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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly

    Carpe Noctum

    I am wearing this today, and I can't stop smelling myself!!!! It is truly an addictive scent!
  2. Yes, they ARE that potent.....that is the main reason that I no longer buy pheromones from anywhere but here.
  3. You KNOW I couldn't pass it up!! So, is your hair getting any redder?
  4. I'm going to have to have the two samplers PLUS a full bottle of Crimson Black!
  5. O! M! G! Oh, credit card, where are you? Come here! <whistles loudly>
  6. Amen, Ail! It took me a long time to figure out that men like this did exist.....but I finally found one....after 3 husbands and numerous other relationships that failed miserably (some of which WERE based solely on sex, as I later realized).....
  7. Those are the men, like my darlin', who has realized, from experience, that "beauty fades, but dumb is forever" (that is one of my favorite quotes). A few years ago (before he and I met), he dated a drop-dead gorgeous woman with a "perfect" body, and quickly realized that the physical aspect was all they had in common. He would not introduce her to any of his friends, because as he put it, she carried on conversations that sounded like you were talking to a teen-ager. When he met me, I blew his mind. I am not a dog, but I am not a beauty, either. And, I am plus-sized, which was a new thing for him. But, my personality and intelligence won him, and we are now engaged, and are coming up on our two-year "anniversary".
  8. You're on the right track, hun! And, Luna was spot on with what I was alluding to, but didn't say outright. Go with the non-sexual first, and then grow from there. Treasured Hearts is a GREAT phero blend! You'll love it! Drop Your Guard I have only tried in Synchronicity, but I have heard good things about it also! Enjoy!
  9. I would suggest trying some of the non-sexual pheros first and see what happens. Try Drop Your Guard and/or Treasured Hearts. If that doesn't get what you want, then try Treasured Hearts with Blatant Invitation.....I get good results from that mix, but be warned that it IS a very sexual one.....
  10. It smells REALLY good on my man......on me, it is OK, but not like it is on him.......
  11. SOME (NOT ALL) people feel good from wearing copulins (I think that is a mental thing, and not the cops). Blatant Invitation has made people get that "popularity vibe" because of the other pheros......NOT THE COPS BY THEMSELVES. If you are not interested in sexual responses, I would pick one of the other phero blends......like Treasured Hearts or True Confessions....they both have a "feel good" vibe to them.... Copulins DO NOT help in the workplace! It creates a sexual vibe, plain and simple!!!! Trust me, I've been using EoW for about 5 years now.....
  12. I wear it to bed sometimes when my sweetie isn't sleeping over......but I wear the scented, just because I like it sooooooo much!
  13. EXACTLY why I won't be without a bottle (or two) in my arsenal......
  14. Don't worry.....there are so many of us in the same boat!!
  15. Dolly

    Top Five

    Even though I have times when I waffle back and forth, these are the ones that I find myself reaching for the most often lately......in no particular order..... 1. Dirty Sexy and/or Nasty Habits.....Great layered 2. LP Red and/or Black.....GREAT layered 3. CFM 4. Carpe Noctum 5. Soul Food
  16. BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA.....thank you Luna, for my first giggle of the morning!
  17. Well, I don't know if that is ever going to be an option but at this time, it is not.
  18. Sure thing, hun......you name the time and the place!!
  19. Well, cops have been known to help you get attention, but it may not be the type of attention you are expecting and/or wanting. Cops can be fun, when used in appropriate situations. BUT, it is a SEXUAL trigger, not really a phero. It signals that you, as a female, are ready to mate. If you are looking for more social pheros, I would suggest Treasured Hearts, True Confessions, Dominance, or even Blatant Invitation which has cops PLUS other pheros.
  20. That was going to be my question as well.....what reaction are you hoping to get from EoW?
  21. The unscented phero blends or single pheros are not normally avaiable in trial sizes, as they are expensive. There are decant circles here on the forum, where people split the cost, so keep your eyes open. If I were you, I would try the cuddle bunny and see if it gives you good results. It does have Est in it, so it should be a good indicator for you. ETA: Katz beat me.....double post of info.....
  22. Dolly

    Sugared Honeycomb

    OMG, Countess.....you haven't tried it????? You MUST get some!! NOW!! It is fabulous!
  23. Welcome Carol! Hope you enjoy the forum, and the wonderful smellies!!
  24. Blatant Invitation has done that for some people.....I get more on the "friendly factor" if I layer it with Treasured Hearts.....
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