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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Well, I know from experience that you totally CAN add alcohol-based EoW to LP oils. The only downside is that it will separate in the bottle, so you will need to remember to gently shake it each time you apply. It can and does work, however. Another thing to watch out for is this.....add it a few drops at a time, and then let it sit for a while, and do a sniff-test before you add more. When I have combined alcohol-based EoW with oils, the scent character of it can change, and sometimes it will overpower your blend if it is a lighter-scented oil. As far as how much in in PheroGirl.....not sure about that, but I do recall that Mara said that it was a LOT.
  2. Thank you for the props! As far as TC afftecting the wearer, it does to some extent, but I have found that I have better results with it if I wear it on the back of my hands, wrists etc, because I talk with my hands.....gets it wafting around people's faces, but not so close to my own. And, it doesn't stink to high heaven, so you don't really need to cover it. Oh, and I totally agree with Starlite that in a college campus setting, Super Sexy may be better.....
  3. I may have to nab a bottle of that one......sounds right up my alley!
  4. Welcome! Come on in and visit with us.....we can get pretty crazy sometimes, but at least we're always up for fun!
  5. I really like Super Sexy......last night I wore it to a casual business dinner with my fiancee.....I have a bottle of Nasty Habits that the SS concentrate was added to, and I wanted to have some fun. I was dressed VERY conservatively. Jeans, a turtleneck, and a boiled wool sweater/jacket over top of that (last night was one of the few really chilly evenings we have had thus far this year). My hair was pulled back away from my neck, so that the phero/perfume combo could get out there and waft around a bit. I had slathered the combo all around my neck just above the line of the turtleneck, some on the turtleneck itself, some just below my ears, and also a bit on the backs of my hands. I was smelling really good! As soon as I got to my sweetie's house, he was all over me. After I pried him off of me so we could drive to dinner, he was telling me that there were only going to be a few people there that I had previously met. I thought.....Great. Another dinner with people I don't know. Ok, so we get there, and he was introducing me to them......they were all quite formal-acting.....you know, shaking hands and all that. One of the gentlemen that I HAD met before came up and hugged me, but that was about it. Everybody was mingling in the bar, having drinks and just chatting. So then, out of the blue, one guy who was standing beside my sweetie and I started cracking off-color jokes. Just right out of the blue. Serious eye contact with me as he was telling each joke, even though there was a little group that had gathered there. So, we go in to sit down to dinner. Everybody was wanting us to sit with them. A gentleman who was sitting beside me, who I had never met before, was giggling all night. And everytime I would turn to look at him, he would give me this big goofy grin. His wife, who was sitting on the other side of him, kept asking him....."What is wrong with you?" OK, so we have dinnner, and I was met by big goofy grins on the faces of every man that I got within wafting range of. It was getting almost to the point of ridiculousness. So, then, as we are leaving, my honey shakes one guy's hand (the one who was telling jokes earlier), and says......"Well, thanks for dinner.....I'll shake your hand, but I'm not going to give you a goodnight kiss." And, the guy says, "No, but I'm waiting to kiss that gorgeous woman behind you." Grabs me, hugs me, and gives me a big smooch.....not directly on the mouth, but like on the side of it..... So, we are still saying our goodbyes, and all of these men, who I had just met, were shaking my darlin's hand and then almost pushing him along, out of the way, to grab me and hug me. There were very few women there who got the hug action I got. In fact, only one of those men was hugging all of the women. My sweetie was just flabbergasted.....he had no idea I was wearing pheros last night......hehehe...... All-in-all, it was a pretty entertaining evening......I love pheros!
  6. It's really hard to explain.....I like both of them, actually. Blatant Invitation has a lot more copulin in it, and is not just sexy, but is VERY SEXUAL. Does that make sense?
  7. Yeah, me too.....I've always been mistaken for younger, but like you said.....these reactions were so "over the top" that they HAD TO BE because of the Cougar.....I love it!
  8. I got a similar reaction at the doctor's office yesterday. I had decided to go to a new gyno, and the nurse who was taking my vitals didn't really look at my chart. She asked me when my last "cycle" was, and I told her Aug 2006, since I had an ablation.....she said, "Really? Those are normally done on older women, unless you have severe issues. You know, older...like over 30. I'm surprised they did one on you." I laughed my head off.....I'm 41. So then the doctor came in and did a double take.....she walked in with her head down, reading my chart, looked up at me, looked back down at the chart, then looked up at me me again. She said.....is the age on here right? You're 41? All in all, I love Cougar....scented or unscented.....it's all good.
  9. Yes, that is the thing about the scents here.....they are not like commercial perfumes. They morph on you over time.....I give each of them several hours, in order to decide whether they are "for me" or not.....
  10. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    I'm just the opposite......my most recent bottle smells better on me.....richer, thicker, sexier (if that's even POSSIBLE) than the original.....I LOVED the original, but my most recent bottle is even better......
  11. Dolly


    You probably could get UN with the female pheromones added......
  12. OK, so I was supposed to go to a business dinner with my sweetie Friday night, and I was going to wear a True Confessions/Treasured Hearts combo with LP Red. I was being very subdued, wearing a pair of slacks and a pretty turtleneck sweater. Well, when I spoke to my darlin' before driving to his house to meet him, he asked what I was wearing, and when I told him, he said....."WELL, this is a very casual dinner at a bar and grill.....why don't you wear jeans.....and something that shows some cleavage, too? You know.....SEXY!" So, I changed.....not only did I put on a pair of jeans that appeared to be painted on, but added a low cut sweater, and a healthy dose of Blatant Invitation to boot! He wanted sexy, and I was determined that he was going to GET IT! So, True Confessions and Treasured Hearts on my wrists and the backs of my hands.....Blatant Invitation on my neck and cleavage.....covered it all with LP Red. My honey was all over me. He couldn't get enough. I had not met most of the people who were at this event.....they were from a different division of the company that he works for. These people were drawn to me like magnets.....and I couldn't get them to shut up!!! All in all, a GOOOOOOOD evening.....and after we got home, it was even better, very VERY HOT. I think we woke his neighbors.....I'm sure they had to roll over and have a cigarette.....and they don't smoke!
  13. Sally is great......when I order, she always sends me a funnel or two, a couple of pipettes, and little mini-atomizers as well. Glad you're enjoying your order!
  14. That's the way I feel about all of the pheros here.....absolutely top notch!
  15. Dolly


    WELCOME!! Hope you enjoy the forum!
  16. MY order is placed!! Both months' trial collections, and a full bottle of Crimson Black!
  17. I agree.....very good info when you break it down! Keep playing with the pheros.....investigation/testing/research is half the fun!!
  18. I have used pheros for many years, and have used products from practically every supplier out there. This is what I KNOW to be FACT: 1. The LP varieties do not evaporate off your skin as quickly, so you (a) do not have to use as much, and ( do not have to re-apply. Especially helpful if you live in a hot, humid location. 2. The LP pheros are stronger, so, again, you do not have to use as much to get the effects....a little dab will do it! 3. The LP pheros are created to the highest quality standards, and are the "cleanest" smelling pheros I have ever used (I have used some before that smelled like feet....P.U.!!!!!). I can put on the pheros from here with NO COVER, and you would never know that I am wearing pheros. 4. The scents here are EXCELLENT, so you can use the scents that are pre-blended with pheros, or you can order an add-in of your choice. No need to use a cover scent. So much easier to use! These are the reasons why I stopped shopping elsewhere. I get more bang for the buck here. And, I can meet all of my phero and perfume needs right here in one place.
  19. Yeah, if I were still needing a variety/large volume of packaging, I would probably go back to a larger company to save some money. I know how hard it is to be a small business owner, though.....every $1 counts.
  20. I used to use sks when I was doing a lot of dry oils, etc and selling them. But there are two reasons I use Accessories for Fragrances now. First, I don't need anything but roll on bottles now, and secondly, I like helping to support a small company. So, I pay more.....I buy a dozen about every 4-5 months. Not serious volume, but I have been buying from her since 2005.
  21. I buy mine here. Great prices, fast service, too.....I buy tons from there. The owner is really nice.
  22. I really like this blend too.....very nice! Dr Stone is a genius!
  23. Me too. I live in the South, and with the heat and humidity in the summer, I can burn through a whole bottle of an alcohol-based spray in a week or two. The oil-based blends last longer.
  24. Dolly

    Carpe Noctum

    I am wearing it layered with Blatant Invitation right now......
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