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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly

    Voodoo Valentine

    OK, wet, I get the currants.....strong. Kind of like I got with the first sniff of Sultry Afternoon. After about 30 seconds, it settles down, and I get grapefruit. Very juicy smelling. Then the vanilla comes through a bit, and a touch of a woodsy note. Upon drydown, I get mostly grapefruit, which I like very much, with just light touches of the other notes. A really nice scent for Valentine's Day!
  2. O!M!G! I completely agree with Luna's characterization of this scent! I got a sniffee in my package, and am very glad I ordered a full bottle yesterday. It smells like Sugared Honeycomb, taken to an all new level.......I adore amber and musk blended togather, but the honey adds the YOWZA to it! This is a keeper!
  3. Dolly

    Moroccan Nights

    OK, so this one is not what I expected, but I am still very glad I got a full bottle unsniffed! I expected it to be very dark, but it isn't....it is light, but not overly so......a mix of fig, floral, and spice....but it is not all "in your face".....it is almost as if you are standing outside and get scents wafting on a breeze.....very nice blend, ladies!!
  4. Testing this one purely for scent purposes today.....on me the honey is only strong at the beginning. After that, it fades into the background and softens the scent. This is quite an intoxicating scent.....I love the brown sugar and cinnamon combination......will test it on my sweetheart next week......
  5. I told you it was different!! This one morphs A LOT, and goes through many different phases during wear......and it only takes putting on a LITTLE bit to last a long long time......
  6. Something heavy in Androstenone would do the trick probably......although I can't vouch for that fact. L-S does usually throw those little packs in.....and it only takes a little bit.....about one third to one half of a pack.....
  7. Been there done that.....picture this.....Essence Oil, Super Sexy, covered with Phero Girl......a very interesting evening indeed!
  8. OK, so this weekend, I almost had to break out the spackle for the bedroom wall..... I applied half of a gelpack of the Edge/w (from love-scent), a hefty dose of Essence Oil, and a good slathering of unscented Cougar. I then covered it all with Lady Casanova. My man went absolutely NUTS on this mix. He just kept sniffing.....saying "That smells SOOOOOO sexy!" We spent an evening relaxing and cuddling, with lots of statements like how much he loves me, how wonderful I am, how lucky he is to have me......then, in the bedroom, he was like the Energizer Bunny. I mean, he ALWAYS makes sure I am satisfied in that area.....but WOW. I mean, he went above and beyond.....and over and under.....and around and around.......just to make sure that I was satisfied in EVERY WAY possible. EVERY WAY. For those of you who are not familiar with Edge Gelpacks, they are heavy on the Androstenone, and they often turn already hot sex into an animalistic fire.....I do not use them often (maybe once every 3-4 months), but I do like to keep some on hand for the "every now an then" change-up.....
  9. MX140 was one of a series at Androtics called the "Sunshine" mixes. They wouldn't tell anybody exactly what was in them, but they were meant to be bright, uplifting and happy mixes. A couple of them were determined to have a slight sexual undertone to them, but for the most part, they were "fun" mixes.
  10. Yeah, I just HAD to get one too.....if for no other reason than the name....lol.....
  11. GREAT story Shelley! Your man had much the same reaction that mine did. I don't always tell him when I'm wearing them, simply because I don't want my results to be skewed. He is cool with that......SOMETIMES he'll ask if I am wearing them....and SOMETIMES I'm honest.....sometimes I fib though, because I don't want a placebo effect going on......
  12. OH, I NEEEEEED this one, just because of this description alone......going to go order right now.
  13. I can't remember the exact recipe proportions myself, but it had alpha nol, beta nol, TAL, and cops. That was a long time ago....and my memory isn't as good as it used to be......you may want to give Blatant Invitation from here a go.....I actually like it as much as I did MX216.......
  14. Well, I like to review every combo that I try, because as Ail has mentioned before, when she and I (and the other long-time phero users on board here) started using pheros, information for women and pheromones was scanty at best. We had to use a lot of trial and error to find out ways that these products can be used to our best advantage. So, when I try something that works, I like to share!
  15. Allright.....more combo testing! YAY! Today, I was dealing with various clients....one who is a known jacka** and three others who are genuinely nice people. I didn't want to be so alpha as to scare them away, but still needed to keep the one under control....no time to apply in between appts either, because they were scheduled back-to-back. So, I rolled unscented Dominance on the backs of both hands (actually the tops of my wrist area), in my cleavage and on my neck. Then, I covered it with a good dose of Happy Water. I smelled really good. And, my jerky client stayed calm and collected as I told him what he was going to have to do.....he is always really responsive to Dominance, and the Happy Water did not soften it so much as to lose the strength, which is really necessary with him. My other clients came for their appts, and two of them were very happy while meeting with me (unusual for tax season).....BUT, the most interesting one is a male client that I have been dealing with for over a year. He has become a little nervous when I have worn only Dominance in the past, but today, with Happy Water, it took just enough of the edge off so that I was in control but not so strong as to put him off. A good combo, I think, when dealing with a mixed group.....in control, but not overbearing......try it, ladies!
  16. Not COMPLETELY sure yet......I have various clients coming today....one who is a JERK and needs for me to wear Dominance, and a few that I don't want to scare off.....so, I am going to try tempering the Unscented Dom with Happy Water and see what happens.....
  17. I do love it! Decided to hoard "just a little bit".....I have 2 bottles on the way, so that will be 3 total.....MAYBE that will be enough!
  18. I was wondering that myself.....you know, some theories are that a man can be more desirable to women if they smell like cops, because since men don't produce them, it is like sending out a signal that you just had sex, making some women want you more. In those cases, though, they only use a tiny bit.....Cuddle Bunny has a LOT in it..... However, PERSONALLY, I think that's disgusting. If I detect copulins on a man, I will run like the wind......I don't need or want some man who gets around......
  19. LOVE IT! This post gave me a good laugh. I love Dominance.....I am very "alpha" anyways, and it really puts me in my "element"......
  20. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEE.....actually, I like that name!!
  21. The thing is that, in the past, I have never told ANY of the men in my life that I wear pheros.....and I didn't tell him at first.....BUT since about a year ago, he is AWARE that I could be wearing them at any time....and he said he's ok with that..... He wears Super for me.....and I recently bought him a bottle of Dominance/M for work (he had a trial vial and fell in love with it).......he wanted it more for the scent than the pheros. And, when he knows that I have a metting with one of my more "cantankerous" clients, he always says...."Don't forget to wear your Dominance!"
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