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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. No, they absolutely DO NOT do the same thing. Super Sexy puts off a sexy, womanly vibe, but copulins are purely SEXUAL. Nothing else. Full on, "do me" vibe....if that makes sense. The difference between Super Sexy and Copulins is the difference between "sexy" and "sexual".....I know its a fine line..... Here ya go.....With Super Sexy, I put off the air of....I am a beautiful woman and any man would be happy to be with me. I get flirty men, longing looks, heads turning. With straight cops, I put off the vibe of....well, the "I want sex" vibe. Synthetic copulins are made to mimic the vaginal secretions of a woman when she is ready to have sex. Period. Nothing else. Copulins raise men's testosterone levels, and can sometimes (in the wrong crowd) cause inappropriate male behavior, such as making actual blatant advances, lewd comments, etc. It can also lead to "cattiness" in some other women....they sense you are trying to move in on their "territory". Hope this helps!
  2. Glad to see you posting so many reviews, hun....you're doing great! Just one suggestion, though....we are trying to keep the reviews of phero blends and scented pheros in the pheromone section..... Keep 'em coming!
  3. We have lovingly termed LP the "crack of the perfume world"....try it just once, and you're HOOKED!!!!!
  4. Well, self-effects from pheros are different for each user....for instance, I think that the lovely Ail stated that she is what I call a "non-responder"....no self-effects to speak of. Now me? Practically everything affects me.....when I wear cops, I feel hot and sexy. Period. Not necessarily turned on, per se, but just like, "Damn, could I get any hotter? I am all that, a bag of chips, and a good cold beer." There were some reports of women having similar experiences to you with the cops. Remember copulins are a woman's body's signal that she is ready to mate. Wearing synthetic ones may have a horny effect on you. If you want some wild dreams,though, get some of the super for men.....either scented or unscented. Talk about HOT! I bought Super for my man, and when I first got it, I tried some on the back of my hand. He was talking to me on the phone, and said...."What do you think about it?" I said...."I want to take MYSELF to bed!" He wears it and I go from 0 to 120 in 4.9 seconds! No joke! When he isn't here, if there is some residual from where he was sleeping, I start having the naughty dreams......really really good ones! Get a bottle of the unscented and spike your man's cologne with it (don't tell him he's wearing pheros).....hehehehe.....but don't let him out of your sight when you do that! My man isn't allowed out without me if he is wearing Super.
  5. Me too! Currently poised with my credit card at the ready!
  6. I can tell that there will be some full bottles purchased unsniffed!
  7. Thats because Me Jane is more of a female attraction blend to attract males.....it has female pheros in it. Synchronicity is more unisex....the phero blend "Drop Your Guard" (which is in Synch) is more for "person to person" bonding, for conversation stimulation and happy vibes.
  8. If you put it on and do a good job covering it, he'll never know.....
  9. Isn't it just fab? I love it! Great report, btw.....
  10. The scented Super for Women just didn't work for me scent-wise......but the Super Sexy pheros are great! I just ordered another bottle of the Unscented version.....
  11. There are a lot of great men's scents....my man's faves are Bad Boy and Dominance.....they both smell great, but my faves on him are Super/UN and Down and Dirty..... Have fun!!
  12. Yes, after I tried my sample once, I ordered a full bottle.....THEN I decided that I NEEDED a second one....I'm a hoarder.....plain and simple.....
  13. Yes, it wasn't quite as dark as I expected......BUT, I still love it! I think it is wonderful!
  14. Oh, Dominance has had it's use in my home also.....gives off the, "I'm the boss, don't f*** with me" vibe.....
  15. OK, so my sweetie knows that I wear pheros, and even though I don't always specifically tell him that I am wearing them, I could be at any time. He also knows that I prefer darker scents, and that normally, if I am running around wearing something "deep" smelling, and urging him to sniff me, it has probably been "spiked"....and he's right! Anywhoooo, today I decided to try something different. We had a little "tiff" last night....nothing major, just didn't see eye-to-eye on an issue, and were both a little tense and cranky when we woke up this morning. I knew also that, when he left, I wouldn't get to see him for over a week, and I really didn't want our visit to end on a bad note. Also, I wanted a little.....ahem....playtime before he left. I tried everything. He was still just a big grumpy lump sitting on my couch. So, I decided to use pheros, but wanted to go in stealth mode. Well, after I took my shower, I slathered on Essence Oil (A LOT), with some Treasured Hearts on the backs of my hands and the frontal pulses of my neck. Then, I covered all of that with Happy Water (which my sweetie doesn't know has pheros in it).....I came in and sat down and he says...."What is that you're wearing?" And I told him the name of it. He said that he likes it, because it is very fresh and clean, and floral without being over-powering. I told him yeah, that he had smelled it before and liked it, and that I enjoy it too, because it makes a nice light statement. So, as we sat on the couch, watching tv, his mood lightened seriously....he started joking and laughing and was back to his usual self in no time. Laughing and playing led to nuzzling, which led to necking, which led to pawing, which led to the bedroom......TOUCHDOWN!!!! Afterwards, there was a bunch of cuddling and discussion about the little argument, what led to it, and apologies for acting like a butt-head. I like this combo.....it really sneaks in there and does it's job.....so glad I ordered a second bottle of Happy Water! I MAY need a third!
  16. Pink Sugar doesn't work with my chemistry either. But Sugared Honeycomb is absolutely the sexiest thing going. It is thick and rich and almost gooey smelling.....but not sugary-sweet. Thick honey-sweet. All of the main Love Potions (original, red, black) have a lot of vanilla.....if you want to try something that already has the cops AND scent, you can try Phero Girl.....it has a bunch of EoW, the honeycomb, and a bunch of other sexaaay things like bee pollen....VERY yummy and a head turner for sure! Look here . Another one that has the EoW already added is Nakai Nectar....very fruity and fresh smelling.....here it is....
  17. Welcome, Revivia! Nice to have another gentleman join the forum! We have a few who pop in from time to time.... There are a lot of scents here geared towards men or women specifically, but there are also a lot of the scents here can work for either men or women.....jump in and try some!! And be sure to post your reviews!!
  18. I think I really need another bottle of this one! I wore it today, and when I went to the notary's office to get some papers notarized, she just kept saying....you smell really good! What is that? Wow. I like that a LOT. She was also all smiles.....and this is a woman who is known for being grumpy!
  19. Well, I let my sweetie smell this on me for the first time last night.....I showered and then applied this one.....he sniffed and said...."I like that. It's verry clean and fresh-smelling." He was in a not-so-good mood when he got here, but with Synch, he was laughing and smiling and cracking jokes like usual in no time....
  20. Only the violet with amber.....Dark Seductions had soooooo much more, with other dark florals and stuff! I am totally coveting my last remaining bit of DS! Nobody will be able to pry that baby out of my hands!
  21. CC, it looks like there is one left in stock....you may be able to catch it if you hurry....
  22. Yeah, I don't wear pheros every day, either......but I do wear them a lot......I have had a lot of fun since I found pheros, for sure!
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