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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Keep your eye on the trading post....not all scents work for everyone, so you may find one up for swap or sale..... This one is one of my faves......and my sweetie's.....I have it boosted with Blatant Invitation....hehe.....
  2. Dolly

    Lady Casanova

    Yep, it IS violets! I have historically had a bad time with most florals.....UNTIL I found LP......now, I have found that there are SOME that I can wear (I still have some that give me trouble)....but violets are beautiful on me! I love Lady Casanova.....so does my honey!
  3. Well, I know that, and you know that, but HE doesn't know that.....I think we all do it mainly for ourselves.....but, it's just a little fib...... Even though my sweetie doesn't control my funds, I still let him be involved.....I have bought some of the men's scents for him, and I let him pick MOST of the ones that I buy full bottles of.....
  4. Welcome Lyric! You are in the right place......we don't try to talk you out of your addiction here.....we actually FEED it...... Look forward to seeing you around here more often!
  5. Not that I have anyone monitoring my finances, since I'm not married......BUT, here's a thought......just smile sweetly and say, "Honey, I'm just doing it for YOU!"
  6. I agree with all of the previous descriptions of this one. Lightly musky, sweet, and slightly spicy. Nice!
  7. Dolly

    Native Soil

    You can get them on ebay.....use a search of "vinaigrette", or "perfume locket", or "scent locket".....I have even found some by searching with "open-work locket" or "filigree locket". They are basically lockets with holes cut in them. You put a small piece of cloth (or even tissue-paper) with your chosen scent inside it. Your body heat warms it and causes it to diffuse, but your skin can't suck it in. I also use this for scents that go wonky with my skin chemistry....
  8. It is a great scent! And the alpha-nol is a nice touch!
  9. Well, the unscented pheros don't come in samples....you can someties find people who are doing decant circles.... If you are interested in adding a full bottle to your order, you can always email her......
  10. Yes, Pharmacom is out of business. From what I understand, LP is going to be sourcing their pheros from Stone from now on, but will sell the Pharmacom blends as long as they are still available. If you love the Cougar that much, I would snatch up a couple of bottles while it is still available. Some pheros just won't give you self-effects. Some have with me, and some haven't. As far as contrasting the Cougar and Blatant Invitation, that's a tough one. They do have a different vibe. From MY personal experience, Cougar makes me feel more "sparkly" and young, if that makes any sense. BI makes me feel hot, sexy, and sensual. More like a vibe of...."You want me and I KNOW you do." I don't know if that answers your question......but I hope it helps! My suggestion? Get a couple more bottles of Cougar to stash back while you can still get your hands on it!
  11. Dolly

    Native Soil

    We have all had that happen from time to time.....your skin likes a scent so much that it just drinks it up. I have some that do that on me.....you can try a scent locket to prolong it, or that may just be one of the ones that you have to re-apply. Or, do as I do.....if I apply a scent in the morning that is one that I know my skin "eats", that means I can either re-apply that one later OR put on a completely different one.....I usually go for a different one....I get to play with more scents that way!! I always carry a couple of LP's in my bag when I leave the house for more than a couple of hours......
  12. Well, hello to you Shelly! Glad you finally stepped out of the shadows! And thank you for the compliment! Don't worry, I'm not big on foody scents either......they just aren't my normal thing. Not that they repulse me or anything.....I test them and enjoy them for an occassional treat, but I prefer the darker variety of perfumes as a general rule. Yes, Cougar is great.....now that the scented version is sold out, you should try the unscented.....it is great too! I am HOPING that the ladies will come out with a "Cougar round 2".....I would love to snatch up a full bottle, but missed doing so..... And, I feel your pain about the roller balls.....but it seems to be just one batch of them that had that issue. I have had a few that did that, but I really enjoy the roller balls generally.......it makes application on the run so much easier......and, I am clumsy....more than once, I have dropped a full bottle while the cap was off....if I hadn't had a roller bottle, it would've been GONE. Just as a general rule, though....when you open a bottle, look in the cap to see if the ball is stuck in there. As far as the traveling thing.....if my perfumes and pheros are not in my purse, I put them in a ziploc bag....prevents messy accidents that DO happen. And, now I have that visual about your makeup bag in MY head! Welcome, and please do pop in to visit with us often!!
  13. I have 2 thoughts for you on this situation. First is that people who are arround you often will occassionally be thrown off by a change in your pheromone signature. Unless they have a really ADVERSE reaction, you need to give it a couple of tries before making a judgement call on it. Secondly, if I has a serious commitment issue, pheros CANNOT help that. They just can't. That is something that only he can do. Keep working the pheros, though......they can be fun and can add a little spice in relationships, as well as tipping the scales in your favor in some other situations (socially and on the job).
  14. Be sure to shake the vial gently before you apply it.....this one has bee pollen and other things that settle out of it and need to be re-blended.
  15. Dolly

    Warrior Heart

    OK, so I broke down and had to get a full one.....I couldn't resist.....the scent is really fantastic, but I mainly want it for the intent.....
  16. Welcome!! You picked some great ones to start with! You will soon be an addict just like us!!
  17. Dolly

    Bayberry & Gold

    I put mine on a lamp ring in my office.....hoping the money aspect will work, as it gives my office a nice Christmas-y touch.....
  18. Dolly

    Honeyed Seductions

    It doesn't turn powdery on me either.....it stays strong....not sharp, though....nice and smooth, but still very much there.....it has a LOT of throw and staying power on me......I use it when I want more of an "in your face" scent......
  19. Dolly

    Blessed Sacrament

    For me, I find myself using this scent much the same as I do NOX.....when I need soothing and comforting, it calms me and helps me to relax. Scent-wise it compares to Hathor on my skin.....rich and creamy.....but smelled side-by-side, Blessed Sacrament is a tad richer smelling, if that makes sense.......
  20. Dolly


    I had that impression at first too, but then I put Blood Martini on one side and Crimson Black on the other.....it was then that I really was able to distinguish the two.....sometimes with me and my nose, that is the only way I can pick up on the subtle differences....
  21. Good for you! It never hurts to give one a second chance, huh? You just may find something you really like!
  22. I have to be cautious with True Confessions.....the same method would probably work for DYG.....apply where it won't waft into your nose so much.....I apply to backs of hands, wrists, and back of neck (if my hair is up)....
  23. I love them ALL!!!! No seriously.... #1 is Blatant Invitation, either unscented or as a "booster".....I have it as a booster in La Boom and CFM, and it NEVER lets me down #2 Dirty Sexy and Nasty Habits.....both of these are boosted with Super Sexy and have a dab of Essence Oil that I added #3 Dark Seductions "killer"----I boosted this myself.....I took DS, and mixed it with the following....unscented SS, unscented Cougar, and Essence Oil. This is reserved ONLY for evenings with my darlin'.....it makes clothes be torn off and thrown to the floor within minutes..... #4 Scented Dominance--BEST work mix. EVER. #5 Phero Girl--love it #6 Florida Water--very happy, zippy vibe #7 Scented Cougar--really enjoy it, wish I had gotten a full bottle, but missed out. Unscented--I LOOOOOOVE Treasured Hearts, Dominance (esp paired with a "personal power" potion like Vain), and True Confessions.....I can't get enough!
  24. Good reports ladies.....I haven't had a chance to test the phero effects of mine yet, but I SHALL.....in due time.....
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