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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. HAHAHAHAHA....... Try some EoW with Happy Water.....trust me on this one.....
  2. Welcome Happy Hiker! Hope you'll pop in and visit with us from time to time!
  3. Good job, Revivia! Keep those reviews coming!
  4. I have made a dry oil spray with Sugared Honeycomb.....you mix an oil of your choice.....shea, jojoba, graeseed, whatever......in a 3 to 1 (I have done it 50-50 before) ratio of oil to cyclomethicone, then add however much fragrance you like. You probably could buy perfumer's alcohol and dilute the oils....when I was still buying Androtics pheros, I would often add some to a small atomizer and add a few drops of LP oils for scent....
  5. I'd try Drop Your Guard first.....but have True Confessions as a backup....
  6. OK, report on the money aspect of this potion..... Today, I applied Happy Water, because I really needed a mood boost....then, I decided that I would go apply PCMP to potentially help give my pocketbook a boost! So, Happy Water on the wrists.....then, I charged the bottle of PCMP, and applied it in my cleavage. Within 10 minutes, I received a call from a BIG potential client with deep pockets! I had spoken to this man about a month ago, regarding doing some accounting work (off-season stuff, not just taxes) for a business that he is opening. When I spoke to him the first time, he sounded a bit dis-interested, and the conversation ended with him saying that he would call me if they decided to use me. I figured it was a no-go. Well, today he called, telling me that he and his partner want me to meet with them next week, to discuss start up of the business and how it all needs to be structured. We are talking GOOD MONEY here! I also received a couple of walk-in tax clients (small stuff), which doesn't surprise me as much, because, well.......IT'S TAX SEASON! But to get a call about off-season work during tax season is unusual......and VERY nice! Think I need another bottle, ladies!
  7. Dolly

    Blood Martini

    Yeah, this one isn't like your "typical" fruity perfume....this is a deep rich blend with a raspberry undertone.....I do enjoy this one, for sure!
  8. I agree wholeheartedly with your thoughts on this one, Luna....I have never tried the unscented DYG, but I really enjoy Synchronicity, which has the DYG in it. It is very good when meeting people for the first time in a business setting also. I have been using Synch lately (in conjunction with other scents) to deal with new walk-in clients for my tax practice. It seems to help put them at ease in a situation where they need to be a little bit "open", but don't necessarily need to air all of their dirty laundry..... The scent of Synchronicity is nice on its own, but I find that it is also unobtrusive enough so that I can wear it comfortably with other scents without distorting them.....
  9. I swear, each time I wear this one, I get an uncontrollable urge to start hoarding! I am very surprised STILL because this is not my normal type of scent....you know....pretty, girly, almost prissy scents.....I usually go for deep, dark, almost "dirty" scents..... BUT I am drawn to this one, and like it very much.....contemplating hoarding.....hmmmmm......
  10. This post tickled me! The voice of reason steps in! Thanks SG!
  11. You're absolutely correct. Some ladies put it in the ends of there hair if it is up, say in a ponytail and flipping around.....I sometimes take a little dab and put it along the part in my hair....
  12. HEHEHE.....just wait till you try Dominance.....it is one of my favorite work blends....I have a couple of male clients who are butt-heads, but with Dominance, they sit on their hands and do as they're told. Read my posts about it....it works wonders......
  13. Oh Shelly.....you NEED Treasured Hearts....TRULY. I am a Dominance type of woman.....not all sweet either.....Treausred Hearts works really well to make people "spread the love".....EVERYBODY loves you when you wear it.....you should try it!
  14. If you and your hubby are together when you do this, be sure to move the bed away from the wall, or you may have to spackle! I used an EoW laced perfume, along with an "Edge for women" gelpack (mostly Androstenone) that I purchased from love-scent, and it turned animalistic and hot VERY quickly....get ready!
  15. OK, so I am getting a sampler and full sizes of Moroccan Nights, Wine and Dead Roses, and the Phero-charged LP.....had to do it!
  16. Yeah, I couldn't hold my horses either! I ordered the sampler, but I already know that when the full bottles become available, I NEEEEED some!
  17. Perfectly fine, hun.....we were all new at one time or another!
  18. No, Mara has said that if you order a trial set, she will assume that it is for the current month.
  19. Well, I already see at least three that I will order a full bottle unsniffed.....Moroccan Night sounds like it will make me swoon when I smell it......
  20. I would think we need to wait until they are available in the store......
  21. Welcome, Rosebud! Look forward to chatting with you!!
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