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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I think this is what happens with a lot of the ladies who have tried straight EoW/Essence Oil......they start thinking about can they smell it/how bad does it smell/what are they thinking when they smell it/do I stink/is somebody getting turned on or off by the smell......then it becomes obsession. Yes it stinks, but men react MUCH differently to it than women. They are smelling it (MAYBE), but they are reacting to it much differently than you. ME? I frankly don't care what it smells like because I know what the results are......I'll wear straight gasoline if it gets the effects I want.....I cover it so that it won't freak me out and repel other females.....frankly though, I HAVE gone out of the house with straight EoW on, with no cover....for testing purposes....know what? I still got hits!
  2. I agree with Luna.....if it's respect you want, go with just the Dominance....
  3. Well, I think that was mentioned as an aid to diffusion....oil slows the diffusion, but sometimes thats a good thing because the pheros seem to last longer that way, especially if you live in a hot humid climate. You can certainly try layering while they're wet.....it would be similar to mixing them before application, which I have done.....but, I usually have better results if I let the pheros dry down before I apply a cover.
  4. Dolly


    Hmmmmmm......I might have to try that!
  5. Me too! I love both the scented and unscented......
  6. The "male armpit smell" is the androstenone.....one question, did you shake the bottle before applying? The pheros in the unscnted blends float on top until shaken, so you may be getting a monster-dose.....
  7. Dolly


    I agree.....it doesn't last as long on me as some of the other scents, but I love it.....you do have to lean in and get close to smell it.....its like you walk by and people wonder.....Did I smell something yummy? Is someone wearing perfume? I use it on days when I want to smell good but be unobtrusive and inconspicuous......
  8. Oh, it can be camouflaged.....there is a LOT of it in PheroGirl....and there is some in Nakai Nectar, too..... I have camouflaged it well in many instances. Since cops are actually a SCENT thing and not an actual pheromone, it works best if the men can smell it a little bit......
  9. That IS a great combo.....my fave combo with LP Red is layered with LP Black, though......
  10. It's funny how different people get different things on their skin.....on my skin, the lights musks come through the clearest....I get citrus and sweet vanilla in the background.....I also get a hint of what I think is bergamot (reminds me of Early Grey tea)..... This one is nice.....could lend a playful sexy air to things.....
  11. My man loves to kiss/nibble/lick my neck and cleavage, and those are soe of my heaviest application points....he has never made a comment that they taste bad..... test it yourself.....put some pheros and perfume on your wrist, let it dry down, and then lick it.....
  12. Dolly

    Top Five

    Lately, I have found myself reaching for: 1) Dolly's Dark Side 2) CFM 3) Phero charged Money potion 4) Dirty Sexy 5) Happy Water Also NOX (for sleepy-time)
  13. Where on your body did you apply it? Try to wear it where it will not be in your face....back of neck (if your hair is short or you wear it up), part in hair, backs of knees (if you wear a skirt)......I wear mine on the backs of my hands....I get wafts, but not so bad as if it is on my chest and constantly in my nose.....
  14. Well, by "backs of hands", I actually meant more like the backs of the wrists (top of forearms, or tops of wrists, however you choose to look at it)....thay way it will still be diffusing well, but won't wash off with normal hand washings.....
  15. CC is spot-on.....I guess I taught her well, LOL The only things that I would add are that if you want the pheros to really diffuse and get "out there", try putting some on the backs of your hands (I am a hand-talker), in the part of your hair, etc..... When I wear an unscnted phero, if it is not terribly smelly, I won't put any cover over the dabs that I put on my hands or hair..... Like CC said, start slow.....and don't expect big obvious hits all the time.....sometimes they will happen, but more often than not they will be subtle.....watch for a change in people that you normally are around.....they are the best subjects because you know how they normally are, and changes should be apparent.
  16. I get a slight HINT of rose in Red....not much, just a teensy bit.....
  17. I decided to re-sample this one today.....I agree with Deliberate Angel that it smells like Skin Musk when wet....after it dries, it acquires much more depth, though..... This is how it makes me feel, too! Very relaxed.....smiling, singing along to the radio on my way to the Post Office..... OK, I am ordering a full bottle!! RIGHT NOW!! ETA: I like your new avatar, Pony!!
  18. A girl after my own heart! I swear by it.....and, stinky as it is, it has NEVER let me down..... Oh, and the "Sex on a Stick" comment was also about EoW, if I'm not mistaken .....
  19. Well, thank you for the freebies! I am saving mine until someone actually makes me breakfast in bed....ok, that sounds erotic....like I am breakfast.....but that works too.... Hope you feel better soon, SG!!!!
  20. Well, if you are a crazy hoarder, so am I.....I have (or had) 4 bottles (and a few samples) of both Dirty Sexy and Nasty Habits, and will soon have 4 of Dolly's Dark Side......there are also some that I have 3 bottles of, but we won't go THERE!
  21. Just enough to wet our appetites.....
  22. I've never smelled Angel, but I don't get dark chocolate per se.....I get a cup of hot cocoa.....
  23. I got a sniffee in my box too, but haven't tried it yet.....but I will.....SOON....
  24. Except for "Breaking the Ceiling", I've never used much of the "Swimming with Sharks" Blend....I wore this one today, and was surprised by the results! I know it is supposed to be a good work blend, but I think it can have numerous other applications as well..... Today, I went to have my mammogram (YUK) and go shopping at WalMart (double YUK). I felt incredibly at ease during my mammo.....which is kind of hard to do with your "ta-ta"s in a VISE! However, it was over quickly, and I went on to Wal Mart. This normally makes my blood pressure rise due to idiots on the road and in the store! However, I felt strangely happy while shopping.....I had people smiling, speaking to me nicely, and saying "excuse me" when they walked by (which normally DOESN'T happen----impoliteness is one of my pet peeves!). I like this phero!
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