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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly

    Soul Food

    Update on this one.....I wore it yesterday, and it stuck with me all day.....I could still smell that sweet heady sandalwood when I woke up this morning.....mmmmmm......
  2. That's more like it!! Therapygirl, don't worry.....we'll cover for you till you get back.....good luck at the trial.... Carrie, I love Nasty Habits too (so does my sweetie).....I am sooooo guilty of hoarding that one and Dirty Sexy I.....I have 4 bottles of each.....of course, 1 bottle of each is "spiked" with pheros....teehee.....
  3. Welcome!! There are so many wonderful scents to try here! Florals....wow....tons of them....Wishcraft is a beautiful light floral.....Honeyed Seductions is a dark floral with honey (intensely yummy).....hmmmm....other florals (off the top of my head).....Violitious, Spring Equinox, 11 (floral and fruit), Miasma, Angel of Spring.....you can also order various sugared florals as a special order at any time. Oh, and if you are interested in pheros, try Phero Girl......rich, seductive honey.....OMG.....a real head-turner..... I would suggest also ordering some samples that you think may not be in your normal scent preference zones.....I have found a lot of scents that I adore by doing just that. ENJOY!!
  4. I got mine on ebay..... Search for "perfume locket", "scent locket", "filigree locket", or "vinaigrette"..... You can usually get them for pretty cheap.....
  5. HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA.....girl, you crack me up!! Emse, try a scent locket.....I find it indispensible for those times when I adore a scent but my skin doesn't....
  6. And, my dear, the scented version will be shipped out to you soon as well.....oh what fun you are going to have!!
  7. Why'd you have to say that ?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!! My credit card is already hiding and shaking in fear!
  8. No, I don't think you can do that anymore. It was allowed a couple of times, but now, in order to use the "add pheros" option, you need to order a perfume to add it to. If I were you, I would just order the full sized bottle of the unscented Super Sexy, and mix a little bit of it in a small bottle with your perfume. Either that, or just layer it on your skin.....
  9. Welcome to the forum Rad!!!
  10. Danna had stated once that you can request solids, but I am not sure how much they cost as a special order. At one time, they had LP red and Black solids in stock, so I got both.....
  11. Yeah, I wish all of my clients would give me bonuses like that!
  12. Yeah, it is great stuff.....I am definitely an "Alpha" personality....and it puts me in my element....great self-effects too.....makes me feel good and on top of things..... Yeah Countess, I remember your saying that you are a CPA.....I worked for the govt for 15 years, but am having the best time now that I am self-employed, and work out of my house. Hell, I can work in my pj's......
  13. So today is an unscented Dominance day......supposed to be dealing with some clients who can be a little "difficult". Well, the first client I went to see is a lady who is a relatively new client.....have only been working with her for a couple of months thus far......she is normally a happy person, but not extremely trusting.....she has been "screwed" by people in business relationships in the past.....she is of South American descent, and English is her second language, and she states that some people have tried to take advantage of the fact that she doesn't always completely understand everything they are saying. But, I have always been very up-front with her and take whatever time necessary to make sure that she has a good grasp on what she needs to do. So, this morning I was just dropping off her sales tax returns that I completed, and I walk in, pair of jeans and old t-shirt, hair pulled back in a messy bun, no make up, and sandals.....sporting unscented Dominance with Native Soil. There were a couple of men standing in her shop chatting when I walked in (they were friends of my client), and as I walked past, they sort of backed up.....one got a serious DIHL look on his face. I turned around and smiled, and went on with the conversation with my customer. She looked up at them at one point and said...."This is my CPA".....one just said "Oh really? Wow." I turned to look at him and said, "Yeah, I know I don't look the part." He just said, "I'd rather have a CPA like you. Not so uptight and stuffy, but TOTALLY in control." I was trying not to giggle. IN CONTROL. Exactly the vibe I want to put out there.....no matter what I happen to be wearing. As for my client, she is normally upbeat, but now she is like in love with me.....I leave, and she is telling me to come and have coffee with her and her son next week.....and is blowing me kisses as I'm leaving her shop..... To those of you who missed out on the scented Dominance......get a bottle of this.....it is killer stuff......
  14. LP Black was actually one of the first full bottles I purchased.....I also have it in the solid form.....
  15. Dolly

    Native Soil

    Still loving this scent.....it is a definite winner!! Today I am wearing it atop unscented Dominance.....dealing with unruly clients today.....
  16. OK, I am testing this one this morning......I can't speak as to the pheros in it, but the smell does remind me of a higher-end coffee house. Wet, I get straight cappucino.....strong but with creamy undertones.....as it dries, the coffee notes fade to the background, still there but not as prominent......then, the biscotti notes start emerging.....sugar, almond, a hint of chocolate.....this one is very nice as it morphs on my skin.....I'm personally not too much into foody scents, but this one is nice.....think I'll keep my sample!
  17. Oh yeah, and it's really good too! I wear it for work more than I do the scented version, because it allows for more flexibility in scent choice......
  18. Absolutely not! I have that extra one set aside with your name on it! Will be heading your way soon.....I am batching the soap as we speak! Lifesgood, try the unscented.....it works just as good.....TRUST ME.....and, you can layer it with the fragrance of your choice.....
  19. Countess, I just noticed what you said......hahahahahaaaaaaaaaa
  20. OK, so another encounter with the jerky client and Dominance....hehe....this was the original scented one.....I will be posting another review on the unscented after an appt that I have tomorrow..... So, I went the the jewelry store to pick up some documents, client being grumpy, his wife mumbling to "ignore him, 'cause he's in a bad mood".....I was dealing with her, and he was wandering in and out of the room. He walked in as I was getting ready to leave, and brought a diamond ring that he had made recently. I thought he was just showing it to me, and so I said "That's nice. Good work." He looked at me and said...."No, I want you to have it for finally getting this stuff all straightened out. You saved us over $20K" Then he gave me a big hug. I was stunned, to say the least. His wife was as stunned as I was. She said, "He was complaining all the way here. When you get around him, his whole attitude changes." Thank you Dominance!!
  21. Hey Viv.....you really NEED to try the Essence Oil.....I like it much better than the alcohol-based EoW....
  22. Dolly


    It sure is a super-cool mix! That reminds me.....I need another bottle!
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