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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly


    You're very welcome! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do......I'm wearing it right now, as a matter of fact!
  2. Hey Kim! Glad to see that you jumped in with both feet! And welcome to our little corner of the world wide web!
  3. Yes, I think you do! It is a lovely scent.....it has made it to my full bottle list!
  4. Dolly

    Warrior Heart

    It's interesting that 2 people say that this gave them a good scent memory......I do like this scent, and am trying to decide whether or not I should get a full bottle......
  5. I never tried Allegro......BUT the only fruitiness that I get with this one is a SLIGHT hint of a citrusy note.......it is mostly florals......
  6. I agree.....even though it isn't along the lines of most of my favorote scent types, I really like it too.....my sweetie REALLY likes it.....he is glad that I am getting a full bottle.....but, I am thinking that I may need another......
  7. I love Happy Water! Last week, I decided that I wanted to order a lighter-smelling scent for my arsenal, since I only have a couple of them (most of mine are the darker-smelling ones).....I couldn't decide between Happy Water and Lunantishee.....so, I put one on each arm and had a blind smell test with my sweetie and my 10 year old son.....they both chose Happy Water......it does smell better with my skin chemistry.....
  8. WOW, so many new members! Welcome everybody!! Be sure to stop in and chat once in a while!! We have a lot of fun here!
  9. We've all been through the OD phase......don't worry.....it's normal......luckily I work at home.....
  10. Dolly


    Well, I just bought another one, after I started contemplating the thought of it selling out, and never being re-brewed......so, I'll have 2 and a half bottles of this one for my sleepy-time and relaxation use! I love it....it calms me wonderfully!
  11. Dolly


    I just HAD TO have another bottle.....this is one of my favorite bedtime scents......I am hoarding again! I am a bad girl......
  12. Dolly

    Nasty Habits

    I already have 4 bottles......hehe.....
  13. Dolly

    Nasty Habits

    Oh yeah, I find that Nasty Habits and Dirty Sexy both changed as they aged.....I loved them from the beginning, but now I LOOOOOOVE them!
  14. Dolly

    Top Five

    Quite a lineup.....I like the afterthought one best too!
  15. Well, I wore this one today, and it turns out that my darlin' really likes it too.....SO, I just ordered a full bottle....it will be a nice, not-so-dark alternative......I like to keep a couple of those on hand for occassional use.....the alpha-nol boosts this one to a different level..... Today, my honey had an outpatient surgery, and we spent most of the day in the hospital, but I had people smiling, laughing, and talking with me all day......and, I am talking about complete strangers....
  16. OK, I think this one is definitely going to be a full-bottle purchase! I am having a hard time picking out individual notes on this one, but I think I get something lemony (or citrusy) and a light floral.....maybe lavender? This one was very bright when I first put it on, but as it dried down, it seemed to mellow and deepen. After dry down, there is a slight musky undertone which could be either a musk or the pheros......this one has a very feminine feeling to it. I am going to make my sweetie smell this one, but I have a feeling that I'm going to be getting a full bottle, whether he likes it or not! Because *I* like it!!
  17. OK, so this one is a bit difficult to describe.....I get mostly herbal with just the faintest floral note.....it could be worn by a man or a woman, I think.....it is a kind of calming scent.....I think I'll keep mine for my next trip to visit relatives!
  18. Although this scent is lighter than most that I prefer, it is very nicely done.....I get florals, but I do also get a little bit of a fruity note. Not sure if I would buy a full bottle, but I do think that I will keep my sample!
  19. Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your new smellies!!
  20. Oh wow. This one is very nice......I get spiced tea and cream, but just a slight little whiff of mint. The tea stays there right through drydown, and is lovely on me.....tis one smells like I may be on the way to a full bottle.....I'll DEFINITELY be letting my sweetie sniff this one this week, so I can get his opinion......
  21. Good to see you! Yes, the scents here are definitely addictive....I am a total junkie, myself!
  22. Hi magikmaiden! Welcome to the forum!
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