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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Oh yeah, you are going to like this one.....the scent is very full and rich and fruity.....it will be a great work scent, for sure! And, tax season is coming up.....I need this one!!! Thus, why I ordered a full bottle!
  2. Dolly

    Soiled Dove

    Soiled Dove Honeyed tobacco and whisky stained playing cards ~ a touch of old west saloon! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive, use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover, happiness, fulfillment. TOBACCO ~ Lends courage, calms angry Gods, healing, purification, spiritualism. RUM, BOURBON, BRANDY, WHISKY ~ Lessening of inhibitions, mood elevation, sacred odes. SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric, aphrodisiac, healing, spirituality, exorcism. VETIVER ~ Enhances perception of beauty, love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking. EARTH ~ Grounding, renewal, history. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a very fun scent! VERY unusual, also! I get the tobacco and honey at first, then the boozy notes....just a teensy bit of sandalwood in the background. It may be created for a woman, but I could envision it smelling really good on a man also.....I may need a full bottle of this one too!
  3. Oh, and you and I have the same chemistry, too......so it will probably smell on you like it does on me......it is not as dark as say, Carpe Noctum or Dirty Sexy, but it does darken as you wear it, and the floral makes it a beautifully (slightly sweet) feminine scent, but with a mysterious undertone..... edited because I can't spell
  4. I wasn't sure if I should start a new thread or just post here.....but for any of you who are waiting for Dolly's Dark Side, all I can say is O! M! G! This is heavenly! It starts out almost sweet with the dark florals and vanilla......then it gets darker and richer......then even darker, till it is all dark florals with a deep black musk and resins.....I am ecstatic! It is exactly what I envisioned! I had originally ordered 2 bottles, but I just ordered 2 more! I am loving myself!!!!!!!!
  5. OK, I am ordering a full bottle of this one right now! I love the money spell aspect, and sniffing this one is making me feel happy. I am getting all kinds of fruity goodness with this one....first I got fig and pear, then peachy sweetness.....then I got what I think is grapefruit or some kind of citrus. As it completely dried down it is ike a peach-banana smoothie.....I am still getting hints of fig though, and what I think may be grapes. This one is very nice. FULL BOTTLE!!!!
  6. So, I bet you can guess what I'm doing! Bathed in a bunch of new samples, sniffing myself into oblivion! Since I am an amber lover, I had to test out Amber Enchantment! This one is really nice! It starts out sweet, but pinky-sweet. I guess that is the pink sugar. Then it starts to deepen, but still with a fluffy sweetness on top. I like this one.
  7. You will love it.....it gives a full-on sexual vibe. My absolute favorite!
  8. We definitely have some fun with each other, that's for sure! Well, with everything you have coming your way, you'd better make sure the headboard is away from the wall.....either that, or buy some spackle! Oh, and try some Blatant Invitation.....all I have to say is OMG!
  9. Dolly

    Dirty Sexy

    Hmmmm, I'm going to have to try it with LP Black.....that does sound good! Try it with Nasty Habits....you'll be amazed at how they change and morph together.....it is also good layered with Sugared Honeycomb.....YUMMY!
  10. Back of neck and hair are very good app points.....some ladies also wear it on the backs of their legs (knees) when they wear skirts.....
  11. Oh, you KNOW it! But, I also love Treasured Hearts, True Confessions, and so many more! BI is one that hasn't been added to a scented edition yet, though......
  12. So true, so true......BUT, even if you end up in the poor house, you will still smell FANTASTIC!
  13. OOOOOH....fingers crossed that it is Blatant Invitation.....
  14. Dolly

    Dirty Sexy

    Yeah, I have a total of three and a half bottles (it was 4 bottles, but I use it often)and a few samples, too...... Brunette, have you tried layering it with Nasty Habits? All I can say is WOW. Put it on, and it smells really good, but then do something to raise your body heat, and YOWZA!
  15. Dolly

    Dirty Sexy

    Miiiiiiine tooooo........
  16. So, did you have a spectacular evening or what? My honey and I were both exhausted last night, but thanks to a Nasty Habits/BI combo, my 2009 started off this AM with a bang! Actually, with some big "O"s....ok ok TMI......
  17. Dolly

    Native Soil

    I love this one more and more each time I wear it.....it is just so spicy and sexy.....
  18. We do have a couple of great guys who visit us from time to time..... Welcome to the forum......feel free to jump in!
  19. No clue.....I just asked for a darker vanilla......
  20. Sounds like a fun test....oddly, it sounds like something I would do! HAHAHAHAHA......when I first started out with pheros, I was married to a man who stopped having sex with me, and had not done so for over a year......first one excuse and then another.....the last time he had "tried", things weren't working properly, if you know what I mean. I was really skeptical that pheros would do anything, BUT I wanted to try......AND, I wanted a controlled test....you know, NOT a romantic evening alone, or anything like that. SO, when he went to pick up his two daughters for weekend visitiation, I put on some perfume that I had loaded with EoW. We had his two kids and my one here. I made sure he was in range several times that afternoon.....well, he takes the 3 kids outside to play.....and asks the 13 year old to watch the two younger ones for a minute while he goes to the bathroom.....he comes in the house, and promptly drags me into the bathroom for a quickie! No, I'm not joking! Several men later, I can still say that EoW, while smelly, does the job EVERY TIME. There have been young ladies who have said they had problems covering it, but I have a feeling that it is because young, fertile women produce a lot of cops anyway, so when they slather EoW on, it causes an OD level. Also.....we as females may be able to detect it, and think that every one else thinks we smell bad......BUT my man allowed me to do a test with him and his nose. I applied EoW (and let him smell it while wet), which he said smelled like BUTT on its own, to one arm. I allowed it to dry down completely, and covered it (I think with Naughty Minx).....I put straight perfume on the other. He said that he could detect the EoW, and that while it may not be a note that he enjoyed smelling, it did turn him on. He also stated that, during that evening, he would get little "whiffs" of the EoW, but only noticed it because I had asked him to pay attention. He said that after the initial sniff, that note was not CONSTANT.....it kind of faded in and out. I, on the other hand, could smell it all night......BUT I know what it smells like, and I have a sensitive nose. So, when you get yours, you may not get it covered 100%, but trust me, it WILL work. I have gone out of the house (for research purposes only) with Essence Oil and no cover.....I STANK.....but I STILL got hits.....no joke. Oh, and have you tried Phero Girl? The one that is honey rich and LOADED with EoW? OMG.....you HAVE TO try that one, if you haven't already..... Rules of thumb.....for self effects, I always apply to my chest, where I will smell it. If I want something to diffuse well, and get "out there", I apply to the backs of my hands, because I am a "hand talker".....my man always huffs my neck (and cleavage), so if I want something to affect him, thats where it goes.... Looks like you are on the right path.......keep working it!
  21. Try amber as your third element.......YUMMY......I always have loved amber and vanilla together......
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