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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly

    Carpe Noctum

    Oh yeah, this is one of my faves.....I love it! I just now noticed that it was on the GGG list, so I felt COMPELLED to get a backup bottle......
  2. Yes, I think I heard that the unscented stock is now getting low......there are supposed to be Cougar spiked bottles of Scandalous at Magical Omaha though......
  3. Bonne Bell.....THAT was the brand name.....I could not remember that for the life of me! And, that is what Synchronicity smells like when wet.....when it dries, I get vanilla and a touch of resins, but not much. It is a truly unisex scent, not to femme or too manly.....but, clean and fresh......
  4. OK, even though I shook it last time, when I applied it this time, I shook the bottle for a good 20 seconds. Made sure it was THOROUGHLY stirred up in there. It DID make a difference.....not a huge one, as I still get a lot of apricot, but as it dried down, I got more of the other original LP notes this time.....I may order a trial size of the original in my next pkg (I used my last one up), just so I can sniff side-by-side.....
  5. Well, the scent of Super for women just did not work with my chemistry, but I was not perplexed by that, because not all scents work for me....my skin is strange, I guess. But, I have had many of my other LP scents spiked with Super Sexy pheros, and have also used the unscented, and have never had the issue crop up again. As for a sample, there were some decant circles for the unscented pheros, I think......
  6. If there are, I haven't smelled them.....Synchronicity is nice and light and musky......kind of like the commercial "skin musk" that used to be out on the market. My sister had that one when we were teens, and that's what it reminds me of......after it dries though, it gets deeper and more complex......very nice......
  7. Oh yeah, me too.....I don't "swing that way", but if you're turning SOMEBODY on, it's all good.....heck, I turn MYSELF on sometimes with the scents I wear......
  8. Dominance is GREAT for work.....I swear by it when I have some of my more "difficult" male clients. It puts them in their place, and makes them STAY there. Drop your Guard is also very good.....although I have not used it in the Unscented form, I have used Synchronicity and like it very much. It makes everybody just feel "groovy" for lack of a better word..... Treasured Hearts is another good one for use among friends and in social situations.....I call it the "spread the love" blend. Everybody who gets within range just LOVES you.....
  9. Yeah, Cuddle Bunny has a strong sexual component with the cops, so it is pretty sexual. Of course, I like BI the best for use with my sweetie......BUT of the ones you named, I would go with Super Sexy for general use. It doesn't have the cops in it, so if I wear it for my sweetie, I always amp it up by adding some Essence Oil and I'm good to go. In other words, if we go out somewhere where I don't want my pheros to be screaming "Do me here and NOW", I can wear just the Super Sexy with a scent, and its all good. I put off the vibe of "I'm hot and I know it". Then when we get alone, I add some more scent laced with Essence Oil.....and let the games begin......hehe.....
  10. You should be fine as far as the scent.....just let the BI dry down completely before you try to cover it.
  11. I used mine from my full bottle, and shook it up pretty well, since I knew it was a phero blend......still mostly apricot.....it's all good though.....
  12. Oh My! What a report..... I get mostly apricot also.....still nice though.....my sweetie hasn't smelled it yet, but I'll see what his thoughts are next week......
  13. I agree, Lor......this is a great one, even for just the scent.....I love the dirty musk undercurrent......I bought one bottle, unsniffed......now I am getting another in a trade...... Thanks for the note on the money part, though! I'm not in hospitality, but maybe when I am "courting" new accounting clients, this one might come in handy.... PS......good to see you popping in! You should visit more often!!
  14. Welcome Quin! Looking forward to chatting with you more in the future!
  15. I personally love Treasured Hearts because it helps with female/female bonding in relationships also......and, it doesn't have the sexual element that Cuddle Bunny does.....
  16. No, that was Pharmacom.....Androtics is still alive and operating.....all I know is that LP had a small supply of certain Androtics products, which they have used in some of the blends.......as for any future stock, I have no clue.....
  17. This one went really wonky with my chemistry, so I am not going to do a detailed review.....but I would just like to say that I am happy that my full bottle found a good home, thanks to Brunette!
  18. Mara and Danna are masters at disguising the smell of pheros.....that is because when they create a blend, they use the scent of the pheros as an actual NOTE in the finished scent, rather than just trying to cover it up...... Be sure to keep us posted as to how it works at the club......
  19. There aren't many men here.....some pop in from time to time though.....I did try North Shore on my man, but it didn't work well with his chemistry.....it amped to a too-strong level. BUT, I have found several of the scents here that do work well for him. He enjoys the men's Dominance and Bad Boy the most, and reaches for them often...... and I love Super on him.....alas, it is sold out......but he also liked the smell of Excalibur and Down and Dirty.....
  20. OK, when I answered yesterday, I was speaking from memory rather than trying the new LP LE......now that I have tried it, there IS a lot more apricot than I remember from when I previously tried the original. I LIKE it though......VERY NICE! This may warrant a second bottle..... ETA.....even upon drydown, it is a bit different from how I remember the orginal LP......the apricot stays fresh and true on me, and is remaining in the forefront of the other notes.....
  21. Well, Super Sexy is not difficult to cover.....any scent should do fine, just let the pheros dry down before you cover. Blatant Invitation is a little trickier, because it does have cops in it. Apply it and allow it to dry down for at least 10 min before covering.....that will minimze the possibility of bleed-through. Note.....Don't be put off by the stink! Many new users are.....I can't say this enough....yes, it smells, but it WORKS. As far as scent choice, you should be fine.....one of the favorite phero cover scents is Pink Sugar (this scent does not work with my body chemistry, but some ladies swear by it). Also, you may consider trying some of the scents from here at LP. Mara and Danna work magic! One sniff and you'll be hooked!
  22. HEHEHE....I will mix just about anything......in the interest of science, you know....lol......it was definitely a FUN evening!
  23. I agree wholeheartedly with CC! The Essence Oil is so much better than the old EoW......and this is the ONLY PLACE I buy pheros, with the exception of the gelpacks.....and I only order a few of those about once a year...... LP has everything you could possibly need as far as pheros go.....and like CC says....no need for a cover scent!
  24. It has a little fruit, but not much....it's a little apricot.....
  25. That does sound like PCMP.......the LP LE is more of a creamy vanilla-type base..........
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