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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Not that I know of.....keep your eye on the Trading Post thread, though....sometimes people will be getting rid of scents that didn't quite work for them.....you might be able to pick some up there.....
  2. The lovely ladies can correct me if I'm wrong, but it is my understanding that it is my special request that they made enough of to share......one of those "private editions".....
  3. BIG HUGS to you Ail.....I know it is difficult, but I also know that with your help, strength, and light, your mum will be ok..... Shelly......as to the Cougar with EoW, I have a bottle that I threw together that should have an octane rating......read here ......very entertaining story, indeed......
  4. Yes, it probably is the 'Nol that is giving you that vibe. I love True Confessions.....it is Alpha Nol and Beta Nol.....you really should try it. Throw on some Essence Oil with it, and you have just what you described. I feel sure that the lovely ladies will find more new funzies for us, now that they are working with Dr Stone.....he is the Pheromone Master!
  5. OK, so I WAS gonna go with Dirty Sexy/Nasty Habits as a cover last night, but I changed my mind at the last minute. I put a swipe of Treasured Hearts on the backs of my hands, and then applied my CFM (the bottle that is boosted with Blatant Invitation). I slathered.....BIG TIME. Neck, cleavage, everywhere that was exposed. My sweetie and I were going to be going out visiting, but at the last minute, we decided that we would go out to dinner with a married couple that he has been friends with for several years. They are about 10 years older than us, but they are very nice people, so it was all good. We went to a small local Mexican restaurant, and as we got there, we were standing waiting to sit, and the other man says...."OK, you better come over here and hug me right now!" This has never happened with this guy. So, OK, that was strange. His wife hugged me too, and they were just chatting as we sat down. They were both so into me that I could've said anything, and they would've thought it was the best thing EVER. I was the star of the show. Then, they paid for our dinner on top of that. Wow. Well, let me tell you, when my man and I got back to his house, we were listening to Christmas music and exchanging our gifts and all......he couldn't wait to get me in the bedroom. I went into the kitchen to get a refil of our eggnog, and he came in there and gave me this big kiss. I mean a hot passionate kiss. Then he says, "I could just BITE you." I said,"Bite me?" He says....."Yeah. Your lips, your neck, EVERYWHERE. Just CHEW on you." Can't say that I have ever gotten that response before! I love this combo......truly a fave!
  6. I agree. If I want the upbeat mood, I wear Cougar. Men are flirty and happy (and so am I)when I wear it. With BI, my man RIPS my clothes off. I love it! I haven't tried unscented Cuddle Bunny.....the scented Cuddle Bunny didn't mesh well with my skin chemistry..... You could try layering in this manner.....put a dash of the Cougar on your chest where it will go up into your smell range......THEN, put the BI on your neck or wherever else your man likes to sniff..... Enjoy!!!!
  7. Well, if you want the party to be lighthearted, go easy on the Dominance.....it can put your alpha vibe out there BIG TIME. I use it for work when dealing with mostly men, or women who TRY to be alpha, but I need to put them in their place. I haven't ever been "hated on" by women when I wear BI......some younger women react in a "catty manner" when women around them wear a lot of cops, but I've never experienced that with BI....I would go with a combo of either BI/TH or BI/PP.
  8. Well, give that combo a try......BUT be sure to tell us how it works!! Mara said that she wore Blatant Invitation at a function and that it worked as a "popularity" type potion.....that might work too.....
  9. Well, I think the Cougar/Happy Water is more of a mood-uplifting type situation rather than a "come and throw me down on the kitchen table" combination. My honey tells me he likes Happy Water because it smells fresh and clean.....but I will add that it has never made him want to rip my clothes off. But then again, Cougar doesn't have very much in the way of copulins in it.....I am 41 and I don't think I produce ANY natural cops any more, so I need all the help I can get..... Blatant Invitation has a hefty dose of Essence Oil in it......does the trick every time....when I want to be ravished, that is....
  10. Well, I haven't tried Popularity Potion, BUT I love both Treasured Hearts and True Confessions. Treaured Hearts will have them "spreading the love" for sure. If you want a "love her" vibe, that one will do it. Also, a combo of TH and TC works very well along those same lines. Speaking of Dominance, though.....I am also a very dominant personality.....you may want to give a little dab of Dominance a shot (not necessarily for the particular function you are talking about though).....trust me.....I STRUT when I wear it.....it puts me in even more in my element (if that's possible).
  11. Thank you....you're so sweet! If I can help with anything else, let me know!! Enjoy!!
  12. Yeah, the dark scents work really well.....one of my faves is Dirty Sexy.....you may want to try Native Soil.....cinnamon is really good for EoW cover....also Blood Martini, Crimson Black, Down & Dirty.....I would agree that you should try some samples that you think he normally would NOT like.....that is how I found some real gems! Mara and Danna have so MANY different types of vanilla, that you may find one that he likes.....you might even try some sugared amber....amber covers EoW BEAUTIFULLY.....I discovered that years ago..... Be sure that if you get the straight Essence Oil, that you read the thread where Ail describes IN DETAIL how to use it. Also, if you want to pre-mix it with some of your scents, I would suggest taking a small roller top bottle and mixing in a few drops at a time. After adding some, always let it sit for several hours, then do a sniff test. It takes some practice to get it right, but it never fails me!
  13. So, Shelly.......how did it go? Did the man react? DO TELL.......
  14. HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA....yep, we all know! Glad you are having such fantastic results!
  15. Well, pheros ENHANCE, they don't create things that aren't there. For instance......if she wears pheros to a party and then sits in the corner like a wallflower, it is likely that nothing will happen. Then, she will be thinking that the pheros did nothing for her. Pheros will not make you an extrovert if you are normally shy.....you have to make an effort also. And, they will not make people who don't like you miraculously desire you. But, they can tip the scales in your favor if used correctly. Many people have unrealistic expectations when they use pheros......most often the hits are subtle, small reactions from those around you. She needs to be aware of the circumstances that she is in.....for instance, in the workplace, you would not expect a male to come up and blatantly flirt with you. A "hit" can be something as simple as a smile from a person that you are familiar with, who is normally grouchy or surly.......or a man (or woman) doing a simple double-take as you walk by. Strangers are not always going to gawk at or walk up and start a conversation with someone that they do not know. Many of the more experienced users here will tell you that a smile, a wink, light-hearted conversation, mood-lifting, and things like that happen more often than not. Then, occassionally, you WILL have those humongous reactions that are really note-worthy. I would suggest that she start with ONE of the two blends first, until she gets the hang of it. She needs to become observant. And, it is often easier if you use a control-group of people that you are already familiar with. That way, she will be aware if there are any changes to their "normal" behaviors. And lastly, with the oil based blends here, I suggest that she put them where they will diffuse better.....I am a hand-talker, so I always dab some on the backs of my hands......
  16. I haven't had any from LP that actually had an adverse effect when blended or layered. I have had some very blatant forward hits, though.....read through the phero review thread, and you'll find the stories!
  17. I would give it a try CC......it was originally CREATED with older women in mind, but it is a mood-elevating AND attracting blend.....
  18. Yes, that is one of the ones that were made by Pharmacom, which is now out of business....when the Pharmacom ones sell out, they are GONE.....these would include the Unscenteds for Super Sexy, Drop your Guard, Cougar, Swimmimg with Sharks, Intellectual M/W, I'm not sure what others..... The ones that wil stay are the ones made by Stone......Dominance, Blatant Invitation, Treasured Hearts, True Confessions, Essence Oil.......
  19. HAHAHAHAAAA....thanks for my morning giggle! Enjoy the pheros......they can be a blast!!
  20. Dominance never ceases to amaze! Today, I was gearing up for a meeting with a client who was nice at first, but has recently become more aggressive and demanding. My sweetie texted me to say "good luck with your appt, and don't forget your Dominance".....hehe.....he gets tickled with my stories about this one! So, anywhoooo, I had a new experience with this one. One of my favorite clients showed up, and he is usually very cooperative. Today, not only was his usual self, but he was quite PROTECTIVE, also. We were talking before the other client got here, and he said, "Well, I'm staying until he gets here.....if he gives you any trouble, I'm gonna beat his a** !" I just giggled, and told him it was ok for him to leave.....so, he did.....so anyway, the jerky guy gets here, and walks in with a big chip on his shoulder. Starts informing me of how he wants things done. I sat him down, and started explaining to him what he needed to provide me with in order for me to do my job.....and, that he was to provide this info in a prompt manner, but NOT tell me how to do what I do. My arm was very close to his face at the time, and I talk with my hands, so roses and chocolate were wafting everywhere. Within a few minutes, he was sitting there like a good boy, nodding and listening intently to everything I was telling him. I love this stuff! Scented or unscented, IT ROCKS!!!
  21. You can purchase the monthly sample pack by going to the gift shoppe, sample page, and choose "monthly collection"....the link is here
  22. I've ordered mine too! Along with a couple big bottles of the Dolly's Dark Side.....that one is SURE to be a favorite of mine! Of that, I am positive!
  23. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Dolly's Dark Side!! YAY!! Sounds exactly like what I asked for!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I need at LEAST 2 bottles of that! My sweetie is almost as excited as I am to get to sniff that one on me...... I can see full bottles of several of these new releases in my future!!
  24. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....that has to be one of the funniest "attraction" stories that I have ever heard! I know what you mean about the problems with comercial fragrances.....most of them give me a rash....I used to use single notes and made some very simple blends of my own, but now I found LP, so I don't have to do that anymore! Oh and welcome to the forum! Looking forward to hearing from you more often.....do pop in and visit with us once in a while.....and enjoy your new smellies!
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