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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Glad you enjoy them.....I love playing with pheros.....and now that we have such beautiful potions to help amplify and compliment them, it just makes it that much more fun....
  2. I agree with Scourger.....you may have the first brew. It didn't agree with my chemistry at all......there was a brightness that came through that just didn't mesh with me.....the new ones, however, are deep and rich, and if you like Sugared Honeycomb, you should like this one!! Whether it is the first batch or the re-brews however, you MUST shake it.....it doesn't smell the same otherwise..... If the problem is the pheros, I think that the ladies' UNE is PheroGirl without the Pheros.....
  3. OK, so as some of you saw in the "potion of the day" thread, I was planning to be evil last night....I was going to go watch a college football game with my sweetie and his 2 young kids, ages 10 and 11......my 9 year old would normally be in attendance, but he decided that he would rather spend the night being spoiled at his grandma's house. So, anywhoooo......I applied True Confessions and Treasured Hearts on the backs of my hands and forearms, with no cover.....also a little bit of Treasured Hearts on my neck. Then, on my neck, cleavage, and wrists, I slathered a TON of PheroGirl II.....this is one that my sweetie has occassionally said "that's nice", but has never swooned over......I did this because I didn't want to wear one like CFM which drives him insane within seconds, or Dark Seductions, which he renamed "instant erection", simply because I didn't want it to be too obvious that I was trying to drive him nuts in a situation where he can't really do too much about it.....it's always fun to see him squirm....I know, I'm just TERRIBLE..... So, the first thing is that my fiancee's 10 year old son, who is always nice to me, but never as crazy about me as the 11 year old girl, was just as lovable and sweet, wanting to hug me and sit beside me, and basically being just adorable.....has to be the pheros, because this is TOTALLY out of character for him. Then, at about halftime, both of the kids, who had gone to some neighbors' houses to play with their friends, came in to ask if they could go sleep over at their respective friends' houses. Of course, my darlin' gave his permission......ALONE TIME for the grown-ups!! So, once they had gone, I went into the bathroom, grabbed my Blatant Invitation and put on just two little dabs, on either side of my neck, and slathered on some more PG II. When I walked back in and sat down on the sofa, my darlin' just looks at me with this starry-eyed look.....then he says....."OOOOH, you put on some more perfume, didn't you?" I said "Of course! Do you like it?" He buries his face in my neck and says....."Does the word RAPE mean anything to you?" Well, we were not going to miss the game, because it was a very important one.....BUT, as time passed, it was becoming extremely difficult for him to focus on what was happening there. Needless to say, as soon as the clock on the game ran out (our team won), he was dragging me into the bedroom. What proceeded was some of the hottest, most passionate sex, followed by lots of cuddles and closeness......afterwards, he just kept saying....."No, you need to be closer to me.....no, CLOSER!" It was like he couldn't get enough of me.....he has always been a big cuddler, but last night it was more than usual. And, he wanted to get in some serious intimate conversations while laying there snuggling.......talking about how much he loves me, how our relationship has progressed, how good it has been, what we can do to make it better, etc. He finally went to sleep with his head buried in my neck......then, he got up this morning and made breakfast for me....he's such a sweetheart!! I'm gonna have to be bad more often!!!
  4. Dolly

    Top Five

    Well, my Top 5 FAVORITES doesn't change.....a couple of them (Messalina and Dark Seductions), are in my hoarding section so I don't wear them that often...... But my Top 5 for regular wear lately are (in no particular order): 1) CFM 2) Dirty Sexy 3) Nasty Habits 4) PG II 5) Lady Casanova
  5. You'll catch on fast Terry......Potion Master and Sinister Girl are are two lovely perfumers, Mara and Danna, respectively.....we keep them busy!! And they are true gems!!! Oh, and welcome to our other new members.....Amber and Sultry Brunette!!
  6. Thanks for the review Carrie! I may have to pick up some of that one!
  7. Try Treasured Hearts with True Confessions. It is a good bonding mix.....
  8. You would probaby love Bad Boy, Terry.....a deep vanilla (not overly sweet), leather, resins......mmmmmmm......that one had my mother following my fiancee around, just to smell him......Down and Dirty for men is also a must-have ifyou like resinous scents.....VERY SEXY.....
  9. Dolly

    Autumn Lust

    Tested this one today, after Mermaids wore off.....in the vial it is apples, but as soon as I put it on my skin, my chemistry immediately amps the cinnamon & sugar notes....it's like those jolly rancher cinnamon candies on me. After it dries down a bit, I can smell the apples and the cardamom.....I don't really get the berries, but it is still a nice scent. I like it....I agree with Scourger that it isn't a cliched apple/cinnamon combo.....nice change of pace. This would be the perfect scent to wear on a fall hayride.
  10. Correct you are, sweetie......I just had a brain cramp, I guess.....been one of those weeks!!
  11. Well, Raven's Secret Weapon and Last Breath of Summer are kind of diametrically-opposed to each other......RSV is a deep, dark blend with and Middle-Eastern feel.....Last Breath of Summer is light and sweet (not my personal taste, but still nice). Summer Solstice is actually referred to as LP Red, and it is absolutely breathtaking! That one is also one that, if she likes it, she would be able to continue to re-purchase, as it is a permanent part of the LP line (as are LP original, LP #9, and LP Black).....the others can and DO sell out, and while re-brews are sometimes possible, they are not guaranteed. I'd personally go with the LP Red......
  12. Fab review Terry! The scents here are the best, aren't they? I just started ordering here last winter, and I have accumulated TONS of them......each month, the lovely Mara and Danna seem to outdo themselves....it is amazing! Keep the reviews coming!
  13. Well, I am a long-time phero user (coming up on 5 years now). I have tried all of the "Instant" line, and most, if not all, of the "MX" series. The phero blends here at LP are some of the most potent, effective blends that I have EVER tried.....hands down. Not to mention the fact that they smell SOOOOO GOOOOOOD!!!! I only buy from here now. As far as a limit on how much you can apply, I haven't reached that limit yet......LOL....sometimes I probably wear more than I should, BUT I have also gotten reactions with just the tiniest little bit. The main thing with these blends is that since they are in oil, they diffuse slower.....this can also be a benefit, because you don't need to re-apply as often. My favorite of the unscented blends is Blatant Invitation.....it is strong and "in your face" sexy. Phero Girl is a fabulous scent, honeyed and rich.....it is full of copulins (EoW)...... There are many pheros here, both scented and unscented....even if you like a scent that doesn't have pheros, you can request that the scent be "boosted" with your choice of pheromone concentrates. How cool is that? Oh, and as long as you have made a post within 2 weeks of an order, and you order more than $20 worth, you can get the 2 free samples (once per month).
  14. Well, Dark Seductions doesn't have pheros in it, first of all.....and, Blatant Invitation isn't a scent.....it is an "unscented" phero, meaning it has no additional scent added, but it does stink of copulins. I know that, for me, the only way I can tell if I may have overloaded on too many poducts is if nothing happens....I have layered 2 or 3 pheros at a time, and Countess has blended small amounts of NUMEROUS pheros and blends at a time. Basically, the idea is that "less is more", but the only way you will know what works best for you is to try it and see.
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA I have to go to the Post Office to get mine....you should see the way they look at me when I walk in there 4 times in one day, open the box, peer into it, mumble, and close the box back.....they think I'm nuts.... Welcome lifesgood! Enjoy your scents.....soon you will be an addict like the rest of us!!
  16. Have you made sure to let the EoW dry down COMPLETELY? You really should wait for about 10-15 min before applying your cover scent. Otherwise you will have major bleed-through. You should actually follow the same procedure with the Blatant Invitation, as it does contain EoW (and other pheros), but in an oil base. I actually like the oil based version better..... Since you have that large of a problem with the EoW, do try the PheroGirl. It has a ton of EoW in it, but you cannot detect it at all.....it is a rich honey based scent.....truly decadent. Thank you! That is a good quote....I like it a lot.....and yes, the risk is worth it. Very much so. Enjoy your new smellies, and do let us know what you get......we're nosy that way!
  17. Well, if you've tried EoW, Blatant Invitation smells milder than that.....so, you should have no problem. It gets results EVERY time I wear it.....and that is NOT an exaggeration.... CFM is killer, and so is Naughty Minx.....PheroGirl is a must-have.....it has a ton of EoW in it, but it is so artfully blended that you never smell it.....it is dead-on sexy..... Honeyed Seductions is a really nice, deep rich scent..... The one thing I will suggest as far as the scents here are concerned is to step out of your comfort zone and pick up some samples that you migt think would not normally work for you. I have been amazed by doing this..... Another very nice floral (if it hasn't sold out yet) is Lady Casanova....it is spicy and regal, yet floral.....and it is a very complex scent.....absolutely gorgeous.... Have some fun......try some new things....oh, and WELCOME to the forum!! Oh, and I almost forgot.....since you are now an active forum member, check this post.....you can get some freebies.... http ://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.p...=0&start=0
  18. Welcome to the forum! Glad you are enjoying the scents......the one you are loving has an extra kick built in.....not only is it based on a love spell, it also has the "soulmate" pheromone blend..... Let us know if it works! And, join in with some discussions.....we'd love to hear your thoughts on the other scents!!
  19. I apply it ONCE and it lasts all day. You will have to experiment to find your own sweet spot, because most of us use different amounts. I use a LOT. But, if you are just starting, just roll a tiny bit on your wrists and frontal neck pulses, and let it dry down for about 10-15 min. Then add the CFM.....if you don't get any reactions from it, add more. When you find your proper dosage, you WILL get reactions......trust me. But, if you are new to cops, be warned that the reactions can be extreme, full-on sexual reactions, and in public by strangers.....be PREPARED for this. Speaking of a man being repelled by the scent, I made a post this morning.....I had a revelation moment with my sweetie regarding the smell of cops.....you may want to take a peek.... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=1344
  20. You're very welcome! We are glad to have some men coming in to give us some reviews and opinions on the pheros and men's scents......usually we have to either slather them on ourselves, our boyfriends, or random men just to get the full effect.....
  21. Hey Phat, maybe you could try out the unscented Popularity Potion....I hear it's really good (I've never personally tried it yet, but plan to).....you could cover it with one of the men's scents.....Bad Boy is nice.....so is Down and Dirty for men...... You might also like the Unscented True Confessions.....I have it, and it's really good!
  22. OK, now I am going back to the conversation. I agree with you Katz.....I am 41 this year, and I am enjoying this time in my life more than any other thus far. My 20's were absolute hell.......so were most of my 30's, as a matter of fact. The last 5 years have been really rough, but I have finally found that spot where I know who I am, and am no longer trying to be what other people want. I am me, PERIOD. I feel very content with that. I also made a decison as to what I will and will not tolerate in a relationship. I would rather be happy alone than miserable with somebody. Along with that realization came the relationship that I had been looking for all those years.....just when I stopped "looking", he showed up! It DOES get better ladies.....just hang in there!!
  23. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you can only get the 2 free ones once a month.... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.p...t=0&start=0
  24. Dolly

    Classic Seduction

    One of my favorite restaurants, which specializes in Greek and Lebanese foods serves "Lebanese Iced Tea"......it is Iced Tea with heavy lemon and a splash of rosewater.....occassionally they also throw some pinenuts into it.....yummy!
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