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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Welcome to the forum!! Always a joy to see new faces! As far as what to choose, the monthly sample packs are always a good way to test several different options.....also, the thing that I had to learn when I started here is to try some new scents that include notes that you would not normally wear.....get a little bit out of your "comfort zone".......chances are that you will find some gems that you never would have otherwise. Enjoy!!
  2. Dolly


    Thats a shame.....it smells FAB on me......maybe you should try it in a scent locket......
  3. Well, it just may not work with your chemistry. I smelled rose at first, but then it backed off and the other notes came to the forefront. Many florals go wonky with my chemistry, but not this one.....I think that the other notes really help to balance it out....it is fruity and floral, but not overpowering at all on me. Nicely done!
  4. Dolly


    This one is really nice for Thanksgiving......I get the pumpkin, fig, and some watermelon in the background.....not sure about the other little fruities that keep peeking through......it seems like every time I smell it, it's a little bit different......I like!!
  5. Dolly


    On me, this one is sweet, light, and fruity, with a boozy background. All-in-all, a nice scent, especially if you are attending holiday parties.....you know, crowded rooms where you don't want to knock people over with your perfume..... I think it also has a couple of notes in common with Sultry Afternoon.....but not as musky.....
  6. I agree.....very marshmallow-y at first.....kind of like when you open a bag for a roast....yummy! Then I get the vanilla......mmmmmm.....I really like this one......
  7. Dolly

    Sugared Magi

    I love the way you put that! It was the same way on me.....but that's ok, because I like having fig all up in my business! LOL
  8. Dolly

    Warrior Heart

    I agree with all of the previous statements about this one....fruity and sweet, but not sugary sweet....and, I get a little hint of woods in the background. VERY NICE!!
  9. Yeah, the only note that I am able to pinpoint is a licorice-y smell.....I don't know if that was an intended note, or just my wacky skin chemistry......but I like it, nonetheless!
  10. Dolly

    Sugared Magi

    Oh yes, this one is totally delicious! Out of several samples that I put on in various sniffee spots, this is the one that I could NOT stop sniffing!
  11. I definitely get a cumin-type scent from this one, riding on top of the florals.....it is very unusual, and will be nice as an occassional change.....I'll be keeping my sample of this.....I think it will age well....
  12. Well, Liz, it depends.....do you want to be able to use the BI with other scents, or do you want to excusively use it with your "signature scent"? If it is an exclusive thing, I would have it pre-mixed.....if not, I would order the BI straight and layer it.....
  13. Well, Liz, I haven't gotten an opp to try your blend....I soooooo want to tho....it sounds totally yummy......I have good results with BI blended with ANYTHING! TRY THE BI WITH YOUR BLEND PLEEEZ.....and tell me how it turns out!!
  14. Dolly


    I think so! You did a good job!
  15. Dolly

    Blood Martini

    OK, so those of you love NOX (like I do) need a bottle of this one. It is similar, but yet not quite the same. Wet, I get all deep raspberry......full and sweet (but not too sweet). Then, I start getting the other notes. After about 30-45 min is where this one really distinguishes itself from NOX. Where NOX gets resinous, with this one, I get the currants and a slight hint of floral notes, with the woods in the background. Even though it is dark, it maintains a lovely slight sweetness all the way through drydown. NICE!
  16. Dolly


    Crimson Black Red Resins, for purification and blood; Leather from Russia that lines her skin; the blackest roses left on her grave; far eastern spices that she stirred in her tea; Vampire musk and blood red fruit. Dark, sexy, slightly wicked, musky and thick, the vampire in you can come out to play! Crafted of all the things that keep one young, beautiful, sexy and slightly wicked. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: VAMPIRE MUSK ~ Self- confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. RED RESINS ~ Entices errant lovers to return, increases power of other ingredients, love, protection, exorcism, potency. BLACK ROSES ~ Self-confidence, strong aphrodisiac properties, attracts affection and love, fertility, divination/clairvoyance. RED FRUITS ~ Protection, communication, peace, calm. VANILLA CREME ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing, Goddess energy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I got my package today! YAY!!! Crimson Black is one that I ordered a full size of, completely unsniffed, because it just sounded so much like my kind of scent. And, it didn't disappoint me. Wet, I get the fruitiness, with some musk in the background. Then, the rose comes out. But, it's not a prissy little dainty rose. It is a big hefty DEEEEEEEEP rose. The rose stuck with me pretty strong for about an hour, then it started to mellow a bit, allowing the leather and musk to peek through a little bit. The fruits kind of pop in and out every now and then. I don't get much resinousness RIGHT NOW, but I think that this one is one of those that will probably deepen with age. It is a darker scent, but it is really unlike anything else that I currently have in my arsenal. I think that even the ladies who don't care so much for dark scents would like this one. My man even likes it...... GOOD JOB!!
  17. Welcome to the forum Christy!! Look forward to hearing from you!!
  18. OOOOH, my darlin' is coming to visit tonight.....I may have to slather him down in it tonight too.....and I am wearing Carpe Noctum with Blatant Invitation.....uhoh....we'll need to be careful or we may do some more damage to the furniture!
  19. Well, I'd say you will surely find at least ONE worthwhile man with those two little gems in your arsenal.....
  20. Keep turning over those rocks.....there are some good ones out there, trust me! I had to kiss a LOT of frogs (and even married a few) before I found one.....
  21. I love True Confessions, Treasured Hearts, and Blatant Invitation best. Super Sexy is really good too. They are all excellent in their own right, and each has it's own specific applications. You really can't go wrong with any of them!
  22. Also, a tip.....if you don't want to risk experimenting with a whole bottle, you can take a smaller roll top bottle to do your mixing in.....I have been known to do that, also.
  23. Dolly

    Honeyed Seductions

    I love this one too! And, I have 2 bottles of it.....hehe.....
  24. I've found that there are some notes that work really well at covering/blending with the cops.....besides the honeycomb used in pherogirl, that is.....ambers, vanillas, musks, cinnamon.....those are my hands down faves.....they tend to cover and mesh the best.....
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