testing the pheros (and the money intent) in this one today. I have to go meet with a new potential client, so that I can pick up some more off-season accounting work....stay tuned.....
  9. HEHEHE.......I am going to be dousing myself in it this weekend.......I'll be at his house, where he always spoils me......
  10. OK, phero report!!! When my darlin came over yesterday, I was slathered in Sexology.....he was hugging me and loving it......I had my hair pulled up in a bun and was doing tax returns, and he walks up behind me and kisses me on the back of the neck. My man is already a cuddler, so I didn't notice much more in that area, but he DID get into the "I want to take care of you" mode......he was mowing my lawn, picking up around the house, taking out the garbage......not that he doesn't normally do these things......but usually during the week, he is as tired as I am after a day of work.....he was very nurturing and caring toward me....... Oh, and the sex.......WOW. WOW. WOW. That's all I'll say......I'm sure you get the picture.....
  11. Well, it all depends on how adventurous you feel.....Mara had passed along that Dr Stone suggested not mixing the blends.....HOWEVER, that said, there are a number of us here who do very well with layering and mixing and matching the different pheros mixes. As far as which ones work and which ones don't, I am sure you will see some of our reviews in the phero review section. However, bear in mind that a mix that works for one person may or may not work for you. The only way you are going to find out what in particular works for you is to try some layering and see.....
  12. I agree that BI does have a good dose of cops in it already.....I have only occassionally applied some additional Essence Oil with it, and that is simply because of my experimental nature.....I wanted to see what would happen.....I found that the cops level in BI is normally high enough to do the job.
  13. I noticed a slight difference, in that DSI seeed a little bit "dirtier" to me.....DS2 is still nice though, and I use it also......
  14. EXACTLY! It's one of those that I'd like to see made a permanent part of the line.....
  15. I guess it isn't.....I am just a BONEHEAD.....it was Nasty Habits that sold out.....
  16. My thoughts exactly.....the scent was enough to reel me in.....but I always just love the blends that have that dirty musk......
  17. Thanks hun.....yeah, it is really great....I got a sample of it in my most recent pkg, and it makes me so happy that I ordered a bottle, unsniffed.....I knew I would love it though......I used to make my own blend from amber, honey musk, and vanilla, and it was a good combo, so I KNEW that with the ingredients that the lovely ladies have at their disposal, this would be a winner!
  18. My man sniffed this one on me today, and said he really liked the smell......he was stopping by for a brief visit, and since we had kids around, it was a very safe test. As soon as he got within range, I got the "Oooooh, you smell gooooood." When he asked what this one was and I said "Sexology", he said......"Well all righty then!" He got a kick out of the name..... As we were visiting, he kept leaning in to huff my neck, and continued to comment that he likes this one......and then he said that he needed to leave, because he was getting "cranked up".....will test the full effect of the pheros tomorrow night......but my first impression is that this one is a winner! Glad I got the full bottle (and two more coming in trade)!!
  19. That ratio only applies when Mara and Danna are using the super-concentrated and undiluted pheros. For instance, when you order an "add-in", instead of diluting it in the unscented base, they use the perfume oil as the actual dilutant for the phero concentrate. I have mixed some LPs with the already diluted unscented pheros, and at 50-50, the scent loses some of its "punch"......that said, if you get it too weak, you will lose some of the phero effect. I would suggest just playing with it to find what works.....there is really not much science to it.....
  20. Yes, I would think that the effect would be pretty much the same.....
  21. I put some of this on yesterday evening, and I can STILL smell it this morning.....I smell like I had a hot night last night!
  22. Hows about some Dirty Sexy.....AGAIN......I love love love that one!!! We should rename this the "Begging and Pleading" thread....LOL
  23. And, you knew I'd be right behind you....LOL.....on me, it's not quite as "green" smelling as sugared forest....it is VERY nice, though.....my man will be here for a bit tomorrow and then most nights next week, so the slathering on him will begin! I think that, when this mixes with his natural scent, which is absolutely divine, it will probably make me high from huffing his neck.....it smells sooooo goooood.....musky yet sweet at the same time.....mmmmmm......
  24. If you get self-effects from pheros, the Dominance will help you with that! It puts me in my element........I am normally alpha as it is......but, this makes me really FEEL it on those days when I'm not feeling so much in-charge.......
  25. Well, my man can smell stuff, but he can't distinguish the scents.....he says that he can't tell the difference between most of my darker scents.......so, he always asks which one I am wearing.....the one thing he WILL tell me is if he likes it or not......
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